concurrent_prime_sieve 0.2.4

Tools for generating filters and collections with primes concurrently. Rust implementation of the Sieve of Atkin. This implementation runs in O( sqrt(max_num) + section_size ) (where section_size = max_num - min_num)

concurrent_prime_sieve (v 0.2.4) Build Status

Tools for generating filters and collections with primes concurrently.

Rust implementation of the Sieve of Atkin.

This implementation runs in O( sqrt(max_num) + section_size ) (where section_size = max_num - min_num)

This implementation built to work well with parallel processing, distributed computing tasks, or if a reasonably large section of primes is desired within a range that is roughly quadratic to the size of the section. (e.g., If you need primes in a block of size 109 starting at 1018.)

There is no need to calculate smaller primes or to have any communication between threads, as each section of primes is calculated completely independently.


fn prime_filter(max_num: usize) -> Vec<bool>

Generates a vector of bools of size max_num, with true at each prime index, and false otherwise.

The number of threads is based on the number of virtual cores detected.

fn prime_filter_concurrently(max_num: usize, threads: usize) -> Vec<bool>

Similar to fn prime_filter, but allows for a custom number of threads.

fn prime_filter_sequentially(max_num: usize) -> Vec<bool>

Similar to fn prime_filter, but does not spawn any new threads. (Note: This function has not been optimized. May eventually borrow an outside resource.)

fn prime_filter_section(min_num:usize, max_num: usize) -> Vec<bool>

Similar to fn prime_filter, but just for numbers between min and max, returned in a vector of length max-min.

fn prime_filter_section_concurrently(min_num: usize, max_num: usize, threads: usize) -> Vec<bool>

Similar to fn prime_filter_section, but allows for a custom number of threads.

fn prime_filter_section_sequentially(min_num: usize, max_num: usize) -> Vec<bool>

Similar to fn prime_filter_section, but does not spawn any new threads.


fn primes(max_num: usize) -> Vec<usize>

Generates a vector collection of primes strictly less than max_num.

The number of threads is based on the number of virtual cores detected.

fn primes_concurrently(max_num:usize, threads:usize) -> Vec<usize>

Similar to fn primes, but allows for a custom number of threads.

fn primes_sequentially(max_num: usize) -> Vec<usize>

Similar to fn primes, but does not spawn any new threads. (Note: This function has not been optimized. May eventually borrow an outside resource.)

fn primes_section(min_num: usize, max_num: usize) -> Vec<usize>

Generates a vector collection of primes between min_num and max_num.

The number of threads is based on the number of virtual cores detected.

fn primes_section_concurrently(min_num:usize, max_num:usize, threads:usize) -> Vec<usize>

Similar to fn primes_section, but allows for a custom number of threads.

fn primes_section_sequentially(min_num:usize, max_num:usize, threads:usize) -> Vec<usize>

Similar to fn primes_section, but does not spawn any new threads.