consist 0.1.1

Dead-simple consistent hashing library
Documentation Circle CI

consist: Consistent Hashing in Rust

Consistent Hashing is a technique invented by David Karger and colleagues their 1997 paper Consistent Hashing and Random Trees. The original use case was to create a hashing scheme for cache servers so that the cache could be safely sharded over several nodes, which minimizing the amount of entries that would need to be shifted around when a node joins or leaves the network.

consist is a simple, zero-dependency library implementing Consistent Hashing in Rust.


Here is an example of usage of the library:

extern crate consist;

use consist::HashRing;

struct Server(&'static str);

fn make_cache() {
    let ring = HashRing::<Server>::new();

    // Search the cache
    let url: &str = ...
    let server = ring.get_bucket(str);
    // Send a redirect to the cache server.