Expand description

The cryptographic parameter set.

This module provides the structure containing the cryptographic parameters required for the homomorphic evaluation of Boolean circuit as well as a list of secure cryptographic parameter sets.

Two parameter sets are provided:

  • concrete_boolean::parameters::DEFAULT_PARAMETERS
  • concrete_boolean::parameters::TFHE_LIB_PARAMETERS

They ensure the correctness of the Boolean circuit evaluation result (up to a certain probability) along with 128-bits of security.

The two parameter sets offer a trade-off in terms of execution time versus error probability. The DEFAULT_PARAMETERS set offers better performances on homomorphic circuit evaluation with an higher probability error in comparison with the TFHE_LIB_PARAMETERS. Note that if you desire, you can also create your own set of parameters. This is an unsafe operation as failing to properly fix the parameters will potentially result with an incorrect and/or insecure computation.


A set of cryptographic parameters for homomorphic Boolean circuit evaluation.
The logarithm of the base used in a decomposition.
The number of levels used in a decomposition.
The number of polynomials of an GLWE mask, or the size of an GLWE secret key.
The number of scalar in an LWE mask, or the length of an LWE secret key.
The number of coefficients of a polynomial.
A distribution parameter that uses the standard deviation as representation.


Default parameter set.
Parameter set used in TFHE library for 128-bits of security.