Macro constmuck::IsPod[][src]

macro_rules! IsPod {
    () => { ... };
    ($T : ty) => { ... };
Expand description

Constructs an IsPod<$T>, requires $T:Pod.

This has an optional type argument ($T) that defaults to infering the type if not passed.


use constmuck::{IsPod, cast, infer};

// transmuting `i16` to `u16`
const FOO: u16 = cast(-1i16, (IsPod!(), IsPod!()));
const BAR: u16 = cast(-1, (IsPod!(i16), IsPod!(u16)));
// A more concise way to call `constmuck::cast` when the types are inferred.
const BAZ: u16 = cast(-1i16, infer!());

assert_eq!(FOO, u16::MAX);
assert_eq!(BAR, u16::MAX);
assert_eq!(BAZ, u16::MAX);