console_engine 0.1.5

A simple console framework that provides display and keyboard features
# Console Engine

This library provides simple features for handling user's input and display for terminal applications.  
It uses [Termion]( as main tool for handling the screen and inputs. You don't have to worry about initalizing anything because the lib will handle this for you.

## Platforms

Works for Linux and possibly Mac (need confirmation).  

Windows support will be available as soon as termion will support it [See here for more info](
For now, you can change the cargo.toml termion dependency by this :
termion = { git = "", branch = "windows-support", package = "termion"}
Note: window's input initialization requires the user to first press enter. ConsoleEngine will ask the user to press Enter while inializing.

# example usage 
use console_engine::pixel;
use console_engine::termion::color;
use console_engine::termion::event::Key;

fn main() {
    // initializes a screen of 20x10 characters with a target of 3 frame per second
    // coordinates will range from [0,0] to [19,9]
    let mut engine = console_engine::ConsoleEngine::init(20, 10, 3);
    let value = 14;
    // main loop, be aware that you'll have to break it because ctrl+C is captured
    loop {
        engine.wait_frame(); // wait for next frame + capture inputs
        engine.clear_screen(); // reset the screen
        engine.line(0, 0, 19, 9, pixel::pxl('#')); // draw a line of '#' from [0,0] to [19,9]
        engine.print(0, 4, format!("Result: {}", value)); // prints some value at [0,4]
        engine.set_pxl(4, 0, pixel::pxl_fg('O', color::Cyan)); // write a majestic cyan 'O' at [4,0]

        if engine.is_key_pressed(Key::Char('q')) { // if the user presses 'q' :
            break; // exits app
        engine.draw(); // draw the screen

# Documentation

Take a look at the [generated documentation](

# Examples

See `examples/` :
- **graph** : Display a graph being generated with some values.
- **snake** : A simple game of snake.
- **lines** : Draw random lines of random colors on the screen.