comrak 0.6.1

A 100% CommonMark-compatible GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and formatter
[![Build Status](]( ![Spec
Status: 671/671]( [![

Rust port of [github's `cmark-gfm`](

  - [Installation](#installation)
  - [Usage](#usage)
  - [Security](#security)
  - [Extensions](#extensions)
  - [Related projects](#related-projects)
  - [Contributing](#contributing)
  - [Legal](#legal)

## Installation

Specify it as a requirement in `Cargo.toml`:

``` toml
comrak = "0.6"

Comrak supports Rust 1.27.0 and forward.

## Usage

A binary is included which does everything you typically want:

``` console
$ comrak --help
comrak 0.6.1
Ashe Connor <>
A 100% CommonMark-compatible GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and formatter

    comrak [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [--] [FILE]...

        --gfm                Enable GitHub-flavored markdown extensions strikethrough, tagfilter, table, autolink, and
                             tasklist. It also enables --github-pre-lang.
        --github-pre-lang    Use GitHub-style <pre lang> for code blocks
        --hardbreaks         Treat newlines as hard line breaks
    -h, --help               Prints help information
        --smart              Use smart punctuation
        --unsafe             Allow raw HTML and dangerous URLs
    -V, --version            Prints version information

        --default-info-string <INFO>    Default value for fenced code block's info strings if none is given
    -e, --extension <EXTENSION>...      Specify an extension name to use [possible values: strikethrough, tagfilter,
                                        table, autolink, tasklist, superscript, footnotes, description-lists]
    -t, --to <FORMAT>                   Specify output format [default: html]  [possible values: html, commonmark]
        --header-ids <PREFIX>           Use the Comrak header IDs extension, with the given ID prefix
        --width <WIDTH>                 Specify wrap width (0 = nowrap) [default: 0]

    <FILE>...    The CommonMark file to parse; or standard input if none passed

And there's a Rust interface. You can use `comrak::markdown_to_html` directly:

``` rust
use comrak::{markdown_to_html, ComrakOptions};
assert_eq!(markdown_to_html("Hello, **世界**!", &ComrakOptions::default()),
           "<p>Hello, <strong>世界</strong>!</p>\n");

Or you can parse the input into an AST yourself, manipulate it, and then use your desired formatter:

``` rust
extern crate comrak;
use comrak::{parse_document, format_html, Arena, ComrakOptions};
use comrak::nodes::{AstNode, NodeValue};

// The returned nodes are created in the supplied Arena, and are bound by its lifetime.
let arena = Arena::new();

let root = parse_document(
    "This is my input.\n\n1. Also my input.\n2. Certainly my input.\n",

fn iter_nodes<'a, F>(node: &'a AstNode<'a>, f: &F)
    where F : Fn(&'a AstNode<'a>) {
    for c in node.children() {
        iter_nodes(c, f);

iter_nodes(root, &|node| {
    match &mut {
        &mut NodeValue::Text(ref mut text) => {
            let orig = std::mem::replace(text, vec![]);
            *text = String::from_utf8(orig).unwrap().replace("my", "your").as_bytes().to_vec();
        _ => (),

let mut html = vec![];
format_html(root, &ComrakOptions::default(), &mut html).unwrap();

    "<p>This is your input.</p>\n\
     <li>Also your input.</li>\n\
     <li>Certainly your input.</li>\n\

## Security

As with [`cmark`]( and [`cmark-gfm`](,
Comrak will scrub raw HTML and potentially dangerous links. This change was introduced in Comrak 0.4.0 in support of a
safe-by-default posture.

To allow these, use the `unsafe_` option (or `--unsafe` with the command line program). If doing so, we recommend the
use of a sanitisation library like [`ammonia`]( configured specific to your needs.

## Extensions

Comrak supports the five extensions to CommonMark defined in the [GitHub Flavored Markdown

  - [Tables](
  - [Task list items](
  - [Strikethrough](
  - [Autolinks](
  - [Disallowed Raw HTML](

Comrak additionally supports its own extensions, which are yet to be specced out (PRs welcome\!):

  - Superscript
  - Header IDs
  - Footnotes
  - Description lists

By default none are enabled; they are individually enabled with each parse by setting the appropriate values in the
[`ComrakOptions` struct](

## Related projects

Comrak's design goal is to model the upstream [`cmark-gfm`]( as closely as possible
in terms of code structure. The upside of this is that a change in `cmark-gfm` has a very predictable change in Comrak.
It helps that I maintain both, and tend to update Comrak in lock-step with `cmark-gfm`. Likewise, any bug in `cmark-gfm`
is likely to be reproduced in Comrak. This could be considered a pro or a con, depending on your use case.

The downside, of course, is that the code is not what I'd call idiomatic Rust (*so many `RefCell`s*), and while
contributors and I have made it as fast as possible, it simply won't be as fast as some other CommonMark parsers
depending on your use-case. Here are some other projects to consider:

  - [Raph Levien]('s [`pulldown-cmark`]( It's
    very fast, uses a novel parsing algorithm, and doesn't construct an AST (but you can use it to make one if you
    want). Recent `cargo doc` uses this, as do many other projects in the ecosystem. It's not quite at 100% spec
    compatibility yet.
  - [Ben Navetta]('s [`rcmark`]( is a set of bindings to
    `libcmark`. It hasn't been updated in a while, though there's an [open pull
  - Know of another library? Please open a PR to add it\!

As far as I know, Comrak is the only library to implement all of the [GitHub Flavored Markdown
extensions]( to the spec, but this tends to only be important if you want to reproduce
GitHub's Markdown rendering exactly, e.g. in a GitHub client app.

## Contributing

Contributions are highly encouraged; where possible I practice [Optimistic Merging]( as
described by Peter Hintjens. Please keep the [code of conduct]( in mind when interacting with this

Thank you to comrak's many contributors for PRs and issues opened\!

<table id='contributors'></table><a class='contributors' title='anthonynguyen' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='anthonynguyen'></a> <a class='contributors' title='ayosec' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='ayosec'></a> <a class='contributors' title='bovarysme' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='bovarysme'></a> <a class='contributors' title='brson' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='brson'></a> <a class='contributors' title='carols10cents' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='carols10cents'></a> <a class='contributors' title='ConnyOnny' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='ConnyOnny'></a> <a class='contributors' title='ctm' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='ctm'></a> <a class='contributors' title='DemiMarie' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='DemiMarie'></a> <a class='contributors' title='gjtorikian' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='gjtorikian'></a> <a class='contributors' title='ivanceras' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='ivanceras'></a> <a class='contributors' title='JordanMilne' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='JordanMilne'></a> <a class='contributors' title='jrmiller82' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='jrmiller82'></a> <a class='contributors' title='Keats' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='Keats'></a> <a class='contributors' title='killercup' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='killercup'></a> <a class='contributors' title='lise-henry' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='lise-henry'></a> <a class='contributors' title='maxwell-k' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='maxwell-k'></a> <a class='contributors' title='SSJohns' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='SSJohns'></a> <a class='contributors' title='steveklabnik' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='steveklabnik'></a> <a class='contributors' title='sunjay' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='sunjay'></a> <a class='contributors' title='treiff' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='treiff'></a> <a class='contributors' title='zeantsoi' href=''><img width='64' src='' alt='zeantsoi'></a>

## Legal

Copyright (c) 2017–2019, Ashe Connor. Licensed under the [2-Clause BSD

`cmark` itself is is copyright (c) 2014, John MacFarlane.

See [COPYING](COPYING) for all the details.