condow_core 0.19.0-alpha.3

Framework for concurrent downloads
//! # ConDow
//! ## Overview
//! ConDow is a CONcurrent DOWnloader which downloads BLOBs
//! by splitting the download into parts and downloading them
//! concurrently.
//! Some services/technologies/backends can have their download
//! speed improved, if BLOBs are downloaded concurrently by
//! "opening multiple connections". An example for this is AWS S3.
//! This crate provides the core functionality only. To actually
//! use it, use one of the implementation crates:
//! * [condow_rusoto] for downloading AWS S3 via the rusoto
//! * [condow_fs] for using async file access via [tokio]
//! All that is required to add more "services" is to implement
//! the [CondowClient] trait.
//! ## Usage
//! To use condow a client to access remote data is required. In the examples below
//! [InMemoryClient] is used. Usually this would be some client which really accesses
//! remote BLOBs.
//! The [Condow] struct itself can be used to download BLOBs. It might not be
//! convenient to pass it around since it has 2 type parameters. Consider the
//! traits [Downloads] (which has only an associated type) or [DownloadUntyped]
//! (which is even object safe) to pass around instances of [Condow].
//! ```
//! use condow_core::condow_client::InMemoryClient;
//! use condow_core::{Condow, config::Config};
//! # #[tokio::main]
//! # async fn main() {
//! // First we need a client...
//! let client = InMemoryClient::<String>::new_static(b"a remote BLOB");
//! // ... and a configuration for Condow
//! let config = Config::default();
//! let condow = Condow::new(client, config).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(condow.get_size("a location").await.unwrap(), 13);
//! // Download the complete BLOB
//! let blob = condow.blob().at("a location").download_into_vec().await.unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(blob, b"a remote BLOB");
//! // Download part of a BLOB. Any Rust range syntax will work.
//! let blob = condow.blob().at("a location").range(2..=7).download_into_vec().await.unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(blob, b"remote");
//! let blob = condow.blob().at("a location").range(2..).download_into_vec().await.unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(blob, b"remote BLOB");
//! // get an `AsyncRead` implementation
//! use futures::AsyncReadExt;
//! let mut reader = condow.blob().at("a location").reader().await.unwrap();
//! let mut buf = Vec::new();
//! reader.read_to_end(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(buf, b"a remote BLOB");
//! // get an `AsyncRead`+`AsyncSeek` implementation
//! use futures::AsyncSeekExt;
//! let mut reader = condow.blob()
//!     .at("a location")
//!     .trusted_blob_size(13)
//!     .random_access_reader()
//!     .finish().await.unwrap();
//! let mut buf = Vec::new();
//! reader.read_to_end(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(buf, b"remote BLOB");
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Retries
//! ConDow supports retries. These can be done on the downloads themselves
//! as well on the byte streams returned from a client. If an error occurs
//! while streaming bytes ConDow will try to reconnect with retries and
//! resume streaming where the previous stream failed.
//! Retries can also be attempted on size requests.
//! Be aware that some clients might also do retries themselves based on
//! their underlying implementation. In this case you should disable retries for either the
//! client or ConDow itself.
//! ## Behaviour
//! Downloads with a maximum concurrency of 3 are streamed on the same task the download
//! was initiated on. This means that the returned stream needs to be polled to drive
//! pulling chunks from the network. Executing the streaming also means that panics
//! of underlying libraries will pop up on the polling task.
//! Downloads with a concurrency greater or equal than 4 are executed on dedicated tasks.
//! Panics will be detected and the stream will abort with an error.
//! With the [EnsureActivePull] config setting all downloads will be executed on dedicated tasks and
//! panics will be detected.
//! All downloads executed on dedicated tasks will pull bytes from the network eagerly
//! and fill a queue.
//! ## Instrumentation
//! Instrumentation can be done for each individual download or centralized
//! for global monitoring. For further information see the [probe] module.
//! [condow_rusoto]:
//! [condow_fs]:
//! [InMemoryClient]:condow_client::InMemoryClient
//! [EnsureActivePull]:config::EnsureActivePull
use futures::future::BoxFuture;

use errors::CondowError;
use probe::Probe;
use streams::{ChunkStream, OrderedChunkStream};

pub(crate) mod helpers;
mod condow;
pub mod condow_client;
pub mod config;
mod download_range;
pub mod errors;
mod machinery;
pub mod probe;
pub mod reader;
mod request;
mod retry;
pub mod streams;

pub use condow::Condow;
pub use download_range::*;
pub use request::{Request, RequestNoLocation};

pub mod test_utils;

/// A common interface for downloading
/// This trait is not object safe. If you want to use dynamic dispatch you
/// might consider the trait [DownloadsUntyped] which is object safe
/// and accepts string slices as a location.
///  ```
/// # use std::sync::Arc;
/// use condow_core::{Condow, Downloads, config::Config};
/// use condow_core::condow_client::InMemoryClient;
/// # #[tokio::main]
/// # async fn main() {
/// // First we need a client... Let's make the type of the location simply `u32`s
/// let client = InMemoryClient::<i32>::new_static(b"a remote BLOB");
/// // ... and a configuration for Condow
/// let config = Config::default();
/// let condow = Condow::new(client, config).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(Downloads::get_size(&condow, 42).await.unwrap(), 13);
/// let blob = Downloads::blob(&condow).at(42).download_into_vec().await.unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(blob, b"a remote BLOB");
/// // The trait can also be used dynamically:
/// let downloads_dyn_dispatch: Arc<dyn Downloads<Location = i32>> = Arc::new(condow);
/// let blob = downloads_dyn_dispatch.blob().at(42).download_into_vec().await.unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(blob, b"a remote BLOB");
/// # }
/// ```
pub trait Downloads: Send + Sync + 'static {
    type Location: std::fmt::Debug + std::fmt::Display + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static;

    /// Download a BLOB via the returned request object
    fn blob(&self) -> RequestNoLocation<Self::Location>;

    /// Get the size of a BLOB at the given location
    fn get_size(&self, location: Self::Location) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<u64, CondowError>>;

/// Downloads from a location specified by a &[str].
/// This trait is object safe
///  ```
/// # use std::sync::Arc;
/// use condow_core::{Condow, DownloadsUntyped, config::Config};
/// use condow_core::condow_client::InMemoryClient;
/// # #[tokio::main]
/// # async fn main() {
/// // First we need a client... Let's make the type of the location simply `u32`s
/// let client = InMemoryClient::<u32>::new_static(b"a remote BLOB");
/// // ... and a configuration for Condow
/// let config = Config::default();
/// let condow = Condow::new(client, config).unwrap();
/// // The trait is object save:
/// let downloader: Arc<dyn DownloadsUntyped> = Arc::new(condow);
/// // "42" parses as `u32`
/// assert_eq!(downloader.get_size("42".to_string()).await.unwrap(), 13);
/// // "x" does not
/// assert!(downloader.get_size("x".to_string()).await.is_err());
/// let blob = downloader.blob().at("42".to_string()).download_into_vec().await.unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(blob, b"a remote BLOB");
/// # }
/// ```
pub trait DownloadsUntyped: Send + Sync + 'static {
    /// Download a BLOB via the returned request object
    fn blob(&self) -> RequestNoLocation<String>;

    /// Get the size of a BLOB at the given location
    /// A location which can not be parsed causes method to fail.
    fn get_size(&self, location: String) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<u64, CondowError>>;

mod trait_tests {
    use std::sync::Arc;

    use futures::future::BoxFuture;

    use crate::{
        condow_client::InMemoryClient, config::Config, errors::CondowError, Condow, Downloads,
        DownloadsUntyped, RequestNoLocation,

    fn downloads_untyped_is_object_safe_must_compile() {
        struct Foo;

        impl DownloadsUntyped for Foo {
            fn blob(&self) -> RequestNoLocation<String> {

            fn get_size(&self, _location: String) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<u64, CondowError>> {

        let _downloads_untyped: Box<dyn DownloadsUntyped> = Box::new(Foo);

    fn downloads_typed_is_object_safe_must_compile() {
        struct Foo;

        impl Downloads for Foo {
            type Location = i32;

            fn blob(&self) -> RequestNoLocation<i32> {

            fn get_size(&self, _location: i32) -> BoxFuture<'_, Result<u64, CondowError>> {

        let _downloads_untyped: Box<dyn Downloads<Location = i32>> = Box::new(Foo);

    async fn typed_downloader_is_usable_for_download() {
        let client = InMemoryClient::<u32>::new_static(b"a remote BLOB");
        let config = Config::default();
        let condow = Condow::new(client, config).unwrap();
        let downloader: Arc<dyn Downloads<Location = u32>> = Arc::new(condow);
        assert_eq!(downloader.get_size(42).await.unwrap(), 13);
        let blob = downloader
        assert_eq!(blob, b"a remote BLOB");

    async fn typed_downloader_is_usable_for_reader() {
        let client = InMemoryClient::<u32>::new_static(b"a remote BLOB");
        let config = Config::default();
        let condow = Condow::new(client, config).unwrap();
        let downloader: Arc<dyn Downloads<Location = u32>> = Arc::new(condow);
        assert_eq!(downloader.get_size(42).await.unwrap(), 13);
        let _reader = downloader