condition 0.1.0

Commonly used synonyms for true and false

This library provides condition::Condition a trait for easier expression (and consumption) of features, toggles, checkboxes, settings, options, or any other bivalent pair.

NOTE: This crate will eventually support no-std, but does not at this time

Conditions typically come in pairs. (e.g., {Allow, Deny}, {Yes, No}, {With, Without}. This library provides several types by default. To import them, use the prelude module. If you only want to use the trait, simply import it.

Use impl Condition anywhere you might take a boolean value. Then, use any type that implements this condition.

Within the function, branch off of the condition provided

use condition::prelude::*;

enum Answer {

pub fn verbose(v: impl Condition) { assert!(; }

/* ... */

use Answer::No;