compress-tools 0.5.0

Utility functions for compressed and archive files handling

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The compress-tools crate aims to provide a convenient and easy to use set of methods which builds on top of libarchive exposing a small set of it’s functionalities.

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You must have libarchive properly installed on your system in order to use this. If building on *nix systems, pkg-config is used to locate the libarchive; on Windows vcpkg will be used to locating the libarchive.

The minimum supported Rust version is 1.38.


This crate is capable of extracting:

  • compressed files
  • archive files
  • single file from an archive

For example, to extract an archive file it is as simple as:

use compress_tools::*;
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;

let mut source = File::open("tree.tar.gz")?;
let dest = Path::new("/tmp/dest");

uncompress_archive(&mut source, &dest, Ownership::Preserve)?;


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