coord2d 0.1.14

rust lib for coordinate in 2d system
coord2d-0.1.14 has been yanked.

modules coord2d

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rust lib for coordinate in 2d system

example Coord

use coord2d::*;
fn main () {
    let a: coords::Coord = new_coord!(1, 2.0);
    let x: f64 = 3.0;
    let y: i32 = 3;
    let b: coords::Coord = new_coord!(x, y);
    // math
    let c: coords::Coord = a + b;
    let d: coords::Coord = a - c;
    let e: coords::Coord = a * d;
    let f: coords::Coord = a / a;
    // to vec
    let g: Vec<f64> = a.to_vec();
    // to tuple
    let i: (f64, f64) = c.to_tuple();
    // split
    let (r, o) = e.split();
    println!("let a: coord::Coord = coord::new(1, 2); | {:?}", a);
    println!("\nlet (x , y) = (3, 3);\nlet b: coord::Coord = coord::new(x, y); | {:?}", b);
    println!("\nlet c: coord::Coord = a + b; | {:?}", c);
    println!("\nlet d: coord::Coord = a - c; | {:?}", d);
    println!("\nlet e: coord::Coord = a * d; | {:?}", e);
    println!("\nlet f: coord::Coord = a / a; | {:?}", f);
    println!("\n let g: Vec<f64> = a.to_vec(); {:?}", g);
    println!("\n let i: (f64, f64) = c.to_tuple(); | {:?}", i);
    println!("\n let (r, o) = e.split(); r={}, o={}" ,r,o);

example Vectors

use coord2d::*;

fn main () {
    let a: coords::Coord = new_coord!(1, 2.0);
    let x: f64 = 3.0;
    let y: i32 = 3;
    let b: coords::Coord = new_coord!(x, y);
    let d: coords::Coord = a - b;
    let e: coords::Coord = a * d;
    let h:vectors::Vector = new_vector!(a, b);
    let l:vectors::Vector = new_vector!(d, e);
    let m = h + l;
    let s = h + l;
    let w = m + h;
    let t = h + s;
    let vec = s.to_vec();
    let tup = s.to_tuple();
    let mag = t.get_magnitude();
    println!("\nlet h = points::new(a, b); | {:?}", h);
    println!("\nlet m = h + l; | {:?}", m);
    println!("\nlet s = h + l; | {:?}", s);
    println!("\nlet w = m + h; | {:?}", w);
    println!("\nlet t = h + s; | {:?}", t);
    println!("\nlet mag = t.get_magnitude(); | {}", mag);
    println!("\nlet vec = s.to_vec(); | {:?}" , vec);
    println!("let tup = s.to_tuple(); | {:?}" , tup);


  • basic math
  • add fn give magnitude of vector
  • add properties
  • fix coord to accept other integers and floats types such as:
    i8, i16, i32, i64,
    u8, u16, u32, u64, usize
    f32, f64
  • improve magnitude calculation function


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