contructor-derive 0.1.0

Registers a function to be called before/after main (if an executable) or when loaded/unloaded (if a dynamic library).

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Registers a function to be called before/after main (if an executable) or when loaded/unloaded (if a dynamic library).


Use this library is unsafe unless you want to interop directly with a FFI library.

Please consider to use the lazy-static crate instead of it.


Add the following dependency to your Cargo manifest...

contructor_derive = "0.1.0"


extern crate contructor_derive;

pub static mut RAN: bool = false;

extern "C" fn set_ran() {
    unsafe { RAN = true }

extern "C" fn reset_ran() {
    unsafe { RAN = false }

fn main() {
    assert!(unsafe { RAN });


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