conch-runtime-pshaw 0.1.6

A library for evaluating/executing programs written in the shell programming language.

A library for executing programs written in the shell programming language.

This library offers executing already parsed shell commands as defined by the POSIX.1-2008 standard. This runtime attempts to remain agnostic to the specific Abstract Syntax Tree format a parser could produce, as well as agnostic to features supported by the OS to be as cross platform as possible.

Specifically implementations are provided for all the default AST nodes produced by the conch-parser crate. Unlike other Unix shells, this library supports Windows1 and can likely be extended for other operating systems as well.

1Major features are reasonably supported in Windows to the extent possible. Due to OS differences (e.g. async I/O models) and inherent implementation exepectations of the shell programming language, certain features may require additional runtime costs, or may be limited in nature (e.g. inheriting arbitrary numbered file descriptors [other than stdio] is difficult/impossible due to the way Windows addresses file handles).

Supported Cargo Features

  • conch-parser: enable implementations on the default AST types provided by the conch-parser crate