comrak 0.2.5

A 100% CommonMark-compatible GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and formatter
### 0.2.5

* Fixed a bug where an exclamation mark "!" followed by a footnote would be
  eaten by the parser.

### 0.2.4

* Added footnotes support.

### 0.2.3

* Added header IDs extension.

### 0.2.2

* Fix for pathological reference link parsing.

### 0.2.1

* Speed optimisations.

### 0.2.0

* The formatters no longer produce Strings themeselves; you must specify an
  output stream.
* Speed up whitespace normalisation.

### 0.1.9

* Multibyte character fix for autolink (#35, Shaquille Johnson).
* Resolve panics with tables in awkward situations (#36).

### 0.1.8

* Fix possible DoS in link parsing (#33, Demi Obenour).