conshomfold 0.1.1

ConsHomfold, which Predicts Global Single RNA Secondary Structures to Consider Sparse Global Pairwise RNA Structural Alignments

ConsHomfold, which Predicts Global Single RNA Secondary Structures to Consider Sparse Global Pairwise RNA Structural Alignments


This project has been written in mainly Rust, a systems programming language. You need to install the Rust components, which are rustc (the Rust compiler), cargo (the Rust package manager), and the Rust standard library. Visit the Rust website to see more about the language. You can install the components with one line as follows:

$ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

The above installation is done by Rustup, so you can easily switch a compiler to use. You can install the ConsHomfold as follows:

$ cargo install conshomfold

Check if the program has been installed properly as follows:

$ conshomfold # Its available command options will be displayed.

The figures shown in the paper of the program can be reproduced:

$ cd src
$ ./ # Install python packages required to the reproduction. Saved figures will appear at the "../assets/images" directory.




Copyright (c) 2018 Heartsh
Licensed under the MIT license.