coolssh 1.2.0

SSH 2.0 Client

Pure-rust SSH 2.0 Client

Example: Initiating a fetch from github

use std::net::TcpStream;
use coolssh::{create_ed25519_keypair, dump_ed25519_pk_openssh, Connection};

let hex_keypair: String = create_ed25519_keypair();
println!("Key Pair (private): {}", hex_keypair);

let github_account_id = "";
let openssh_encoded_pubkey = dump_ed25519_pk_openssh(&hex_keypair, github_account_id);
println!("OpenSSH-Encoded Public Key {}", openssh_encoded_pubkey);
// Add the public key to `authorized_keys` on your server
// ->

let stream = TcpStream::connect("").unwrap();
let mut conn = Connection::new(stream, ("git", hex_keypair.as_str()).into()).unwrap();

// set appropriate read timeout (preferably after authentication):
conn.mutate_stream(|stream| {
    let timeout = std::time::Duration::from_millis(200);

let env = [];
let run ="git-upload-pack rust-lang/rust.git", &env).unwrap();

Supported SSH Algorithms

  • Key Exchange: curve25519-sha256
  • Public Keys: ssh-ed25519
  • Encryption: aes256-ctr
  • MAC: hmac-sha2-256
  • Compression: none

Future improvements

  • no_std compatibility
  • allow multiple commands to run simultaneously (API change)
  • server mode

Feel free to submit pull request for these.