macro_rules! Component {
        $vis:vis enum $name:ident
    ) => { ... };
        $vis:vis struct $name:ident
    ) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro attribute for deriving Component trait.

Accepts input in the following form:

),+ $(,)?)?)
$vis:vis $(enum | struct) $name:ident
    $(where $where_clause)?
$( ; | { $($body:tt)* } )

where $param may be in any of following forms:

class = $Class:ident
alloc = $Allocator:ty


§Non-generic component

macro_attr! {
    struct Item { /* ... */ }

// ...

let mut arena = Arena::new();
let id = arena.insert(|id| (Item { /* ... */ }, id));

§Generic component

macro_attr! {
    struct Item<T> {
        context: T

// ...

let mut arena_u8 = Arena::new();
let _ = arena_u8.insert(|id| (Item { context: 7u8 }, id));

let mut arena_u32 = Arena::new();
let _ = arena_u32.insert(|id| (Item { context: 7u32 }, id));