[][src]Crate conec

COordinated NEtwork Channels: a network abstraction for communication among many Clients, facilitated by one Coordinator.

Clients are assumed to know (e.g., by configuration or service discovery) the hostname and port number of Coordinator. Coordinator is assumed to have a TLS certificate for this hostname issued by a CA that Clients trust. For more information, see Authentication, below.

The basic abstraction is a channel, which connects two entities (Client or Coordinator). Every Client shares a channel with Coordinator: at startup, Client connects to Coordinator. Clients can also ask Coordinator to help them open a channel directly to another Client. There is currently no explicit support for NAT traversal, but because of the way connections are done Clients behind certain NATs (in particular, "full-cone NATs") should be able to make direct connections. A future version will add support for explicit NAT holepunching.

A channel comprises one bi-directional control stream, which is used internally to manage the channel, and zero or more bidirectional data streams. A data stream accepts a sequence of messages from its writer. The data stream's reader receives these messages in order. The stream handles all message framing: a read yields a full message or nothing. There is no support for out-of-order reads; use multiple data streams instead. For more information on sending values over streams, see Stream Adapters, below.


A conec instance requires a Coordinator with a TLS certificate for its hostname and an IP address that Clients can reach. It is possible to use a self-signed certificate (generated, say, by rcgen) as long as the Clients trust it; see ClientConfig::set_ca.

See tests.rs for more complete usage examples than the ones below.


To start a Coordinator, first build a CoordConfig. For example,

This example is not tested
let mut coord_cfg = CoordConfig::new(cert_path, key_path).unwrap();

Next, pass this configuration to the Coord constructor, which returns a future that returns the Coordiator plus a coord::IncomingStreams object when forced.

This example is not tested
let (coord, coord_istreams) = Coord::new(coord_cfg).await.unwrap();

The Coord constructor launches driver threads in the background. These threads will run until the Coord struct is dropped and all clients have disconnected.

Coord is a future that returns only if an error occurs. It is not necessary to await this future for the coordinator to run, but you shouldn't drop the Coord object unless you want the Coordinator to stop executing!


To start a Client, first build a ClientConfig. For example,

let mut client_cfg =
    ClientConfig::new("client1".to_string(), "coord.conec.example.com".to_string());

Next, pass this configuration to the Client constructor, which is a future that returns the Client plus a client::IncomingStreams object when forced:

This example is not tested
let (client, istreams) = Client::new(client_cfg).await.unwrap();

Channels and streams

Proxied streams

Once your Client has connected to its Coordinator, it can set up data streams with the Coordinator or other Clients, and send data on those streams:

This example is not tested
let (mut to_client2, _from_client2) = client
to_client2.send(Bytes::from("hi there")).await.unwrap();

The receiving client first accepts the stream from its client::IncomingStreams and then reads data from it:

This example is not tested
let (peer, strmid, _to_client1, mut from_client1) = istreams
println!("Got new stream with id {:?} from peer {}", strmid, peer);
let rec = from_client1

The first element of the returned 4-tuple will be Some(<name>) when the peer is a Client called <name>, or None when the peer is the Coordinator. To open a stream to the Coordinator, pass None to new_proxied_stream:

This example is not tested
let (mut to_coord, _from_coord) = client
    .new_proxied_stream(None)   // NOTE: None means open stream to Coordinator
to_coord.send(Bytes::from("hi coordinator")).await.unwrap();

The Coordinator receives this stream by taking the next element from its coord::IncomingStreams:

This example is not tested
let (peer, strmid, _to_client, mut from_client) = coord_istreams

For the coordinator, the first element of the returned 4-tuple is a String rather than an Option, since all incoming streams must be from clients.

Direct streams

Clients can initiate direct connections to one another with Client::new_channel, after which they can initiate direct streams to the peer.

This example is not tested
// first, connect a new channel to client2

// then open a direct stream
let (mut to_client2, _from_client2) = client1
to_client2.send(Bytes::from("hi there")).await.unwrap();

Once two clients share a channel, either client can initiate a direct stream to the other. Client::close_channel closes the channel, which ends all of the direct streams between the two clients.

Broadcast streams

Clients can open broadcast streams, which allow many peers to send and receive simultaneously. In this version of Conec, Coordinator cannot participate in broadcast streams. This may change in a future version; until then, one can start a local Client and broadcast from there.

Clients open a new broadcast stream with Client::new_broadcast. Every client that supplies a given chan argument to Client::new_broadcast connects to the same broadcast stream.


  • Clients receive the messages they send to the broadcast stream.
  • Messages received from the broadcast stream do not identify their sender. (This may change in a future version of Conec.)
This example is not tested
let (mut s1, mut r1) = client1
let (mut s2, mut r2) = client2

s1.send(Bytes::from("test test test")).await.unwrap();
let rec1 = r1.try_next().await?.unwrap();
let rec2 = r2.try_next().await?.unwrap();
assert_eq!(rec1, rec2);

let rec1 = r1.try_next().await?.unwrap();
let rec2 = r2.try_next().await?.unwrap();
assert_eq!(rec1, rec2);


Upon connecting, Clients require Coordinator to furnish a TLS certificate that is valid for the hostname specified by the coord argument to ClientConfig::new. By default, Clients use the system's CA store to validate Coordinator's certificate. Coordinator can use a certificate that is self-signed or signed by a local CA provided that Clients pass the signing certificate to ClientConfig::set_ca. See tests.rs for examples of using self-signed and locally signed Coordinator certificates.

Clients also use TLS certificates to authenticate with Coordinator. By default, Coordinator will accept a self-signed certificate provided that it is valid for a name that matches the id argument furnished to ClientConfig::new; Clients automatically generate such certificates prior to connecting to Coordinator.

It is possible to instead require clients to present a certificate signed by a specified CA, using the CoordConfig::set_client_ca method. In this configuration, self-signed certificates are not accepted. This can be used to implement access control: Clients may only connect to Coordinator if they have a certificate signed by the correct CA and valid for their id.

Before a Client establishes a new channel directly to another Client, each Client first learns the other's certificate from Coordinator. Upon connecting, both Clients check that the new peer's certificate matches the one Coordinator provided. This ensures that Clients connect to the correct entities, even when using self-signed Client certificates.

Important: when Coordinator is configured to use a Client CA via CoordConfig::set_client_ca, all Clients that wish to accept direct channels from other Clients must set the same Client CA via ClientConfig::set_client_ca.

Stream adapters

In conec, bi-directional streams are represented by a reader/writer pair, InStream and OutStream. InStream is a TryStream that outputs items of type BytesMut; OutStream is a Sink that accepts items of type Bytes.

Sending typed values over a stream

Both InStream and OutStream can be adapted to accept values of another type, using tokio_serde's SymmetricallyFramed adapter. This requires the type being written to or read from the channel to implement the Serialize and Deserialize traits (these can often be Derived; see the serde documentation for more info). For example:

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#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum MyType {

// open a loopback stream
let (send, recv) = client.new_stream("client".to_string()).await.unwrap();

// wrap send and recv in a codec
let send_mytype = SymmetricallyFramed::new(send, SymmetricalBincode::<MyType>::default());
let recv_mytype = SymmetricallyFramed::new(recv, SymmetricalBincode::<MyType>::default());

// send a type and receive the same type back
assert_eq!(recv_mytype.try_next().await?.unwrap(), MyType::Variant1);

Making streams non-blocking

By default, messages are queued until the receiver reads them from an InStream. The underlying network transport implements buffering, which allows the sender to transmit messages even when the receiver does not read them immediately. This buffering is finite, however; when it is full, the transport layer applies back-pressure, blocking the sender from transmitting new messages until the receiver has consumed buffered ones.

In some cases---especially for broadcast streams---it may be useful to make streams non-blocking, at the cost of forcing slow receivers to drop messages. The NonblockingInStream adapter implements this at the receiver. Like InStream, NonblockingInStream can be composed with tokio_serde's SymmetricallyFramed adapter:

This example is not tested
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum MyType {

// open a stream to another client
let (send, recv) = client.new_stream("client2".to_string()).await.unwrap();

// wrap recv in a codec and make sure it does not block sender
let recv = NonblockingInStream::new(recv, 16);
let recv_mytype = SymmetricallyFramed::new(recv, SymmetricalBincode::<MyType>::default());

match recv_mytype.try_next().await {
    Err(NonblockingInStreamError::Lagged(nlost)) => println!("lost {} messages", nlost),
    Err(_) => panic!("unknown error"),
    Ok(Some(msg)) => println!("received {:?}", msg),
    Ok(None) => println!("stream is closed now"),


pub use client::Client;
pub use coord::Coord;



This module defines convenience functions for generating certificates.


This module defines the Client entity and associated functionality.


This module defines the Coordinator entity and associated functionality.


Re-exports from quinn



Client configuration struct


Coordinator configuration struct


An adapter to make an InStream non-blocking from the sender's perspective



Err variant returned by NonblockingInStream

Type Definitions


Receiving end of a data stream: a Stream of BytesMut.


Sending end of a data stream: a Sink that accepts Bytes.