concread 0.4.1

Concurrently Readable Data-Structures for Rust
//! Concread - Concurrently Readable Datastructures
//! Concurrently readable is often referred to as [Copy-On-Write](, [Multi-Version-Concurrency-Control](
//! or [Software Transactional Memory](
//! These structures allow multiple readers with transactions
//! to proceed while single writers can operate. A reader is guaranteed the content
//! of their transaction will remain the same for the duration of the read, and readers do not block
//! writers from proceeding.
//! Writers are serialised, just like a mutex.
//! You can use these in place of a RwLock, and will likely see improvements in
//! parallel throughput of your application.
//! The best use is in place of mutex/rwlock, where the reader exists for a
//! non-trivial amount of time.
//! For example, if you have a RwLock where the lock is taken, data changed or read, and dropped
//! immediately, this probably won't help you.
//! However, if you have a RwLock where you hold the read lock for any amount of time,
//! writers will begin to stall - or inversely, the writer will cause readers to block
//! and wait as the writer proceeds.
//! # Features
//! This library provides multiple structures for you to use. You may enable or disable these based
//! on our features.
//! * `ebr` - epoch based reclaim cell
//! * `maps` - concurrently readable b+tree and hashmaps
//! * `arcache` - concurrently readable ARC cache
//! * `ahash` - use the cpu accelerated ahash crate
//! By default all of these features are enabled. If you are planning to use this crate in a wasm
//! context we recommend you use only `maps` as a feature.

#![cfg_attr(feature = "simd_support", feature(portable_simd))]

#[cfg(feature = "maps")]
extern crate smallvec;

pub mod cowcell;
pub use cowcell::CowCell;

#[cfg(feature = "ebr")]
pub mod ebrcell;
#[cfg(feature = "ebr")]
pub use ebrcell::EbrCell;

#[cfg(feature = "arcache")]
pub mod arcache;
#[cfg(feature = "tcache")]
pub mod threadcache;

// This is where the scary rust lives.
#[cfg(feature = "maps")]
pub mod internals;
// This is where the gud rust lives.
#[cfg(feature = "maps")]
mod utils;

#[cfg(feature = "maps")]
pub mod bptree;
#[cfg(feature = "maps")]
pub mod hashmap;
#[cfg(feature = "maps")]
pub mod hashtrie;