concurrent_prime_sieve 0.2.0

Tools for generating filters and collections with primes concurrently. Rust implementation of the Sieve of Atkin.

# concurrent_prime_sieve (v 0.2.0) [![Build Status]]

Tools for generating filters and collections with primes concurrently.

Rust implementation of the Sieve of Atkin.

## `concurrent_prime_sieve::filter`

fn prime_filter(iter_size: usize) -> Vec<bool>
>Generates a vector of bools of size iter_size, with `true` at each prime index, and `false` otherwise.
>The number of threads is based on the number of virtual cores detected.

fn prime_filter_concurrently(iter_size: usize, threads: usize) -> Vec<bool>
>Similar to `fn prime_filter`, but allows for a custom number of threads.

fn prime_filter_sequentially(iter_size: usize) -> Vec<bool>
>Similar to `fn prime_filter`, but does not spawn any new threads.

fn prime_filter_section(min:usize, max: usize) -> Vec<bool>
>Similar to `fn prime_filter`, but just for numbers between min and max, returned in a vector of length max-min.

fn prime_filter_section_concurrently(iter_size: usize, threads: usize) -> Vec<bool>
>Similar to `fn prime_filter_section`, but allows for a custom number of threads.

fn prime_filter_section_sequentially(iter_size: usize) -> Vec<bool>
>Similar to `fn prime_filter_section`, but does not spawn any new threads.

## `concurrent_prime_sieve::collection`

fn primes(max_prime: usize) -> Vec<usize>
>Generates a vector collection of primes strictly less than max_prime.
>The number of threads is based on the number of virtual cores detected.

fn primes_concurrently(max_prime:usize, threads:usize) -> Vec<usize>
>Similar to `fn primes`, but allows for a custom number of threads.

fn primes_sequentially(iter_size: usize) -> Vec<usize>
>Similar to `fn primes`, but does not spawn any new threads.

fn primes_section(min_prime: usize, max_prime: usize) -> Vec<usize>
>Generates a vector collection of primes between min_prime and max_prime.
>The number of threads is based on the number of virtual cores detected.

fn primes_section_concurrently(min_prime:usize, max_prime:usize, threads:usize) -> Vec<usize>
>Similar to `fn primes_section`, but allows for a custom number of threads.

fn primes_section_sequentially(min_prime:usize, max_prime:usize, threads:usize) -> Vec<usize>
>Similar to `fn primes_section`, but does not spawn any new threads.