constriction 0.3.0

Entropy coders for research and production (Rust and Python).
//! Experimental entropy coding algorithm for advanced variants of bitsback coding.
//! This module provides the [`ChainCoder`], an experimental entropy coder that is similar
//! to an [`AnsCoder`] in that it operates as a stack (i.e., a last-in-first-out data
//! structure). However, different to an `AnsCoder`, a `ChainCoder` treats each symbol
//! independently. Thus, when decoding some bit string into a sequence of symbols, any
//! modification to the entropy model for one symbol does not affect decoding for any other
//! symbol (by contrast, when decoding with an `AnsCoder` then changing the entropy model
//! for one symbol can affect *all* subsequently decoded symbols too, see
//! [Motivation](#motivation) below).
//! This property of treating symbols independently upon decoding can be useful for advanced
//! compression methods that combine inference, quantization, and bits-back coding.
//! # Motivation
//! The following example illustrates how decoding differs between an [`AnsCoder`] and a
//! [`ChainCoder`]. We decode the same bitstring `data` twice with each coder: once with a
//! sequence of toy entropy models, and then a second time with slightly different sequence
//! of entropy models. Importantly, only the entropy model for the first decoded symbol
//! differs between the two applications of each coder. We then observe that
//! - with the `AnsCoder`, changing the first entropy model affects not only the first
//!   decoded symbol but also has a ripple effect that can affect subsequently decoded
//!   symbols; while
//! - with the `ChainCoder`, changing the first entropy model affects only the first decoded
//!   symbol; all subsequently decoded symbols remain unchanged.
//! ```
//! use constriction::stream::{
//!     model::DefaultContiguousCategoricalEntropyModel,
//!     stack::DefaultAnsCoder, chain::DefaultChainCoder, Decode
//! };
//! /// Shorthand for decoding a sequence of symbols with categorical entropy models.
//! fn decode_categoricals<Decoder: Decode<24, Word = u32>>(
//!     decoder: &mut Decoder,
//!     probabilities: &[[f64; 4]],
//! ) -> Vec<usize> {
//!     let entropy_models = probabilities
//!         .iter()
//!         .map(
//!             |probs| DefaultContiguousCategoricalEntropyModel
//!                 ::from_floating_point_probabilities(probs).unwrap()
//!         );
//!     decoder.decode_symbols(entropy_models).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>().unwrap()
//! }
//! // Let's define some sample binary data and some probabilities for our entropy models
//! let data = vec![0x80d1_4131, 0xdda9_7c6c, 0x5017_a640, 0x0117_0a3d];
//! let mut probabilities = [
//!     [0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.1], // Probabilities for the entropy model of the first decoded symbol.
//!     [0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.5], // Probabilities for the entropy model of the second decoded symbol.
//!     [0.2, 0.1, 0.4, 0.3], // Probabilities for the entropy model of the third decoded symbol.
//! ];
//! // Decoding the binary data with an `AnsCoder` results in the symbols `[0, 0, 1]`.
//! let mut ans_coder = DefaultAnsCoder::from_binary(data.clone()).unwrap();
//! let symbols = decode_categoricals(&mut ans_coder, &probabilities);
//! assert_eq!(symbols, [0, 0, 1]);
//! // Even if we change only the first entropy model (slightly), *all* decoded symbols can change:
//! probabilities[0] = [0.09, 0.71, 0.1, 0.1]; // was: `[0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.1]`
//! let mut ans_coder = DefaultAnsCoder::from_binary(data.clone()).unwrap();
//! let symbols = decode_categoricals(&mut ans_coder, &probabilities);
//! assert_eq!(symbols, [1, 0, 3]); // (instead of `[0, 0, 1]` from above)
//! // It's no surprise that the first symbol changed since we changed its entropy model. But
//! // note that the third symbol changed too even though we hadn't changed its entropy model.
//! // --> Changes to entropy models (and also to compressed bits) have a *global* effect.
//! // Let's try the same with a `ChainCoder`:
//! probabilities[0] = [0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.1]; // Restore original entropy model for first symbol.
//! let mut chain_coder = DefaultChainCoder::from_binary(data.clone()).unwrap();
//! let symbols = decode_categoricals(&mut chain_coder, &probabilities);
//! assert_eq!(symbols, [0, 3, 3]);
//! // We get different symbols than for the `AnsCoder`, of course, but that's not the point here.
//! probabilities[0] = [0.09, 0.71, 0.1, 0.1]; // Change the first entropy model again slightly.
//! let mut chain_coder = DefaultChainCoder::from_binary(data).unwrap();
//! let symbols = decode_categoricals(&mut chain_coder, &probabilities);
//! assert_eq!(symbols, [1, 3, 3]); // (instead of `[0, 3, 3]` from above)
//! // The only symbol that changed was the one whose entropy model we had changed.
//! // --> In a `ChainCoder`, changes to entropy models (and also to compressed bits)
//! //     only have a *local* effect on the decompressed symbols.
//! ```
//! # How does this work?
//! TODO
//! [`AnsCoder`]: super::stack::AnsCoder

use alloc::vec::Vec;

use core::{borrow::Borrow, convert::Infallible, fmt::Display};

use num_traits::AsPrimitive;

use super::{
    model::{DecoderModel, EncoderModel},
    Code, Decode, Encode, TryCodingError,
use crate::{
    backends::{ReadWords, WriteWords},
    BitArray, CoderError, DefaultEncoderFrontendError, NonZeroBitArray, Pos, PosSeek, Seek, Stack,

/// Experimental entropy coder for advanced variants of bitsback coding.
/// See [module level documentation](super) for motivation and explanation of the
/// implemented entropy coding algorithm.
///  # Intended Usage
/// A typical usage cycle goes along the following steps:
/// ## When compressing data using the bits-back trick
/// 0. Start with some stack of (typically already compressed) binary data, which you want
///    to piggy-back into the choice of certain latent variables.
/// 1. Create a `ChainCoder` by calling [`ChainCoder::from_binary`] or
///    [`ChainCoder::from_compressed`] (depending on whether you can guarantee that the
///    stack of binary data has a nonzero word on top).
/// 2. Use the `ChainCoder` and a sequence of entropy models to decode some symbols.
/// 3. Export the remainders data on the `ChainCoder` by calling [`.into_remainders()`].
/// ## When decompressing the data
/// 1. Create a `ChainCoder` by calling [`ChainCoder::from_remainders`].
/// 2. Encode the symbols you obtained in Step 2 above back onto the new chain coder (in
///    reverse order) using the same entropy models.
/// 3. Recover the original binary data from Step 0 above by calling [`.into_binary()`] or
///    [`.into_compressed()`] (using the `analogous choice as in Step 1 above).
/// # Examples
/// The following two examples show two variants of the typical usage cycle described above.
/// ```
/// use constriction::stream::{model::DefaultLeakyQuantizer, Decode, chain::DefaultChainCoder};
/// use probability::distribution::Gaussian;
/// // Step 0 of the compressor: Generate some sample binary data for demonstration purpose.
/// let original_data = (0..100u32).map(
///     |i| i.wrapping_mul(0xad5f_b2ed).wrapping_add(0xed55_4892)
/// ).collect::<Vec<_>>();
/// // Step 1 of the compressor: obtain a `ChainCoder` from the original binary data.
/// let mut coder = DefaultChainCoder::from_binary(original_data.clone()).unwrap();
/// // Step 2 of the compressor: decode data into symbols using some entropy models.
/// let quantizer = DefaultLeakyQuantizer::new(-100..=100);
/// let models = (0..50u32).map(|i| quantizer.quantize(Gaussian::new(i as f64, 10.0)));
/// let symbols = coder.decode_symbols(models.clone()).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>().unwrap();
/// // Step 3 of the compressor: export the remainders data.
/// let (remainders_prefix, remainders_suffix) = coder.into_remainders().unwrap();
/// // (verify that we've indeed reduced the amount of data:)
/// assert!(remainders_prefix.len() + remainders_suffix.len() < original_data.len());
/// // ... do something with the `symbols`, then recover them later ...
/// // Step 1 of the decompressor: create a `ChainCoder` from the remainders data. We only really
/// // need the `remainders_suffix` here, but it would also be legal to use the concatenation of
/// // `remainders_prefix` with `remainders_suffix` (see other example below).
/// let mut coder = DefaultChainCoder::from_remainders(remainders_suffix).unwrap();
/// // Step 2 of the decompressor: re-encode the symbols in reverse order.
/// coder.encode_symbols_reverse(symbols.into_iter().zip(models));
/// // Step 3 of the decompressor: recover the original data.
/// let (recovered_prefix, recovered_suffix) = coder.into_binary().unwrap();
/// assert!(recovered_prefix.is_empty());  // Empty because we discarded `remainders_prefix` above.
/// let mut recovered = remainders_prefix;  // But we have to prepend it to the recovered data now.
/// recovered.extend_from_slice(&recovered_suffix);
/// assert_eq!(recovered, original_data);
/// ```
/// In Step 3 of the compressor in the example above, calling `.into_remainders()` on a
/// `ChainCoder` returns a tuple of a `remainders_prefix` and a `remainders_suffix`. The
/// `remainders_prefix` contains superflous data that we didn't need when decoding the
/// `symbols` (`remainders_prefix` is an unaltered prefix of the original `data`). We
/// therefore don't need `remainders_prefix` for re-encoding the symbols, so we didn't pass
/// it to `ChainCoder::from_remainders` in Step 1 of the decompressor above.
/// If we were to write out `remainders_prefix` and `remainders_suffix` to a file then it
/// would be tedious to keep track of where the prefix ends and where the suffix begins.
/// Luckily, we don't have to do this. We can just as well concatenate `remainders_prefix`
/// and `remainders_suffix` right away. The only additional change this will cause is that
/// the call to `.into_binary()` in Step 3 of the decompressor will then return a non-empty
/// `recovered_prefix` because the second `ChainCoder` will then also have some superflous
/// data. So we'll have to again concatenate the two returned buffers. The following example
/// shows how this works:
/// ```
/// # use constriction::stream::{model::DefaultLeakyQuantizer, Decode, chain::DefaultChainCoder};
/// # use probability::distribution::Gaussian;
/// # let original_data = (0..100u32).map(
/// #     |i| i.wrapping_mul(0xad5f_b2ed).wrapping_add(0xed55_4892)
/// # ).collect::<Vec<_>>();
/// # let mut coder = DefaultChainCoder::from_binary(original_data.clone()).unwrap();
/// # let quantizer = DefaultLeakyQuantizer::new(-100..=100);
/// # let models = (0..50u32).map(|i| quantizer.quantize(Gaussian::new(i as f64, 10.0)));
/// # let symbols = coder.decode_symbols(models.clone()).collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>().unwrap();
/// # let (remainders_prefix, remainders_suffix) = coder.into_remainders().unwrap();
/// // ... compressor same as in the previous example above ...
/// // Alternative Step 1 of the decompressor: concatenate `remainders_prefix` with
/// // `remainders_suffix` before creating a `ChainCoder` from them.
/// let mut remainders = remainders_prefix;
/// remainders.extend_from_slice(&remainders_suffix);
/// let mut coder = DefaultChainCoder::from_remainders(remainders).unwrap();
/// // Step 2 of the decompressor: re-encode symbols in reverse order (same as in previous example).
/// coder.encode_symbols_reverse(symbols.into_iter().zip(models));
/// // Alternative Step 3 of the decompressor: recover the original data by another concatenation.
/// let (recovered_prefix, recovered_suffix) = coder.into_binary().unwrap();
/// assert!(!recovered_prefix.is_empty());  // No longer empty because there was superflous data.
/// let mut recovered = recovered_prefix;   // So we have to concatenate `recovered_{pre,suf}fix`.
/// recovered.extend_from_slice(&recovered_suffix);
/// assert_eq!(recovered, original_data);
/// ```
/// [`.into_remainders()`]: Self::into_remainders
/// [`.into_binary()`]: Self::into_binary
/// [`.into_compressed()`]: Self::into_compressed
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ChainCoder<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, const PRECISION: usize>
    Word: BitArray + Into<State>,
    State: BitArray + AsPrimitive<Word>,
    /// The compressed bit string. Written to by encoder, read from by decoder.
    compressed: CompressedBackend,

    /// Leftover information from decoding. Read from by encoder, written to by decoder.
    remainders: RemaindersBackend,

    heads: ChainCoderHeads<Word, State, PRECISION>,

/// Type of the internal state used by [`ChainCoder<Word, State>`]. Relevant for
/// [`Seek`]ing.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct ChainCoderHeads<Word: BitArray, State: BitArray, const PRECISION: usize> {
    /// All bits following the highest order bit (which is a given in a `NonZero`) are
    /// leftover bits from previous reads from `compressed` that still need to be consumed.
    /// Thus, there are at most `Word::BITS - 1` leftover bits at any time.
    compressed: Word::NonZero,

    /// Satisfies invariants:
    /// - `heads.remainders >= 1 << (State::BITS - Word::BITS - PRECISION)`; and
    /// - `heads.remainders < 1 << (State::BITS - PRECISION)`
    remainders: State,

impl<Word: BitArray, State: BitArray, const PRECISION: usize>
    ChainCoderHeads<Word, State, PRECISION>
    /// Returns `true` iff there's currently an integer amount of `Words` on `compressed`
    pub fn is_whole(self) -> bool {
        self.compressed.get() == Word::one()

    /// Private on purpose.
    fn new<B: ReadWords<Word, Stack>>(
        source: &mut B,
        push_one: bool,
    ) -> Result<ChainCoderHeads<Word, State, PRECISION>, CoderError<(), B::ReadError>>
        Word: Into<State>,
        assert!(State::BITS >= Word::BITS + PRECISION);
        assert!(PRECISION > 0);
        assert!(PRECISION <= Word::BITS);

        let threshold = State::one() << (State::BITS - Word::BITS - PRECISION);
        let mut remainders_head = if push_one {
        } else {
            match {
                Some(word) if word != Word::zero() => word.into(),
                _ => return Err(CoderError::Frontend(())),
        while remainders_head < threshold {
            remainders_head = remainders_head << Word::BITS

        Ok(ChainCoderHeads {
            compressed: Word::one().into_nonzero().expect("1 != 0"),
            remainders: remainders_head,

pub type DefaultChainCoder = ChainCoder<u32, u64, Vec<u32>, Vec<u32>, 24>;
pub type SmallChainCoder = ChainCoder<u16, u32, Vec<u16>, Vec<u16>, 12>;

impl<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, const PRECISION: usize>
    ChainCoder<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, PRECISION>
    Word: BitArray + Into<State>,
    State: BitArray + AsPrimitive<Word>,
    /// Creates a new `ChainCoder` for decoding from the provided `data`.
    /// The reader `data` must have enough words to initialize the chain heads but can
    /// otherwise be arbitrary. In particualar, `data` doesn't necessary have to come from
    /// an [`AnsCoder`]. If you know that `data` comes from an `AnsCoder` then it's slightly
    /// better to call [`from_compressed`] instead.
    /// Retuns an error if `data` does not have enough words to initialize the chain heads
    /// or if reading from `data` lead to an error.
    /// [`AnsCoder`]: super::stack::AnsCoder
    /// [`from_compressed`]: Self::from_compressed
    pub fn from_binary(
        mut data: CompressedBackend,
    ) -> Result<Self, CoderError<CompressedBackend, CompressedBackend::ReadError>>
        CompressedBackend: ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
        RemaindersBackend: Default,
        let heads = match ChainCoderHeads::new(&mut data, true) {
            Ok(heads) => heads,
            Err(CoderError::Frontend(())) => return Err(CoderError::Frontend(data)),
            Err(CoderError::Backend(err)) => return Err(CoderError::Backend(err)),
        let remainders = RemaindersBackend::default();

        Ok(Self {
            compressed: data,

    /// Creates a new `ChainCoder` for decoding from the compressed data of an [`AnsCoder`]
    /// The provided read backend `compressed`, must have enough words to initialize the
    /// chain heads and must not have a zero word at the current read position. The latter
    /// is always satisfied for (nonempty) data returned from [`AnsCoder::into_compressed`].
    /// Retuns an error if `compressed` does not have enough words, if reading from
    /// `compressed` lead to an error, or if the first word read from `compressed` is zero.
    /// [`AnsCoder`]: super::stack::AnsCoder
    /// [`AnsCoder::into_compressed`]: super::stack::AnsCoder::into_compressed
    pub fn from_compressed(
        mut compressed: CompressedBackend,
    ) -> Result<Self, CoderError<CompressedBackend, CompressedBackend::ReadError>>
        CompressedBackend: ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
        RemaindersBackend: Default,
        let heads = match ChainCoderHeads::new(&mut compressed, false) {
            Ok(heads) => heads,
            Err(CoderError::Frontend(())) => return Err(CoderError::Frontend(compressed)),
            Err(CoderError::Backend(err)) => return Err(CoderError::Backend(err)),
        let remainders = RemaindersBackend::default();

        Ok(Self {

    /// Terminates decoding and returns the remainders bit string as a tuple `(prefix,
    /// suffix)`.
    /// - The `prefix` is a shortened but otherwise unaltered variant of the data from which
    ///   you created this `ChainCoder` when you called [`ChainCoder::from_binary`] or
    ///   [`ChainCoder::from_compressed`].
    /// - The `suffix` is a stack with at least two nonzero words on top.
    /// You can use the returned tuple `(prefix, suffix)` in either of the following two
    /// ways (see examples in the [struct level documentation](ChainCoder)):
    /// - Either put `prefix` away and continue only with `suffix` as follows:
    ///   1. obtain a new `ChainCoder` by calling [`ChainCoder::from_remainders(suffix)`];
    ///   2. encode the same symbols that you decoded from the original `ChainCoder` back
    ///      onto the new `ChainCoder` (in reverse order);
    ///   3. call [`.into_binary()`] or [`.into_compressed()`] on the new `ChainCoder` to
    ///      obatain another tuple `(prefix2, suffix2)`.
    ///   4. concatenate `prefix`, `prefix2`, and `suffix2` to recover the data from which
    ///      you created the original `ChainCoder` when you constructed it with
    ///      [`ChainCoder::from_binary`] or [`ChainCoder::from_compressed`], respectively.
    /// - Or you can concatenate `prefix` with `suffix`, create a new `ChainCoder` from the
    ///   concatenation by calling `ChainCoder::from_remainders(concatenation)`, continue
    ///   with steps 2 and 3 above, and then just concatenate `prefix2` with `suffix2` to
    ///   recover the original data.
    /// [`ChainCoder::from_remainders(suffix)`]: Self::from_remainders
    /// [`.into_binary()`]: Self::into_binary
    /// [`.into_compressed()`]: Self::into_compressed
    pub fn into_remainders(
        mut self,
    ) -> Result<(CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend), RemaindersBackend::WriteError>
        RemaindersBackend: WriteWords<Word>,
        // Flush remainders head.
        while self.heads.remainders != State::zero() {
            self.heads.remainders = self.heads.remainders >> Word::BITS;

        // Transfer compressed head onto `remainders`.

        Ok((self.compressed, self.remainders))

    /// Creates a new `ChainCoder` for encoding some symbols together with the data
    /// previously obtained from [`into_remainders`].
    /// See [`into_remainders`] for detailed explanation.
    /// [`into_remainders`]: Self::into_remainders
    pub fn from_remainders(
        mut remainders: RemaindersBackend,
    ) -> Result<Self, CoderError<RemaindersBackend, RemaindersBackend::ReadError>>
        RemaindersBackend: ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
        CompressedBackend: Default,
        let compressed_head = match {
            Some(word) => word,
            _ => return Err(CoderError::Frontend(remainders)),
        let mut heads = match ChainCoderHeads::new(&mut remainders, false) {
            Ok(heads) => heads,
            Err(CoderError::Frontend(())) => return Err(CoderError::Frontend(remainders)),
            Err(CoderError::Backend(err)) => return Err(CoderError::Backend(err)),
        heads.compressed = compressed_head;

        let compressed = CompressedBackend::default();

        Ok(Self {

    /// Terminates encoding if possible and returns the compressed data as a tuple `(prefix,
    /// suffix)`
    /// Call this method only if the original `ChainCoder` used for decoding was constructed
    /// with [`ChainCoder::from_compressed`] (typically if the original data came from an
    /// [`AnsCoder`]). If the original `ChainCoder` was instead constructed with
    /// [`ChainCoder::from_binary`] then call [`.into_binary()`] instead.
    /// Returns an error unless there's currently an integer amount of `Words` in the
    /// compressed data (which will be the case if you've used the `ChainCoder` correctly,
    /// see also [`is_whole`]).
    /// See [`into_remainders`] for usage instructions.
    /// [`is_whole`]: Self::is_whole
    /// [`AnsCoder`]: super::stack::AnsCoder
    /// [`.into_binary()`]: Self::into_binary
    /// [`into_remainders`]: Self::into_remainders
    pub fn into_compressed(
        mut self,
    ) -> Result<
        (RemaindersBackend, CompressedBackend),
        CoderError<Self, CompressedBackend::WriteError>,
        CompressedBackend: WriteWords<Word>,
        if !self.is_whole() {
            return Err(CoderError::Frontend(self));

        // Transfer remainders head onto `compressed`.
        while self.heads.remainders != State::zero() {
            self.heads.remainders = self.heads.remainders >> Word::BITS;

        Ok((self.remainders, self.compressed))

    /// Terminates encoding if possible and returns the compressed data as a tuple `(prefix,
    /// suffix)`
    /// Call this method only if the original `ChainCoder` used for decoding was constructed
    /// with [`ChainCoder::from_binary`]. If the original `ChainCoder` was instead
    /// constructed with [`ChainCoder::from_compressed`] then call [`.into_compressed()`]
    /// instead.
    /// Returns an error unless there's currently an integer amount of `Words` in the both
    /// the compressed data and the remainders data (which will be the case if you've used
    /// the `ChainCoder` correctly and if the original chain coder was constructed with
    /// `from_binary` rather than `from_compressed`).
    /// See [`into_remainders`] for usage instructions.
    /// [`is_whole`]: Self::is_whole
    /// [`AnsCoder`]: super::stack::AnsCoder
    /// [`.into_compressed()`]: Self::into_compressed
    /// [`into_remainders`]: Self::into_remainders
    pub fn into_binary(
        mut self,
    ) -> Result<
        (RemaindersBackend, CompressedBackend),
        CoderError<Self, CompressedBackend::WriteError>,
        CompressedBackend: WriteWords<Word>,
        if !self.is_whole()
            || (State::BITS - self.heads.remainders.leading_zeros() as usize - 1) % Word::BITS != 0
            return Err(CoderError::Frontend(self));

        // Transfer remainders head onto `compressed`.
        while self.heads.remainders > State::one() {
            self.heads.remainders = self.heads.remainders >> Word::BITS;

        debug_assert!(self.heads.remainders == State::one());

        Ok((self.remainders, self.compressed))

    /// Returns `true` iff there's currently an integer amount of `Words` in the compressed data
    pub fn is_whole(&self) -> bool {
        self.heads.compressed.get() == Word::one()

    pub fn encode_symbols_reverse<S, M, I>(
        &mut self,
        symbols_and_models: I,
    ) -> Result<(), EncoderError<Word, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend>>
        S: Borrow<M::Symbol>,
        M: EncoderModel<PRECISION>,
        M::Probability: Into<Word>,
        Word: AsPrimitive<M::Probability>,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = (S, M)>,
        I::IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator,
        CompressedBackend: WriteWords<Word>,
        RemaindersBackend: ReadWords<Word, Stack>,

    pub fn try_encode_symbols_reverse<S, M, E, I>(
        &mut self,
        symbols_and_models: I,
    ) -> Result<(), TryCodingError<EncoderError<Word, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend>, E>>
        S: Borrow<M::Symbol>,
        M: EncoderModel<PRECISION>,
        M::Probability: Into<Word>,
        Word: AsPrimitive<M::Probability>,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = core::result::Result<(S, M), E>>,
        I::IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator,
        CompressedBackend: WriteWords<Word>,
        RemaindersBackend: ReadWords<Word, Stack>,

    pub fn encode_iid_symbols_reverse<S, M, I>(
        &mut self,
        symbols: I,
        model: M,
    ) -> Result<(), EncoderError<Word, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend>>
        S: Borrow<M::Symbol>,
        M: EncoderModel<PRECISION> + Copy,
        M::Probability: Into<Word>,
        Word: AsPrimitive<M::Probability>,
        I: IntoIterator<Item = S>,
        I::IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator,
        CompressedBackend: WriteWords<Word>,
        RemaindersBackend: ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
        self.encode_iid_symbols(symbols.into_iter().rev(), model)

    pub fn increase_precision<const NEW_PRECISION: usize>(
        mut self,
    ) -> Result<
        ChainCoder<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, NEW_PRECISION>,
        CoderError<Infallible, BackendError<Infallible, RemaindersBackend::WriteError>>,
        RemaindersBackend: WriteWords<Word>,
        assert!(NEW_PRECISION >= PRECISION);
        assert!(NEW_PRECISION <= Word::BITS);
        assert!(State::BITS >= Word::BITS + NEW_PRECISION);

        if self.heads.remainders >= State::one() << (State::BITS - NEW_PRECISION) {

        Ok(ChainCoder {
            compressed: self.compressed,
            remainders: self.remainders,
            heads: ChainCoderHeads {
                compressed: self.heads.compressed,
                remainders: self.heads.remainders,

    pub fn decrease_precision<const NEW_PRECISION: usize>(
        mut self,
    ) -> Result<
        ChainCoder<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, NEW_PRECISION>,
        CoderError<EncoderFrontendError, BackendError<Infallible, RemaindersBackend::ReadError>>,
        RemaindersBackend: ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
        assert!(NEW_PRECISION <= PRECISION);
        assert!(NEW_PRECISION > 0);

        if self.heads.remainders < State::one() << (State::BITS - NEW_PRECISION - Word::BITS) {
            // Won't truncate since, from the above check it follows that we satisfy the contract
            // `self.heads.remainders < 1 << (State::BITS - Word::BITS)`.

        Ok(ChainCoder {
            compressed: self.compressed,
            remainders: self.remainders,
            heads: ChainCoderHeads {
                compressed: self.heads.compressed,
                remainders: self.heads.remainders,

    /// Converts the `stable::Decoder` into a new `stable::Decoder` that accepts entropy
    /// models with a different fixed-point precision.
    /// Here, "precision" refers to the number of bits with which probabilities are
    /// represented in entropy models passed to the `decode_XXX` methods.
    /// The generic argument `NEW_PRECISION` can usually be omitted because the compiler
    /// can infer its value from the first time the new `stable::Decoder` is used for
    /// decoding. The recommended usage pattern is to store the returned
    /// `stable::Decoder` in a variable that shadows the old `stable::Decoder` (since
    /// the old one gets consumed anyway), i.e.,
    /// `let mut stable_decoder = stable_decoder.change_precision()`. See example below.
    /// # Failure Case
    /// The conversion can only fail if *all* of the following conditions are true
    /// - `NEW_PRECISION < PRECISION`; and
    /// - the `ChainCoder` has already been used incorrectly: it
    ///   must have encoded too many symbols or used the wrong sequence of entropy
    ///   models, causing it to use up just a few more bits of `remainders` than available
    ///   (but also not exceeding the capacity enough for this to be detected during
    ///   encoding).
    /// In the event of this failure, `change_precision` returns `Err(self)`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    /// use constriction::stream::{model::LeakyQuantizer, Decode, chain::DefaultChainCoder};
    /// // Construct two entropy models with 24 bits and 20 bits of precision, respectively.
    /// let continuous_distribution = probability::distribution::Gaussian::new(0.0, 10.0);
    /// let quantizer24 = LeakyQuantizer::<_, _, u32, 24>::new(-100..=100);
    /// let quantizer20 = LeakyQuantizer::<_, _, u32, 20>::new(-100..=100);
    /// let distribution24 = quantizer24.quantize(continuous_distribution);
    /// let distribution20 = quantizer20.quantize(continuous_distribution);
    /// // Construct a `ChainCoder` and decode some data with the 24 bit precision entropy model.
    /// let data = vec![0x0123_4567u32, 0x89ab_cdef];
    /// let mut coder = DefaultChainCoder::from_binary(data).unwrap();
    /// let _symbol_a = coder.decode_symbol(distribution24);
    /// // Change `coder`'s precision and decode data with the 20 bit precision entropy model.
    /// // The compiler can infer the new precision based on how `coder` will be used.
    /// let mut coder = coder.change_precision().unwrap();
    /// let _symbol_b = coder.decode_symbol(distribution20);
    /// ```
    pub fn change_precision<const NEW_PRECISION: usize>(
    ) -> Result<
        ChainCoder<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, NEW_PRECISION>,
        ChangePrecisionError<Word, RemaindersBackend>,
        RemaindersBackend: WriteWords<Word> + ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
        } else {

    /// This would flush meaningless zero bits if `self.heads.remainders < 1 << Word::BITS`.
    fn flush_remainders_head<FrontendError, ReadError>(
        &mut self,
    ) -> Result<(), CoderError<FrontendError, BackendError<ReadError, RemaindersBackend::WriteError>>>
        RemaindersBackend: WriteWords<Word>,
            .map_err(|err| CoderError::Backend(BackendError::Remainders(err)))?;
        self.heads.remainders = self.heads.remainders >> Word::BITS;

    /// This truncates if `self.heads.remainders >= 1 << (State::BITS - Word::BITS)`.
    fn refill_remainders_head<WriteError>(
        &mut self,
    ) -> Result<
        CoderError<EncoderFrontendError, BackendError<WriteError, RemaindersBackend::ReadError>>,
        RemaindersBackend: ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
        let word = self
            .map_err(|err| CoderError::Backend(BackendError::Remainders(err)))?
        self.heads.remainders = (self.heads.remainders << Word::BITS) | word.into();

impl<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, const PRECISION: usize> Code
    for ChainCoder<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, PRECISION>
    Word: BitArray + Into<State>,
    State: BitArray + AsPrimitive<Word>,
    type Word = Word;
    type State = ChainCoderHeads<Word, State, PRECISION>;

    fn state(&self) -> Self::State {

pub type DecoderError<
    CompressedBackend: ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
    RemaindersBackend: WriteWords<Word>,
> = CoderError<
    BackendError<CompressedBackend::ReadError, RemaindersBackend::WriteError>,

pub type EncoderError<
    CompressedBackend: WriteWords<Word>,
    RemaindersBackend: ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
> = CoderError<
    BackendError<CompressedBackend::WriteError, RemaindersBackend::ReadError>,

/// Frontend error type for misuse of a [`ChainCoder`] for decoding.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum DecoderFrontendError {

impl core::fmt::Display for DecoderFrontendError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Self::OutOfCompressedData => {
                write!(f, "Out of compressed data.")

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl std::error::Error for DecoderFrontendError {}

/// Frontend error type for misuse of a [`ChainCoder`] for encoding.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum EncoderFrontendError {

impl core::fmt::Display for EncoderFrontendError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Self::OutOfRemainders => {
                write!(f, "Out of remainders information from previous decoding.")
            Self::ImpossibleSymbol => DefaultEncoderFrontendError::ImpossibleSymbol.fmt(f),

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl std::error::Error for EncoderFrontendError {}

/// Error type for backend errors in a [`ChainCoder`].
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BackendError<CompressedBackendError, RemaindersBackendError> {

impl<CompressedBackendError: Display, RemaindersBackendError: Display> core::fmt::Display
    for BackendError<CompressedBackendError, RemaindersBackendError>
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Self::Compressed(err) => {
                write!(f, "Read/write error when accessing compressed: {err}")
            Self::Remainders(err) => {
                write!(f, "Read/write error when accessing remainders: {err}")

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
        CompressedBackendError: std::error::Error + 'static,
        RemaindersBackendError: std::error::Error + 'static,
    > std::error::Error for BackendError<CompressedBackendError, RemaindersBackendError>
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
        match self {
            Self::Compressed(err) => Some(err),
            Self::Remainders(err) => Some(err),

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ChangePrecisionError<Word, RemaindersBackend>
    RemaindersBackend: WriteWords<Word> + ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
    Increase(CoderError<Infallible, BackendError<Infallible, RemaindersBackend::WriteError>>),
        CoderError<EncoderFrontendError, BackendError<Infallible, RemaindersBackend::ReadError>>,

impl<Word, RemaindersBackend> Display for ChangePrecisionError<Word, RemaindersBackend>
    RemaindersBackend: WriteWords<Word> + ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
    RemaindersBackend::WriteError: Display,
    RemaindersBackend::ReadError: Display,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            ChangePrecisionError::Increase(err) => {
                write!(f, "Error while increasing precision of chain coder: {err}")
            ChangePrecisionError::Decrease(err) => {
                write!(f, "Error while decreasing precision of chain coder: {err}")

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<Word, RemaindersBackend> std::error::Error for ChangePrecisionError<Word, RemaindersBackend>
    Self: core::fmt::Debug,
    RemaindersBackend: WriteWords<Word> + ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
    RemaindersBackend::WriteError: std::error::Error + 'static,
    RemaindersBackend::ReadError: std::error::Error + 'static,
    fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
        match self {
            Self::Increase(err) => Some(err),
            Self::Decrease(err) => Some(err),

impl<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, const PRECISION: usize> PosSeek
    for ChainCoder<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, PRECISION>
    Word: BitArray + Into<State>,
    State: BitArray + AsPrimitive<Word>,
    CompressedBackend: PosSeek,
    RemaindersBackend: PosSeek,
    type Position = (
        BackendPosition<CompressedBackend::Position, RemaindersBackend::Position>,
        ChainCoderHeads<Word, State, PRECISION>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct BackendPosition<CompressedPosition, RemaindersPosition> {
    pub compressed: CompressedPosition,
    pub remainders: RemaindersPosition,

impl<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, const PRECISION: usize> Pos
    for ChainCoder<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, PRECISION>
    Word: BitArray + Into<State>,
    State: BitArray + AsPrimitive<Word>,
    CompressedBackend: Pos,
    RemaindersBackend: Pos,
    fn pos(&self) -> Self::Position {
            BackendPosition {
                compressed: self.compressed.pos(),
                remainders: self.remainders.pos(),

impl<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, const PRECISION: usize> Seek
    for ChainCoder<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, PRECISION>
    Word: BitArray + Into<State>,
    State: BitArray + AsPrimitive<Word>,
    CompressedBackend: Seek,
    RemaindersBackend: Seek,
    fn seek(&mut self, (pos, state): Self::Position) -> Result<(), ()> {;;

        // `state` is valid since we don't provide a public API to modify fields of
        // `ChainCoderHeads` individually.
        self.heads = state;


impl<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, const PRECISION: usize> Decode<PRECISION>
    for ChainCoder<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, PRECISION>
    Word: BitArray + Into<State>,
    State: BitArray + AsPrimitive<Word>,
    CompressedBackend: ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
    RemaindersBackend: WriteWords<Word>,
    type FrontendError = DecoderFrontendError;

    type BackendError = BackendError<CompressedBackend::ReadError, RemaindersBackend::WriteError>;

    fn decode_symbol<M>(
        &mut self,
        model: M,
    ) -> Result<M::Symbol, DecoderError<Word, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend>>
        M: DecoderModel<PRECISION>,
        M::Probability: Into<Self::Word>,
        Self::Word: AsPrimitive<M::Probability>,
        assert!(PRECISION <= Word::BITS);
        assert!(PRECISION != 0);
        assert!(State::BITS >= Word::BITS + PRECISION);

        let word = if PRECISION == Word::BITS
            || self.heads.compressed.get() < Word::one() << PRECISION
            let word = self
            if PRECISION != Word::BITS {
                self.heads.compressed = unsafe {
                    // SAFETY:
                    // - `0 < PRECISION < Word::BITS` as per our assertion and the above check,
                    //   therefore `Word::BITS - PRECISION > 0` and both the left-shift and
                    //   the right-shift are valid;
                    // - `heads.compressed.get() != 0` sinze `heads.compressed` is a `NonZero`.
                    // - `heads.compressed.get() < 1 << PRECISION`, so all its "one" bits are
                    //   in the `PRECISION` lowest significant bits; since it we have
                    //   `Word::BITS` bits available, shifting left by `Word::BITS - PRECISION`
                    //   doesn't truncate, and thus the result is also nonzero.
                        self.heads.compressed.get() << (Word::BITS - PRECISION) | word >> PRECISION,
        } else {
            let word = self.heads.compressed.get();
            self.heads.compressed = unsafe {
                // SAFETY: `heads.compressed.get() >= 1 << PRECISION`, so shifting right by
                // `PRECISION` doesn't result in zero.
                Word::NonZero::new_unchecked(self.heads.compressed.get() >> PRECISION)

        let quantile = if PRECISION == Word::BITS {
        } else {
            word % (Word::one() << PRECISION)
        let quantile = quantile.as_();

        let (symbol, left_sided_cumulative, probability) = model.quantile_function(quantile);
        let remainder = quantile - left_sided_cumulative;

        // This can't truncate because
        // - we maintain the invariant `heads.remainders < 1 << (State::BITS - PRECISION)`; and
        // - `probability <= 1 << PRECISION` and `remainder < probability`.
        // Thus, `remainders * proability + remainder < (remainders + 1) * probability`
        // which is `<= (1 << (State::BITS - PRECISION)) << PRECISION = 1 << State::BITS`.
        self.heads.remainders =
            self.heads.remainders * probability.get().into().into() + remainder.into().into();

        if self.heads.remainders >= State::one() << (State::BITS - PRECISION) {
            // The invariant on `self.heads.remainders` (see its doc comment) is violated and must
            // be restored.


    fn maybe_exhausted(&self) -> bool {
        self.compressed.maybe_exhausted() || self.remainders.maybe_full()

impl<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, const PRECISION: usize> Encode<PRECISION>
    for ChainCoder<Word, State, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend, PRECISION>
    Word: BitArray + Into<State>,
    State: BitArray + AsPrimitive<Word>,
    CompressedBackend: WriteWords<Word>,
    RemaindersBackend: ReadWords<Word, Stack>,
    type FrontendError = EncoderFrontendError;
    type BackendError = BackendError<CompressedBackend::WriteError, RemaindersBackend::ReadError>;

    fn encode_symbol<M>(
        &mut self,
        symbol: impl Borrow<M::Symbol>,
        model: M,
    ) -> Result<(), EncoderError<Word, CompressedBackend, RemaindersBackend>>
        M: EncoderModel<PRECISION>,
        M::Probability: Into<Self::Word>,
        Self::Word: AsPrimitive<M::Probability>,
        // assert!(State::BITS >= Word::BITS + PRECISION);
        assert!(PRECISION <= Word::BITS);
        assert!(PRECISION > 0);

        let (left_sided_cumulative, probability) = model

        if self.heads.remainders
            < probability.get().into().into() << (State::BITS - Word::BITS - PRECISION)
            // At this point, the invariant on `self.heads.remainders` (see its doc comment) is
            // temporarily violated (but it will be restored below). This is how
            // `decode_symbol` can detect that it has to flush `remainders.state`.

        let remainder = (self.heads.remainders % probability.get().into().into())
        let quantile = (left_sided_cumulative + remainder).into();
        self.heads.remainders = self.heads.remainders / probability.get().into().into();

        if PRECISION != Word::BITS
            && self.heads.compressed.get() < Word::one() << (Word::BITS - PRECISION)
            unsafe {
                // SAFETY:
                // - `heads.compressed` is nonzero because it is a `NonZero`
                // - `heads.compressed`, has `Word::BITS` bits and we checked above that all its one
                //   bits are within theleast significant `Word::BITS - PRECISION` bits. Thus, the
                //   most significant `PRECISION` bits are 0 and the left-shift doesn't truncate.
                // Thus, the result of the left-shift is also noznero.
                self.heads.compressed =
                    (self.heads.compressed.get() << PRECISION | quantile).into_nonzero_unchecked();
        } else {
            let word = if PRECISION == Word::BITS {
            } else {
                let word = self.heads.compressed.get() << PRECISION | quantile;
                unsafe {
                    // SAFETY: if we're here then `heads.compressed >= 1 << (Word::BITS - PRECISION).
                    // Thus, shifting right by this amount of bits leaves at least one 1 bit.
                    self.heads.compressed = (self.heads.compressed.get()
                        >> (Word::BITS - PRECISION))


    fn maybe_full(&self) -> bool {
        self.remainders.maybe_exhausted() || self.compressed.maybe_full()

mod tests {
    use super::super::model::LeakyQuantizer;
    use super::*;

    use probability::distribution::Gaussian;
    use rand_xoshiro::{
        rand_core::{RngCore, SeedableRng},

    use alloc::vec;

    fn restore_none() {
        generic_restore_many::<u32, u64, u32, 24>(4, 0);

    fn restore_one() {
        generic_restore_many::<u32, u64, u32, 24>(5, 1);

    fn restore_two() {
        generic_restore_many::<u32, u64, u32, 24>(5, 2);

    fn restore_ten() {
        generic_restore_many::<u32, u64, u32, 24>(20, 10);

    fn restore_twenty() {
        generic_restore_many::<u32, u64, u32, 24>(19, 20);

    fn restore_many_u32_u64_32() {
        generic_restore_many::<u32, u64, u32, 32>(1024, 1000);

    fn restore_many_u32_u64_24() {
        generic_restore_many::<u32, u64, u32, 24>(1024, 1000);

    fn restore_many_u32_u64_16() {
        generic_restore_many::<u32, u64, u16, 16>(1024, 1000);

    fn restore_many_u16_u64_16() {
        generic_restore_many::<u16, u64, u16, 16>(1024, 1000);

    fn restore_many_u32_u64_8() {
        generic_restore_many::<u32, u64, u8, 8>(1024, 1000);

    fn restore_many_u16_u64_8() {
        generic_restore_many::<u16, u64, u8, 8>(1024, 1000);

    fn restore_many_u8_u64_8() {
        generic_restore_many::<u8, u64, u8, 8>(1024, 1000);

    fn restore_many_u16_u32_16() {
        generic_restore_many::<u16, u32, u16, 16>(1024, 1000);

    fn restore_many_u16_u32_8() {
        generic_restore_many::<u16, u32, u8, 8>(1024, 1000);

    fn restore_many_u8_u32_8() {
        generic_restore_many::<u8, u32, u8, 8>(1024, 1000);

    fn generic_restore_many<Word, State, Probability, const PRECISION: usize>(
        amt_compressed_words: usize,
        amt_symbols: usize,
    ) where
        State: BitArray + AsPrimitive<Word>,
        Word: BitArray + Into<State> + AsPrimitive<Probability>,
        Probability: BitArray + Into<Word> + AsPrimitive<usize> + Into<f64>,
        u64: AsPrimitive<Word>,
        u32: AsPrimitive<Probability>,
        usize: AsPrimitive<Probability>,
        f64: AsPrimitive<Probability>,
        i32: AsPrimitive<Probability>,
        let (amt_compressed_words, amt_symbols) =
            (amt_compressed_words.min(128), amt_symbols.min(100));

        let mut rng = Xoshiro256StarStar::seed_from_u64(
            (amt_compressed_words as u64).rotate_left(32) ^ amt_symbols as u64,
        let mut compressed = (0..amt_compressed_words)
            .map(|_| rng.next_u64().as_())

        // Make the last compressed word have a random number of leading zero bits so that
        // we test various filling levels.
        let leading_zeros = (rng.next_u32() % (Word::BITS as u32 - 1)) as usize;
        let last_word = compressed.last_mut().unwrap();
        *last_word = *last_word | Word::one() << (Word::BITS - leading_zeros - 1);
        *last_word = *last_word & Word::max_value() >> leading_zeros;

        let distributions = (0..amt_symbols)
            .map(|_| {
                let mean = (200.0 / u32::MAX as f64) * rng.next_u32() as f64 - 100.0;
                let std_dev = (10.0 / u32::MAX as f64) * rng.next_u32() as f64 + 0.001;
                Gaussian::new(mean, std_dev)
        let quantizer = LeakyQuantizer::<_, _, Probability, PRECISION>::new(-100..=100);

        let mut coder =
            ChainCoder::<Word, State, Vec<Word>, Vec<Word>, PRECISION>::from_compressed(

        let symbols = coder
                    .map(|&distribution| quantizer.quantize(distribution)),
            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()


        let (remainders_prefix, remainders_suffix) = coder.clone().into_remainders().unwrap();
        let mut remainders = remainders_prefix.clone();
        let coder2 = ChainCoder::from_remainders(remainders).unwrap();
        let coder3 = ChainCoder::from_remainders(remainders_suffix).unwrap();

        for (mut coder, prefix) in vec![
            (coder, vec![]),
            (coder2, vec![]),
            (coder3, remainders_prefix),
        ] {
                        .map(|(&symbol, &distribution)| (symbol, quantizer.quantize(distribution))),

            let (compressed_prefix, compressed_suffix) = coder.into_compressed().unwrap();

            let mut reconstructed = prefix;

            assert_eq!(reconstructed, compressed);