conrod 0.52.0

An easy-to-use, 100% Rust, extensible 2D GUI library.
//! A library providing simple `Color` and `Gradient` types along with useful transformations and
//! presets.
//! Inspiration taken from [elm-lang's color module]
//! (
//! Module for working with colors. Includes [RGB](
//! and [HSL]( creation, gradients and built-in names.

use std::f32::consts::PI;
use utils::{degrees, fmod, turns};

/// Color supporting RGB and HSL variants.
#[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Color {
    /// Red, Green, Blue, Alpha - All values' scales represented between 0.0 and 1.0.
    Rgba(f32, f32, f32, f32),
    /// Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Alpha - all valuess scales represented between 0.0 and 1.0.
    Hsla(f32, f32, f32, f32),

/// Regional spelling alias.
pub type Colour = Color;

/// Create RGB colors with an alpha component for transparency.
/// The alpha component is specified with numbers between 0 and 1.
pub fn rgba(r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, a: f32) -> Color {
    Color::Rgba(r, g, b, a)

/// Create RGB colors from numbers between 0.0 and 1.0.
pub fn rgb(r: f32, g: f32, b: f32) -> Color {
    Color::Rgba(r, g, b, 1.0)

/// Create RGB colors from numbers between 0 and 255 inclusive.
/// The alpha component is specified with numbers between 0 and 1.
pub fn rgba_bytes(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, a: f32) -> Color {
    Color::Rgba(r as f32 / 255.0, g as f32 / 255.0, b as f32 / 255.0, a)

/// Create RGB colors from numbers between 0 and 255 inclusive.
pub fn rgb_bytes(r: u8, g: u8, b: u8) -> Color {
    rgba_bytes(r, g, b, 1.0)

/// Create [HSL colors]( with an alpha component for
/// transparency.
pub fn hsla(hue: f32, saturation: f32, lightness: f32, alpha: f32) -> Color {
    Color::Hsla(hue - turns((hue / (2.0 * PI)).floor()), saturation, lightness, alpha)

/// Create [HSL colors]( This gives you access to colors
/// more like a color wheel, where all hues are arranged in a circle that you specify with radians.
///   red        = hsl(degrees(0.0)   , 1.0 , 0.5)
///   green      = hsl(degrees(120.0) , 1.0 , 0.5)
///   blue       = hsl(degrees(240.0) , 1.0 , 0.5)
///   pastel_red = hsl(degrees(0.0)   , 0.7 , 0.7)
/// To cycle through all colors, just cycle through degrees. The saturation level is how vibrant
/// the color is, like a dial between grey and bright colors. The lightness level is a dial between
/// white and black.
pub fn hsl(hue: f32, saturation: f32, lightness: f32) -> Color {
    hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, 1.0)

/// Produce a gray based on the input. 0.0 is white, 1.0 is black.
pub fn grayscale(p: f32) -> Color {
    Color::Hsla(0.0, 0.0, 1.0-p, 1.0)
/// Produce a gray based on the input. 0.0 is white, 1.0 is black.
pub fn greyscale(p: f32) -> Color {
    Color::Hsla(0.0, 0.0, 1.0-p, 1.0)

/// Clamp a f32 between 0f32 and 1f32.
fn clampf32(f: f32) -> f32 {
    if f < 0.0 { 0.0 } else if f > 1.0 { 1.0 } else { f }

impl Color {

    /// Produce a complementary color. The two colors will accent each other. This is the same as
    /// rotating the hue by 180 degrees.
    pub fn complement(self) -> Color {
        match self {
            Color::Hsla(h, s, l, a) => hsla(h + degrees(180.0), s, l, a),
            Color::Rgba(r, g, b, a) => {
                let (h, s, l) = rgb_to_hsl(r, g, b);
                hsla(h + degrees(180.0), s, l, a)

    /// Calculate and return the luminance of the Color.
    pub fn luminance(&self) -> f32 {
        match *self {
            Color::Rgba(r, g, b, _) => (r + g + b) / 3.0,
            Color::Hsla(_, _, l, _) => l,

    /// Return either black or white, depending which contrasts the Color the most. This will be
    /// useful for determining a readable color for text on any given background Color.
    pub fn plain_contrast(self) -> Color {
        match self {
            Color::Hsla(h, s, l, _) => {
                let (r, g, b) = hsl_to_rgb(h, s, l);
                rgb(r, g, b).plain_contrast()
            Color::Rgba(r, g, b, _) => {
                let l = 0.2126 * r
                      + 0.7152 * g
                      + 0.0722 * b;
                if l > 0.5 { BLACK } else { WHITE }

    /// Extract the components of a color in the HSL format.
    pub fn to_hsl(self) -> Hsla {
        match self {
            Color::Hsla(h, s, l, a) => Hsla(h, s, l, a),
            Color::Rgba(r, g, b, a) => {
                let (h, s, l) = rgb_to_hsl(r, g, b);
                Hsla(h, s, l, a)

    /// Extract the components of a color in the RGB format.
    pub fn to_rgb(self) -> Rgba {
        match self {
            Color::Rgba(r, g, b, a) => Rgba(r, g, b, a),
            Color::Hsla(h, s, l, a) => {
                let (r, g, b) = hsl_to_rgb(h, s, l);
                Rgba(r, g, b, a)

    /// Extract the components of a color in the RGB format within a fixed-size array.
    pub fn to_fsa(self) -> [f32; 4] {
        let Rgba(r, g, b, a) = self.to_rgb();
        [r, g, b, a]

    /// Same as `to_fsa`, except r, g, b and a are represented in byte form.
    pub fn to_byte_fsa(self) -> [u8; 4] {
        let Rgba(r, g, b, a) = self.to_rgb();
        [f32_to_byte(r), f32_to_byte(g), f32_to_byte(b), f32_to_byte(a)]

    // /// Return the hex representation of this color in the format #RRGGBBAA
    // /// e.g. `Color(1.0, 0.0, 5.0, 1.0) == "#FF0080FF"`
    // pub fn to_hex(self) -> String {
    //     let vals = self.to_byte_fsa();
    //     let hex = vals.to_hex().to_ascii_uppercase();
    //     format!("#{}", &hex)
    // }

    /// Return the same color but with the given luminance.
    pub fn with_luminance(self, l: f32) -> Color {
        let Hsla(h, s, _, a) = self.to_hsl();
        Color::Hsla(h, s, l, a)

    /// Return the same color but with the alpha multiplied by the given alpha.
    pub fn alpha(self, alpha: f32) -> Color {
        match self {
            Color::Rgba(r, g, b, a) => Color::Rgba(r, g, b, a * alpha),
            Color::Hsla(h, s, l, a) => Color::Hsla(h, s, l, a * alpha),

    /// Return the same color but with the given alpha.
    pub fn with_alpha(self, a: f32) -> Color {
        match self {
            Color::Rgba(r, g, b, _) => Color::Rgba(r, g, b, a),
            Color::Hsla(h, s, l, _) => Color::Hsla(h, s, l, a),

    /// Return a highlighted version of the current Color.
    pub fn highlighted(self) -> Color {
        let luminance = self.luminance();
        let Rgba(r, g, b, a) = self.to_rgb();
        let (r, g, b) = {
            if      luminance > 0.8 { (r - 0.2, g - 0.2, b - 0.2) }
            else if luminance < 0.2 { (r + 0.2, g + 0.2, b + 0.2) }
            else {
                (clampf32((1.0 - r) * 0.5 * r + r),
                 clampf32((1.0 - g) * 0.1 * g + g),
                 clampf32((1.0 - b) * 0.1 * b + b))
        let a = clampf32((1.0 - a) * 0.5 + a);
        rgba(r, g, b, a)

    /// Return a clicked version of the current Color.
    pub fn clicked(&self) -> Color {
        let luminance = self.luminance();
        let Rgba(r, g, b, a) = self.to_rgb();
        let (r, g, b) = {
            if      luminance > 0.8 { (r      , g - 0.2, b - 0.2) }
            else if luminance < 0.2 { (r + 0.4, g + 0.2, b + 0.2) }
            else {
                (clampf32((1.0 - r) * 0.75 + r),
                 clampf32((1.0 - g) * 0.25 + g),
                 clampf32((1.0 - b) * 0.25 + b))
        let a = clampf32((1.0 - a) * 0.75 + a);
        rgba(r, g, b, a)

    /// Return the Color's invert.
    pub fn invert(self) -> Color {
        let Rgba(r, g, b, a) = self.to_rgb();
        rgba((r - 1.0).abs(), (g - 1.0).abs(), (b - 1.0).abs(), a)

    /// Return the red value.
    pub fn red(&self) -> f32 {
        let Rgba(r, _, _, _) = self.to_rgb();

    /// Return the green value.
    pub fn green(&self) -> f32 {
        let Rgba(_, g, _, _) = self.to_rgb();

    /// Return the blue value.
    pub fn blue(&self) -> f32 {
        let Rgba(_, _, b, _) = self.to_rgb();

    /// Set the red value.
    pub fn set_red(&mut self, r: f32) {
        let Rgba(_, g, b, a) = self.to_rgb();
        *self = rgba(r, g, b, a);

    /// Set the green value.
    pub fn set_green(&mut self, g: f32) {
        let Rgba(r, _, b, a) = self.to_rgb();
        *self = rgba(r, g, b, a);

    /// Set the blue value.
    pub fn set_blue(&mut self, b: f32) {
        let Rgba(r, g, _, a) = self.to_rgb();
        *self = rgba(r, g, b, a);


/// The parts of HSL along with an alpha for transparency.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Hsla(pub f32, pub f32, pub f32, pub f32);

/// The parts of RGB along with an alpha for transparency.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Rgba(pub f32, pub f32, pub f32, pub f32);

/// Convert an f32 color to a byte.
pub fn f32_to_byte(c: f32) -> u8 { (c * 255.0) as u8 }

/// Pure function for converting rgb to hsl.
pub fn rgb_to_hsl(r: f32, g: f32, b: f32) -> (f32, f32, f32) {
    let c_max = r.max(g).max(b);
    let c_min = r.min(g).min(b);
    let c = c_max - c_min;

    let hue = if c == 0.0 {
        // If there's no difference in the channels we have grayscale, so the hue is undefined.
    } else {
        degrees(60.0) * if      c_max == r { fmod(((g - b) / c), 6) }
                        else if c_max == g { ((b - r) / c) + 2.0 }
                        else               { ((r - g) / c) + 4.0 }

    let lightness = (c_max + c_min) / 2.0;
    let saturation = if lightness == 0.0 { 0.0 }
                     else { c / (1.0 - (2.0 * lightness - 1.0).abs()) };
    (hue, saturation, lightness)

/// Pure function for converting hsl to rgb.
pub fn hsl_to_rgb(hue: f32, saturation: f32, lightness: f32) -> (f32, f32, f32) {
    let chroma = (1.0 - (2.0 * lightness - 1.0).abs()) * saturation;
    let hue = hue / degrees(60.0);
    let x = chroma * (1.0 - (fmod(hue, 2) - 1.0).abs());
    let (r, g, b) = match hue {
        hue if hue < 0.0 => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
        hue if hue < 1.0 => (chroma, x, 0.0),
        hue if hue < 2.0 => (x, chroma, 0.0),
        hue if hue < 3.0 => (0.0, chroma, x),
        hue if hue < 4.0 => (0.0, x, chroma),
        hue if hue < 5.0 => (x, 0.0, chroma),
        hue if hue < 6.0 => (chroma, 0.0, x),
        _ => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    let m = lightness - chroma / 2.0;
    (r + m, g + m, b + m)

/// Linear or Radial Gradient.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Gradient {
    /// Takes a start and end point and then a series of color stops that indicate how to
    /// interpolate between the start and end points.
    Linear((f64, f64), (f64, f64), Vec<(f64, Color)>),
    /// First takes a start point and inner radius. Then takes an end point and outer radius.
    /// It then takes a series of color stops that indicate how to interpolate between the
    /// inner and outer circles.
    Radial((f64, f64), f64, (f64, f64), f64, Vec<(f64, Color)>),

/// Create a linear gradient.
pub fn linear(start: (f64, f64), end: (f64, f64), colors: Vec<(f64, Color)>) -> Gradient {
    Gradient::Linear(start, end, colors)

/// Create a radial gradient. 
pub fn radial(start: (f64, f64), start_r: f64,
              end: (f64, f64), end_r: f64,
              colors: Vec<(f64, Color)>) -> Gradient {
    Gradient::Radial(start, start_r, end, end_r, colors)

/// Built-in colors.
/// These colors come from the
/// [Tango palette]( which provides
/// aesthetically reasonable defaults for colors. Each color also comes with a light and dark
/// version.

macro_rules! make_color {
	($r:expr, $g:expr, $b:expr) => ( Color::Rgba($r as f32 / 255.0, $g as f32 / 255.0, $b as f32 / 255.0, 1.0));
	($r:expr, $g:expr, $b:expr, $a:expr) => ( Color::Rgba($r as f32 / 255.0, $g as f32 / 255.0, $b as f32 / 255.0, $a as f32 / 255.0));

/// Scarlet Red - Light - #EF2929                         
pub const LIGHT_RED      :  Color = make_color!(239, 41, 41);
/// Scarlet Red - Regular - #CC0000                       
pub const RED            :  Color = make_color!(204, 0, 0);
/// Scarlet Red - Dark - #A30000                          
pub const DARK_RED       :  Color = make_color!(164, 0, 0);

/// Orange - Light - #FCAF3E                              
pub const LIGHT_ORANGE   :  Color = make_color!(252, 175, 62);
/// Orange - Regular - #F57900                            
pub const ORANGE         :  Color = make_color!(245, 121, 0);
/// Orange - Dark - #CE5C00                               
pub const DARK_ORANGE    :  Color = make_color!(206, 92, 0);

/// Butter - Light - #FCE94F                              
pub const LIGHT_YELLOW   :  Color = make_color!(252, 233, 79);
/// Butter - Regular - #EDD400                            
pub const YELLOW         :  Color = make_color!(237, 212, 0);
/// Butter - Dark - #C4A000                               
pub const DARK_YELLOW    :  Color = make_color!(196, 160, 0);

/// Chameleon - Light - #8AE234                           
pub const LIGHT_GREEN     :  Color = make_color!(138, 226, 52);
/// Chameleon - Regular - #73D216                         
pub const GREEN          :  Color = make_color!(115, 210, 22);
/// Chameleon - Dark - #4E9A06                            
pub const DARK_GREEN     :  Color = make_color!(78, 154, 6);

/// Sky Blue - Light - #729FCF                            
pub const LIGHT_BLUE     :  Color = make_color!(114, 159, 207);
/// Sky Blue - Regular - #3465A4                          
pub const BLUE           :  Color = make_color!(52, 101, 164);
/// Sky Blue - Dark - #204A87                             
pub const DARK_BLUE      :  Color = make_color!(32, 74, 135);

/// Plum - Light - #AD7FA8                                
pub const LIGHT_PURPLE   :  Color = make_color!(173, 127, 168);
/// Plum - Regular - #75507B                              
pub const PURPLE         :  Color = make_color!(117, 80, 123);
/// Plum - Dark - #5C3566                                 
pub const DARK_PURPLE    :  Color = make_color!(92, 53, 102);

/// Chocolate - Light - #E9B96E                           
pub const LIGHT_BROWN    :  Color = make_color!(233, 185, 110);
/// Chocolate - Regular - #C17D11                         
pub const BROWN          :  Color = make_color!(193, 125, 17);
/// Chocolate - Dark - #8F5902                            
pub const DARK_BROWN     :  Color = make_color!(143, 89, 2);

/// Straight Black.                                       
pub const BLACK          :  Color = make_color!(0, 0, 0);
/// Straight White.                                       
pub const WHITE          :  Color = make_color!(255, 255, 255);

/// Alluminium - Light                                    
pub const LIGHT_GRAY     :  Color = make_color!(238, 238, 236);
/// Alluminium - Regular                                  
pub const GRAY           :  Color = make_color!(211, 215, 207);
/// Alluminium - Dark                                     
pub const DARK_GRAY      :  Color = make_color!(186, 189, 182);

/// Aluminium - Light - #EEEEEC                           
pub const LIGHT_GREY     :  Color = make_color!(238, 238, 236);
/// Aluminium - Regular - #D3D7CF                         
pub const GREY           :  Color = make_color!(211, 215, 207);
/// Aluminium - Dark - #BABDB6                            
pub const DARK_GREY      :  Color = make_color!(186, 189, 182);

/// Charcoal - Light - #888A85                            
pub const LIGHT_CHARCOAL :  Color = make_color!(136, 138, 133);
/// Charcoal - Regular - #555753                          
pub const CHARCOAL       :  Color = make_color!(85, 87, 83);
/// Charcoal - Dark - #2E3436                             
pub const DARK_CHARCOAL  :  Color = make_color!(46, 52, 54);

/// Transparent
pub const TRANSPARENT    :  Color = Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

/// Types that can be colored.
pub trait Colorable: Sized {

    /// Set the color of the widget.
    fn color(self, color: Color) -> Self;

    /// Set the color of the widget from rgba values.
    fn rgba(self, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32, a: f32) -> Self {
        self.color(rgba(r, g, b, a))

    /// Set the color of the widget from rgb values.
    fn rgb(self, r: f32, g: f32, b: f32) -> Self {
        self.color(rgb(r, g, b))

    /// Set the color of the widget from hsla values.
    fn hsla(self, h: f32, s: f32, l: f32, a: f32) -> Self {
        self.color(hsla(h, s, l, a))

    /// Set the color of the widget from hsl values.
    fn hsl(self, h: f32, s: f32, l: f32) -> Self {
        self.color(hsl(h, s, l))


fn plain_contrast_should_weight_colors() {

    // Contrast tests.
    // Black and white : Simple tests.
    let white_contrast = rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0).plain_contrast();
    let Rgba(r, g, b, _) = white_contrast.to_rgb();

    assert_eq!(r, 0.0);
    assert_eq!(g, 0.0);
    assert_eq!(b, 0.0);

    let black_contrast = rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0).plain_contrast();
    let Rgba(r, g, b, _) = black_contrast.to_rgb();

    assert_eq!(r, 1.0);
    assert_eq!(g, 1.0);
    assert_eq!(b, 1.0);

    // Weighting for greenish colors.
    // 0.29+0.9+0.29 = 1.48 -> Non-weighted contrast would be white.
    let greenish = rgb(0.29, 0.90, 0.29).plain_contrast();
    let Rgba(r, g, b, _) = greenish.to_rgb();

    assert_eq!(r, 0.0);
    assert_eq!(g, 0.0);
    assert_eq!(b, 0.0);

    // Weighting for non-greenish colors.
    // 0.71+0.1+0.71 = 1.52 -> Non-weighted contrast would be black.
    let purplish = rgb(0.71, 0.10, 0.71).plain_contrast();
    let Rgba(r, g, b, _) = purplish.to_rgb();

    assert_eq!(r, 1.0);
    assert_eq!(g, 1.0);
    assert_eq!(b, 1.0);
