config_struct 0.1.0

Create structs from config files at build time.


This is a library for converting config files into matching source files at build time.


This library is intended to be used in a file, so it needs to be added to [build-dependencies].

version = "~0.1.0"
features = ["toml-parsing"]

By default, config_struct is markup-language-agnostic, so include the relevant feature for whatever language your config file is written in. Choices are:

  1. json-parsing
  2. ron-parsing
  3. toml-parsing
  4. yaml-parsing

Now in your file, add code like the following:

extern crate config_struct;

fn main() {
    let toml_config = config_struct::toml_parsing::parse_config_from_file("config.toml").unwrap();
    config_struct::write_config_module("src/", &toml_config, &Default::default()).unwrap();

This will take the following config.toml file:

name = "Config name"

... and generate the following file:

use std::borrow::Cow;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Config {
    pub name: Cow<'static, str>,

pub const CONFIG: Config = Config {
    name: Cow::Borrowed("Config name"),