const-str 0.5.3

compile-time string operations
use crate::utf16::CharEncodeUtf16;

pub struct Utf8Encoder {
    pub nul_terminated: bool,

pub struct Utf16Encoder {
    pub nul_terminated: bool,

pub struct Encode<'a, T>(pub &'a str, pub T);

impl<'a> Encode<'a, Utf8Encoder> {
    pub const fn output_len(&self) -> usize {
        if self.1.nul_terminated {
            self.0.len() + 1
        } else {

    pub const fn const_eval<const N: usize>(&self) -> [u8; N] {
        let bytes = self.0.as_bytes();
        if self.1.nul_terminated {
            let mut buf = [0; N];
            let mut i = 0;
            while i < bytes.len() {
                let b = bytes[i];
                assert!(b != 0);
                buf[i] = b;
                i += 1;
            assert!(i + 1 == N);
        } else {

impl<'a> Encode<'a, Utf16Encoder> {
    pub const fn output_len(&self) -> usize {
        crate::utf16::str_len_utf16(self.0) + (self.1.nul_terminated as usize)

    pub const fn const_eval<const N: usize>(&self) -> [u16; N] {
        let mut s = self.0.as_bytes();

        let mut buf = [0; N];
        let mut pos = 0;

        while let Some((code, count)) = crate::utf8::next_char(s) {
            s = crate::bytes::advance(s, count);
            let e = CharEncodeUtf16::new(code);

            buf[pos] = e.first();
            pos += 1;

            if e.has_second() {
                buf[pos] = e.second();
                pos += 1;

            if self.1.nul_terminated {
                assert!(buf[pos - 1] != 0);
                if e.has_second() {
                    assert!(buf[pos - 2] != 0);

        if self.1.nul_terminated {
            pos += 1;

        assert!(pos == N);


macro_rules! __encoder {
    (utf8) => {{
        $crate::__ctfe::Utf8Encoder {
            nul_terminated: false,
    (utf8_z) => {{
        $crate::__ctfe::Utf8Encoder {
            nul_terminated: true,
    (utf16) => {{
        $crate::__ctfe::Utf16Encoder {
            nul_terminated: false,
    (utf16_z) => {{
        $crate::__ctfe::Utf16Encoder {
            nul_terminated: true,

macro_rules! __encode {
    ($e: tt, $s: expr) => {{
        const OUTPUT_LEN: usize = $crate::__ctfe::Encode($s, $crate::__encoder!($e)).output_len();
        &{ $crate::__ctfe::Encode($s, $crate::__encoder!($e)).const_eval::<OUTPUT_LEN>() }

/// Encode a string slice with a specified encoding.
/// Supported encodings:
/// + utf8
/// + utf16
/// # Examples
/// ``` rust
/// use const_str::encode;
/// const S: &str = "hello你好";
/// const S_UTF8: &[u8] = encode!(utf8, S);
/// assert_eq!(S_UTF8, [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 228, 189, 160, 229, 165, 189]);
/// const S_UTF16: &[u16] = encode!(utf16, S);
/// assert_eq!(S_UTF16, [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 20320, 22909]);
/// ```
macro_rules! encode {
    (utf8, $s: expr) => {
        $crate::__encode!(utf8, $s)
    (utf16, $s: expr) => {
        $crate::__encode!(utf16, $s)

/// Encode a string slice with a specified encoding and append a nul character.
/// The provided data should not contain any nul bytes in it.
/// See also [`const_str::encode!`][crate::encode]
/// # Examples
/// ``` rust
/// use const_str::encode_z;
/// const S: &str = "hello你好";
/// const S_UTF8_Z: &[u8] = encode_z!(utf8, S);
/// assert_eq!(S_UTF8_Z, [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 228, 189, 160, 229, 165, 189, 0]);
/// const S_UTF16_Z: &[u16] = encode_z!(utf16, S);
/// assert_eq!(S_UTF16_Z, [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 20320, 22909, 0]);
/// ```
macro_rules! encode_z {
    (utf8, $s: expr) => {
        $crate::__encode!(utf8_z, $s)
    (utf16, $s: expr) => {
        $crate::__encode!(utf16_z, $s)

fn test_encode() {
        const S: &str = "abc你好";
        const B1: &[u8; 9] = encode!(utf8, S);
        const B2: &[u8] = encode!(utf8, S);
        const B3: &[u8; 10] = encode_z!(utf8, S);
        let mut ans = S.as_bytes().to_owned();
        assert_eq!(B1, ans.as_slice());
        assert_eq!(B2, B1);
        assert_eq!(B3, ans.as_slice());
        const S: &str = "abc你好𤭢";
        const B1: &[u16; 7] = encode!(utf16, S);
        const B2: &[u16; 8] = encode_z!(utf16, S);
        let mut ans = S.encode_utf16().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        assert_eq!(B1, ans.as_slice());
        assert_eq!(B2, ans.as_slice());