configparser 0.10.0

A simple configuration parsing utility with no dependencies that allows you to parse INI and ini-style syntax. You can use this to write Rust programs which can be customized by end users easily.
## Changelog

- 0.1.0 (yanked)
  - First experimental version with only a public-facing load() function.
- 0.1.1
  - `configparser` module renamed to `ini`.
- 0.2.1
  - `Ini` struct is added along with file-loading, parsing and hashmap functions. Documentation is added.
- 0.2.2
  - Fixed docs.
- 0.3.0
  - Added `get()` for getting values from the map directly. Docs expanded as well.
  - Mark `ini::load()` for deprecation.
- 0.3.1
  - Updated docs.
  - All parameters now trimmed before insertion.
  - Converted `ini::load()` into a wrapper around `Ini`.
- 0.4.0
  - Changed `Ini::load()` to return an `Ok(map)` with a clone of the stored `HashMap`.
- 0.4.1
  - Fixed and added docs.
- 0.5.0 (**BETA**) (yanked)
  - Changelog added.
  - Support for value-less keys.
  - `HashMap` values are now `Option<String>` instead of `String` to denote empty values vs. no values.
  - Documentation greatly improved.
  - Syntax docs provided.
  - `new()` and `get()` methods are simplified.
- 0.5.1
  - Fixed erroneous docs
- 0.6.0 (**BETA 2**)
  - Tests added
  - `get_map_ref()` and `get_mut_map()` are now added to allow direct `HashMap` index access making things greatly easier.
- 0.6.1 (yanked)
  - Fixed tests
- 0.6.2
  - Fixed accidental binary delivery increasing crate size by ~20x

Older changelogs are preserved here, current changelog is present in []