concrete_lib 0.1.0

Concrete is a fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) library that implements Zama's variant of TFHE.
# Concrete Operates oN Ciphertexts Rapidly by Extending TfhE

Concrete is a [fully homomorphic encryption (FHE)]( library that implements Zama's variant of [TFHE](
Concrete is based on the [Learning With Errors (LWE)]( problem and on the [Ring Learning With Errors (RLWE)]( problem, which are well studied cryptographic hardness assumptions believed to be secure even against quantum computers.

To use Concrete, you must install [Rust](, [FFTW]( and add [concrete]( to the list of dependencies.

## Rust installation

To install rust on Linux or Macos, you can do the following:

curl  --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

If you want other rust installation methods, please refer to [rust website](

## FFTW and openssl installation

You also need to install FFTW and openssl library.

### MacOS

The more straightforward way to install fftw is to use Homebrew Formulae. To install homebrew, you can do the following:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

And then install FFTW and openssl.

brew install fftw
brew install openssl

### Linux

To install FFTW on a debian-based distribution, you can do the following:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y libfftw3-dev libssl-dev

### From source

If you want to install FFTW directly from source, you can follow the steps described in [FFTW's website](

## Use `concrete` in your own project

You need to **add the Concrete library as a dependency** in your Rust project.

To do so, simply add the dependency in the `Cargo.toml` file.
Here is a **simple example**:

name = "play_with_fhe"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["FHE Curious"]
edition = "2018"
# See more keys and their definitions at

concrete-lib = "0.1.0"

Now, you can **compile** your project with the `cargo build` command, which will fetch the Concrete library.

It is also possible to build the library from source by cloning this repository and running:

cd concrete
cargo build --release

# Tests

To run the tests, you can do the following

cd concrete
cargo test --release

# Example

use concrete_lib::*;
use pro_api::error::ProAPIError;

fn main() -> Result<(), ProAPIError> {
    // generate a secret key
    let secret_key = LWESecretKey::new(&LWE128_630);

    // the two values to add
    let m1 = 8.2;
    let m2 = 5.6;

    // specify the range and precision to encode messages into plaintexts
    // here we encode in [0, 10[ with 8 bits of precision and 1 bit of padding
    let encoder = Encoder::new(0., 10., 8, 1)?;

    // encode the messages into plaintexts
    let p1 = encoder.encode_single(m1)?;
    let p2 = encoder.encode_single(m2)?;

    // encrypt plaintexts
    let mut c1 = LWE::new_encrypt(&secret_key, &p1)?;
    let c2 = LWE::new_encrypt(&secret_key, &p2)?;

    // add the two ciphertexts homomorphically

    // decrypt and decode the result
    let m3 = c1.decrypt(&secret_key)?;

    // print the result and compare to non-FHE addition
    println!("Real: {} + {} = {}", m1, m2, m1 + m2);
        "FHE: {} + {} = {}",

# Credits

This library uses several dependencies and we would like to thank the contributors of those libraries :

- [**FFTW**] (rust wrapper) : [Toshiki Teramura] (GPLv3)
- [**FFTW**] (lib) : [M. Frigo] and [S. G. Johnson] (GPLv3)
- [**itertools**] [bluss] (MIT / Apache 2.0)
- [**kolmogorov_smirnov**] [D. O. Crualaoich] (Apache 2.0)
- [**openssl**] (rust wrapper): [S. Fackler] (Apache-2.0)
- [**openssl**] (lib):

- [**serde**] [E. Tryzelaar] and [D. Tolnay] (MIT or Apache 2.0)
- [**colored**] [T. Wickham] (MPL-2.0)

We also use some crates published by `The Rust Project Developers` under the MIT or Apache 2.0 license :

- [**backtrace**]
- [**rand**]
- [**rand_distr**]
- [**num-traits**]
- [**libc**]
- [**num-integer**]

# License

This software is distributed under the AGPL-v3 license. If you have any question, please contact us at