consistency_model 0.0.0

A tester for distributed system consistency properties like linearizability and sequential consistency.

This library provides code to define and verify the correctness of an object or system based on how it responds to a collection of potentially concurrent (i.e. partially ordered) operations.

Defining Correctness Via A Reference Implementation

[SequentialSpec] is a trait for defining correctness via a "reference implementation" (e.g. "this system should behave like a queue"). This library includes reusable implementations such as [Register] for register-like semantics and for the standard library's [Vec] for stack-like semantics. Implementing the trait yourself is also straightforward -- just define two enums for invocations and returns. Then associate these (as [SequentialSpec::Op] and [SequentialSpec::Ret] respectively) with a state type that implements [SequentialSpec::invoke].

Verifying Concurrent System Implementations

A concurrent system can be verified against an implementation of the [SequentialSpec] trait by using a [ConsistencyTester] for an expected consistency model, such as [LinearizabilityTester]. In that case, operations are sequential (think blocking I/O) with respect to an abstract thread-like caller, which is identified by a distinct "thread ID" (sometimes called a "process ID" in the literature, but these are assumed to be single-threaded, so thread ID arguably provides better intuition for most developers).

Additional Reading

For more background on specifying the semantics of concurrent systems, see publications such as: