Trait const_writer::ConstWrite[][src]

pub trait ConstWrite<'a, T: ConstWriterAdapter + ConstWriterAdapterCreate<'a, Self>> {
    fn const_writer<const N: usize>(&'a mut self) -> ConstWriter<T, {N}> { ... }

Get ConstWriter for given type

Provided methods

fn const_writer<const N: usize>(&'a mut self) -> ConstWriter<T, {N}>[src]

Get ConstWriter to write N bytes.

Because contract on ConstWriterAdapterCreate::new we can be sure that underlying buffer can accept at least N bytes. And because write methods reduces N as they write to buffer we can be sure that code which writes more thanN bytes wont compile (N is usize so negative value will be compile error)

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<'a, 'inner> ConstWrite<'a, SliceWriterAdapter<'a, 'inner>> for &'inner mut [u8][src]

impl<'a> ConstWrite<'a, VecWriterAdapter<'a>> for Vec<u8>[src]

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