Trait completion::stream::CompletionStreamExt[][src]

pub trait CompletionStreamExt: CompletionStream {
    unsafe fn poll_next(
        &mut self,
        cx: &mut Context<'_>
    ) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>>
        Self: Unpin
, { ... }
unsafe fn poll_cancel(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<()>
        Self: Unpin
, { ... }
fn must_complete(self) -> MustComplete<Self>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn next(&mut self) -> Next<'_, Self>

Notable traits for Next<'_, S>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized> Future for Next<'_, S> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>, 
type Output = Option<<S as CompletionStream>::Item>;

        Self: Unpin
, { ... }
fn count(self) -> Count<Self>

Notable traits for Count<S>

impl<S> Future for Count<S> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>, 
type Output = usize;

        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn last(self) -> Last<Self>

Notable traits for Last<S>

impl<S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>> Future for Last<S> type Output = Option<<S as CompletionStream>::Item>;

        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn nth(&mut self, n: usize) -> Nth<'_, Self>

Notable traits for Nth<'_, S>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized> Future for Nth<'_, S> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>, 
type Output = Option<<S as CompletionStream>::Item>;

        Self: Unpin
, { ... }
fn step_by(self, step: usize) -> StepBy<Self>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn chain<U: CompletionStream<Item = Self::Item>>(
        other: U
    ) -> Chain<Self, U>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn map<T, F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> T>(self, f: F) -> Map<Self, F>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn then<F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> Fut, Fut: CompletionFuture>(
        f: F
    ) -> Then<Self, F, Fut>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn for_each<F: FnMut(Self::Item)>(self, f: F) -> ForEach<Self, F>

Notable traits for ForEach<S, F>

impl<S, F> Future for ForEach<S, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(<S as CompletionStream>::Item), 
type Output = ();

        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn filter<F>(self, f: F) -> Filter<Self, F>
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool,
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn filter_map<T, F>(self, f: F) -> FilterMap<Self, F>
        F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> Option<T>,
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn enumerate(self) -> Enumerate<Self>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn peekable(self) -> Peekable<Self>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn skip_while<P>(self, predicate: P) -> SkipWhile<Self, P>
        P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool,
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn take_while<P>(self, predicate: P) -> TakeWhile<Self, P>
        P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool,
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn skip(self, n: usize) -> Skip<Self>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn take(self, n: usize) -> Take<Self>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn flat_map<U, F>(self, f: F) -> FlatMap<Self, U, F>
        Self: Sized,
        U: CompletionStream,
        F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> U
, { ... }
fn flatten(self) -> Flatten<Self>
        Self: Sized,
        Self::Item: CompletionStream
, { ... }
fn fuse(self) -> Fuse<Self>
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn inspect<F>(self, f: F) -> Inspect<Self, F>
        Self: Sized,
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item)
, { ... }
fn collect<C: FromCompletionStream<Self::Item>>(self) -> Collect<Self, C>

Notable traits for Collect<S, C>

impl<S, C> Future for Collect<S, C> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    C: FromCompletionStream<<S as CompletionStream>::Item>, 
type Output = C;

        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn fold<T, F>(self, init: T, f: F) -> Fold<Self, F, T>

Notable traits for Fold<S, F, T>

impl<S, F, T> Future for Fold<S, F, T> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(T, <S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> T, 
type Output = Self::Output;

        F: FnMut(T, Self::Item) -> T,
        Self: Sized
, { ... }
fn all<F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool>(&mut self, f: F) -> All<'_, Self, F>

Notable traits for All<'_, S, F>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized, F> Future for All<'_, S, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> bool
type Output = bool;

        Self: Unpin
, { ... }
fn any<F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool>(&mut self, f: F) -> Any<'_, Self, F>

Notable traits for Any<'_, S, F>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized, F> Future for Any<'_, S, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> bool
type Output = bool;

        Self: Unpin
, { ... }
fn find<P>(&mut self, predicate: P) -> Find<'_, Self, P>

Notable traits for Find<'_, S, P>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized, P> Future for Find<'_, S, P> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    P: FnMut(&<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> bool
type Output = Self::Output;

        Self: Unpin,
        P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool
, { ... }
fn find_map<B, F>(&mut self, f: F) -> FindMap<'_, Self, F>

Notable traits for FindMap<'_, S, F>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized, F, B> Future for FindMap<'_, S, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> Option<B>, 
type Output = Self::Output;

        Self: Unpin,
        F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> Option<B>
, { ... }
fn position<P>(&mut self, predicate: P) -> Position<'_, Self, P>

Notable traits for Position<'_, S, P>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized, P> Future for Position<'_, S, P> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    P: FnMut(<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> bool
type Output = Self::Output;

        Self: Unpin,
        P: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool
, { ... }
fn max(self) -> Max<Self>

Notable traits for Max<S>

impl<S> Future for Max<S> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>, 
type Output = Self::Output;

        Self: Sized,
        Self::Item: Ord
, { ... }
fn max_by<F>(self, compare: F) -> MaxBy<Self, F>

Notable traits for MaxBy<S, F>

impl<S, F> Future for MaxBy<S, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(&<S as CompletionStream>::Item, &<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> Ordering
type Output = Self::Output;

        Self: Sized,
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item, &Self::Item) -> Ordering
, { ... }
fn max_by_key<B, F>(self, f: F) -> MaxByKey<Self, B, F>

Notable traits for MaxByKey<S, B, F>

impl<S, B, F> Future for MaxByKey<S, B, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(&<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> B,
    B: Ord
type Output = Self::Output;

        Self: Sized,
        B: Ord,
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> B
, { ... }
fn min(self) -> Min<Self>

Notable traits for Min<S>

impl<S> Future for Min<S> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>, 
type Output = Self::Output;

        Self: Sized,
        Self::Item: Ord
, { ... }
fn min_by<F>(self, compare: F) -> MinBy<Self, F>

Notable traits for MinBy<S, F>

impl<S, F> Future for MinBy<S, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(&<S as CompletionStream>::Item, &<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> Ordering
type Output = Self::Output;

        Self: Sized,
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item, &Self::Item) -> Ordering
, { ... }
fn min_by_key<B, F>(self, f: F) -> MinByKey<Self, B, F>

Notable traits for MinByKey<S, B, F>

impl<S, B, F> Future for MinByKey<S, B, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(&<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> B,
    B: Ord
type Output = Self::Output;

        Self: Sized,
        B: Ord,
        F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> B
, { ... }
fn copied<'a, T: Copy + 'a>(self) -> Copied<Self>
        Self: CompletionStream<Item = &'a T> + Sized
, { ... }
fn cloned<'a, T: Clone + 'a>(self) -> Cloned<Self>
        Self: CompletionStream<Item = &'a T> + Sized
, { ... }
fn cycle(self) -> Cycle<Self>
        Self: Sized + Clone
, { ... }
fn boxed<'a>(self) -> BoxCompletionStream<'a, Self::Item>
        Self: Sized + Send + 'a
, { ... }
fn boxed_local<'a>(self) -> LocalBoxCompletionStream<'a, Self::Item>
        Self: Sized + 'a
, { ... } }

Extension trait for CompletionStream.

Provided methods

unsafe fn poll_next(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> where
    Self: Unpin

A convenience for calling CompletionStream::poll_next on Unpin streams.


Identical to CompletionStream::poll_next.

unsafe fn poll_cancel(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<()> where
    Self: Unpin

A convenience for calling CompletionStream::poll_cancel on Unpin streams.


Identical to CompletionStream::poll_cancel.

fn must_complete(self) -> MustComplete<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Make sure that the stream will complete. Any requests to cancel the stream through poll_cancel will be ignored.

fn next(&mut self) -> Next<'_, Self>

Notable traits for Next<'_, S>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized> Future for Next<'_, S> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>, 
type Output = Option<<S as CompletionStream>::Item>;
    Self: Unpin

Get the next item in the stream.

Be aware that if you cancel the returned future, the stream itself will be cancelled and so any further attempts to use it may panic, block forever, or do other unexpected things.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let mut stream = stream::iter(0..3).into_completion();
assert_eq!(, Some(0));
assert_eq!(, Some(1));
assert_eq!(, Some(2));
assert_eq!(, None);

fn count(self) -> Count<Self>

Notable traits for Count<S>

impl<S> Future for Count<S> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>, 
type Output = usize;
    Self: Sized

Count the number of items in the stream.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let stream_1 = stream::iter(3..7).into_completion();
let stream_2 = stream::iter(&[8, 2, 4]).into_completion();

assert_eq!(stream_1.count().await, 4);
assert_eq!(stream_2.count().await, 3);

fn last(self) -> Last<Self>

Notable traits for Last<S>

impl<S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>> Future for Last<S> type Output = Option<<S as CompletionStream>::Item>;
    Self: Sized

Get the last element in the stream.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

assert_eq!(stream::iter(3..7).into_completion().last().await, Some(6));
assert_eq!(stream::empty::<String>().into_completion().last().await, None);

fn nth(&mut self, n: usize) -> Nth<'_, Self>

Notable traits for Nth<'_, S>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized> Future for Nth<'_, S> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>, 
type Output = Option<<S as CompletionStream>::Item>;
    Self: Unpin

Get the nth element in the stream.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

assert_eq!(stream::iter(3..7).into_completion().nth(2).await, Some(5));
assert_eq!(stream::iter(3..7).into_completion().nth(10).await, None);

fn step_by(self, step: usize) -> StepBy<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Create a stream starting at the same point, but stepping by the given amount each iteration.


This will panic if step is 0.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let mut stream = stream::iter(&a).into_completion().step_by(2);

assert_eq!(, Some(&0));
assert_eq!(, Some(&2));
assert_eq!(, Some(&4));
assert_eq!(, None);

fn chain<U: CompletionStream<Item = Self::Item>>(
    other: U
) -> Chain<Self, U> where
    Self: Sized

Chain this stream with another.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let mut stream = stream::iter(4..6).into_completion()

assert_eq!(, Some(4));
assert_eq!(, Some(5));
assert_eq!(, Some(6));
assert_eq!(, Some(7));
assert_eq!(, Some(8));
assert_eq!(, Some(9));
assert_eq!(, None);

fn map<T, F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> T>(self, f: F) -> Map<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized

Map this stream’s items with a closure.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let mut stream = stream::iter(0..5).into_completion().map(|x| x * 2 + 4);

assert_eq!(, Some(4));
assert_eq!(, Some(6));
assert_eq!(, Some(8));
assert_eq!(, Some(10));
assert_eq!(, Some(12));
assert_eq!(, None);

fn then<F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> Fut, Fut: CompletionFuture>(
    f: F
) -> Then<Self, F, Fut> where
    Self: Sized

Map this stream’s items with an asynchronous closure.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt, completion_async_move};
use futures_lite::stream;

let mut stream = stream::iter(0..5)
    .then(|x| completion_async_move!(x * 2 + 4));


assert_eq!(, Some(4));
assert_eq!(, Some(6));
assert_eq!(, Some(8));
assert_eq!(, Some(10));
assert_eq!(, Some(12));
assert_eq!(, None);

fn for_each<F: FnMut(Self::Item)>(self, f: F) -> ForEach<Self, F>

Notable traits for ForEach<S, F>

impl<S, F> Future for ForEach<S, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(<S as CompletionStream>::Item), 
type Output = ();
    Self: Sized

Call a closure on each item the stream.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

stream::iter(0..8).into_completion().for_each(|num| println!("{}", num)).await;

fn filter<F>(self, f: F) -> Filter<Self, F> where
    F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool,
    Self: Sized

Keep the values in the stream for which the predicate resolves to true.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let mut stream = stream::iter(1..=10).into_completion().filter(|n| n % 3 == 0);

assert_eq!(, Some(3));
assert_eq!(, Some(6));
assert_eq!(, Some(9));
assert_eq!(, None);

fn filter_map<T, F>(self, f: F) -> FilterMap<Self, F> where
    F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> Option<T>,
    Self: Sized

Filter and map the items of the stream with a closure.

This will yield any values for which the closure returns Some and will discard any values for which the closure returns None.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let strings = ["5", "!", "2", "NaN", "6", ""];
let stream = stream::iter(&strings).into_completion();
let mut stream = stream.filter_map(|s| s.parse::<i32>().ok());

assert_eq!(, Some(5));
assert_eq!(, Some(2));
assert_eq!(, Some(6));
assert_eq!(, None);

fn enumerate(self) -> Enumerate<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Yield the current iteration count as well as the next value.

The returned stream yields pairs (i, val) where i is the current index of iteration and val is the value returned by the stream.

Overflow Behaviour

The method does no guarding against overflows, so enumerating more than usize::MAX elements either produces the wrong result or panics. If debug assertions are enabled, a panic is guaranteed.


The returned stream might panic if the to-be-returned index would overflow a usize.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let string = "Hello";
let mut stream = stream::iter(string.chars()).into_completion().enumerate();

assert_eq!(, Some((0, 'H')));
assert_eq!(, Some((1, 'e')));
assert_eq!(, Some((2, 'l')));
assert_eq!(, Some((3, 'l')));
assert_eq!(, Some((4, 'o')));
assert_eq!(, None);

fn peekable(self) -> Peekable<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Create a stream which can use peek to look at the next element of the stream without consuming it.

Note that the underlying stream is still advanced when peek is called for the first time after next; in order to retrieve the next element, next is called on the underlying stream, hence any side effects of the method with occur.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::{stream, pin};

let mut stream = stream::iter("Hello!\n".chars()).into_completion().peekable();

let mut s = String::new();
while stream.peek_unpin().await != Some(&'\n') {
assert_eq!(s, "Hello!");
assert_eq!(, Some('\n'));
assert_eq!(, None);

fn skip_while<P>(self, predicate: P) -> SkipWhile<Self, P> where
    P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool,
    Self: Sized

Skip items while the predicate returns true.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let stream = stream::iter("   Hello world!".chars()).into_completion();
let text: String = stream.skip_while(char::is_ascii_whitespace).collect().await;
assert_eq!(text, "Hello world!");

fn take_while<P>(self, predicate: P) -> TakeWhile<Self, P> where
    P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool,
    Self: Sized

Take items while the predicate returns true.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let stream = stream::iter("Hello world!\nFoo bar".chars()).into_completion();
let text: String = stream.take_while(|&c| c != '\n').collect().await;
assert_eq!(text, "Hello world!");

fn skip(self, n: usize) -> Skip<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Skip the first n items in the stream.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let stream = stream::iter(0..10).into_completion();
assert_eq!(stream.skip(5).collect::<Vec<_>>().await, [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);

fn take(self, n: usize) -> Take<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Takes the first n items of the stream. All other items will be ignored.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let stream = stream::repeat(19).into_completion();
assert_eq!(stream.take(5).collect::<Vec<_>>().await, [19, 19, 19, 19, 19]);

fn flat_map<U, F>(self, f: F) -> FlatMap<Self, U, F> where
    Self: Sized,
    U: CompletionStream,
    F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> U, 

Map the stream, flattening nested structure.

.flat_map(f) is equivalent to .[map](Self::map)(f).[flatten](Self::flatten)()`.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let s: String = stream::iter(&["alpha", "beta", "gamma"])
    .flat_map(|s| stream::iter(s.chars()).into_completion())

assert_eq!(s, "alphabetagamma");

fn flatten(self) -> Flatten<Self> where
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Item: CompletionStream

Flatten nested structure in the stream.

This converts a stream of streams to a stream.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let streams = vec![
let v: Vec<u8> = stream::iter(streams).into_completion().flatten().collect().await;
assert_eq!(v, &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);

fn fuse(self) -> Fuse<Self> where
    Self: Sized

Fuse the stream so that it is guaranteed to continue to yield None when exhausted.

If the stream is cancelled, it is also guaranteed to continue to yield None.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let mut stream = stream::once(5).into_completion().fuse();
assert_eq!(, Some(5));
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(, None);
assert_eq!(, None);

fn inspect<F>(self, f: F) -> Inspect<Self, F> where
    Self: Sized,
    F: FnMut(&Self::Item), 

Do something with each element in the stream, passing the value on.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let sum = stream::iter(0..16)
    .inspect(|x| println!("about to filter: {}", x))
    .filter(|x| x % 2 == 0)
    .inspect(|x| println!("made it through filter: {}", x))
    .fold(0_u32, |sum, i| sum + i)

assert_eq!(sum, 56);

fn collect<C: FromCompletionStream<Self::Item>>(self) -> Collect<Self, C>

Notable traits for Collect<S, C>

impl<S, C> Future for Collect<S, C> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    C: FromCompletionStream<<S as CompletionStream>::Item>, 
type Output = C;
    Self: Sized

Collect all the items in the stream into a collection.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, completion_stream};

let stream = completion_stream! {
    for i in 0..5 {
        yield i;

let items: Vec<_> = stream.collect().await;
assert_eq!(items, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);

You can also collect into Results or Options.

use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, completion_stream};

let success_stream = completion_stream! {
    for i in 0..5 {
        yield Some(i);
let failure_stream = completion_stream! {
    for i in 0..5 {
        yield Some(i);
    yield None;

assert_eq!(success_stream.collect::<Option<Vec<_>>>().await, Some(vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4]));
assert_eq!(failure_stream.collect::<Option<Vec<_>>>().await, None);

fn fold<T, F>(self, init: T, f: F) -> Fold<Self, F, T>

Notable traits for Fold<S, F, T>

impl<S, F, T> Future for Fold<S, F, T> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(T, <S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> T, 
type Output = Self::Output;
    F: FnMut(T, Self::Item) -> T,
    Self: Sized

Accumulate a value over a stream.

Fold stores an accumulator that is initially set to init. Whenever the stream produces a new item, it calls the function f with the accumulator and new item, which then returns the new value of the accumulator. Once the stream is finished, it returns the accumulator.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, completion_stream};

let stream = completion_stream! {
    yield 1;
    yield 8;
    yield 2;
assert_eq!(stream.fold(0, |acc, x| acc + x).await, 11);

fn all<F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool>(&mut self, f: F) -> All<'_, Self, F>

Notable traits for All<'_, S, F>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized, F> Future for All<'_, S, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> bool
type Output = bool;
    Self: Unpin

Check if all the elements in the stream match a predicate.

This is short-circuiting; it will stop once it finds a false.

An empty stream returns true.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

assert!(stream::iter(0..10).into_completion().all(|x| x < 10).await);

assert!(!stream::iter(0..8).into_completion().all(|x| x < 7).await);

assert!(stream::empty::<()>().into_completion().all(|_| false).await);

fn any<F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool>(&mut self, f: F) -> Any<'_, Self, F>

Notable traits for Any<'_, S, F>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized, F> Future for Any<'_, S, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> bool
type Output = bool;
    Self: Unpin

Check if any of the elements in the stream match a predicate.

This is short-circuiting; it will stop once it finds a true.

An empty stream returns false.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

assert!(stream::iter(0..10).into_completion().any(|x| x == 9).await);

assert!(!stream::iter(0..8).into_completion().all(|x| x == 9).await);

assert!(!stream::empty::<()>().into_completion().any(|_| true).await);

fn find<P>(&mut self, predicate: P) -> Find<'_, Self, P>

Notable traits for Find<'_, S, P>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized, P> Future for Find<'_, S, P> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    P: FnMut(&<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> bool
type Output = Self::Output;
    Self: Unpin,
    P: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> bool

Search for an element in the stream that satisfies a predicate.

find() is short-circuiting, it will stop processing as soon as the closure returns true.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let mut stream = stream::iter(1..10).into_completion();

// Find the first even number.
assert_eq!(stream.find(|x| x % 2 == 0).await, Some(2));

// Find the next odd number.
assert_eq!(stream.find(|x| x % 2 == 1).await, Some(3));

// Find short-circuits.
assert_eq!(, Some(4));

fn find_map<B, F>(&mut self, f: F) -> FindMap<'_, Self, F>

Notable traits for FindMap<'_, S, F>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized, F, B> Future for FindMap<'_, S, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> Option<B>, 
type Output = Self::Output;
    Self: Unpin,
    F: FnMut(Self::Item) -> Option<B>, 

Finds the first element in a stream for which a function returns Some.

stream.find_map(f).await is equivalent to stream.filter_map(f)


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let mut stream = stream::iter(&["lol", "NaN", "2", "5"]).into_completion();

assert_eq!(stream.find_map(|s| s.parse().ok()).await, Some(2));
assert_eq!(stream.find_map(|s| s.parse().ok()).await, Some(5));
assert_eq!(, None);

fn position<P>(&mut self, predicate: P) -> Position<'_, Self, P>

Notable traits for Position<'_, S, P>

impl<S: Unpin + ?Sized, P> Future for Position<'_, S, P> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    P: FnMut(<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> bool
type Output = Self::Output;
    Self: Unpin,
    P: FnMut(Self::Item) -> bool

Get the index of an element in the stream.

position() is short-circuiting, it will stop processing as soon as the closure returns true.

Overflow Behaviour

The method does no guarding against overflows, so enumerating more than usize::MAX elements either produces the wrong result or panics. If debug assertions are enabled, a panic is guaranteed.


The returned stream might panic if the to-be-returned index would overflow a usize.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let mut stream = stream::iter(1..10).into_completion();

assert_eq!(stream.position(|x| x == 4).await, Some(3));
assert_eq!(stream.position(|x| x == 11).await, None);

fn max(self) -> Max<Self>

Notable traits for Max<S>

impl<S> Future for Max<S> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>, 
type Output = Self::Output;
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Item: Ord

Find the maximum value in the stream.

If several elements are equally maximum, the last element is returned. If the stream is empty, None is returned.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

assert_eq!(stream::iter(&[1, 5, 2, 7, 4]).into_completion().max().await, Some(&7));
assert_eq!(stream::iter(<Vec<()>>::new()).into_completion().max().await, None);

let first = 5;
let second = 5;
let r = stream::iter(vec![&first, &second]).into_completion().max().await.unwrap();
// `first` and `second` are equal in value, but `second` is chosen because it is later.
assert_eq!(r as *const _, &second as *const _);

fn max_by<F>(self, compare: F) -> MaxBy<Self, F>

Notable traits for MaxBy<S, F>

impl<S, F> Future for MaxBy<S, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(&<S as CompletionStream>::Item, &<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> Ordering
type Output = Self::Output;
    Self: Sized,
    F: FnMut(&Self::Item, &Self::Item) -> Ordering

Find the maximum value in the stream using the specified comparison function.

If several elements are equally maximum, the last element is returned. If the stream is empty, None is returned.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let a = [("a", 1), ("b", 7), ("c", 2), ("d", 7), ("e", 4)];
let max = stream::iter(&a).into_completion().max_by(|(_, x), (_, y)| x.cmp(y)).await;
assert_eq!(max, Some(&("d", 7)));

fn max_by_key<B, F>(self, f: F) -> MaxByKey<Self, B, F>

Notable traits for MaxByKey<S, B, F>

impl<S, B, F> Future for MaxByKey<S, B, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(&<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> B,
    B: Ord
type Output = Self::Output;
    Self: Sized,
    B: Ord,
    F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> B, 

Find the element that gives the maximum value from the specified function.

If several elements are equally maximum, the last element is returned. If the stream is empty, None is returned.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let a: &[i32] = &[-3, 2, 10, 5, -10];
let max = stream::iter(a).into_completion().max_by_key(|x| x.abs()).await;
assert_eq!(max, Some(&-10));

fn min(self) -> Min<Self>

Notable traits for Min<S>

impl<S> Future for Min<S> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>, 
type Output = Self::Output;
    Self: Sized,
    Self::Item: Ord

Find the minimum value in the stream.

If several elements are equally minimum, the first element is returned. If the stream is empty, None is returned.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

assert_eq!(stream::iter(&[5, 7, 1, 3, 2]).into_completion().min().await, Some(&1));
assert_eq!(stream::iter(<Vec<()>>::new()).into_completion().min().await, None);

let first = 5;
let second = 5;
let r = stream::iter(vec![&first, &second]).into_completion().min().await.unwrap();
// `first` and `second` are equal in value, but `first` is chosen because it is earlier.
assert_eq!(r as *const _, &first as *const _);

fn min_by<F>(self, compare: F) -> MinBy<Self, F>

Notable traits for MinBy<S, F>

impl<S, F> Future for MinBy<S, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(&<S as CompletionStream>::Item, &<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> Ordering
type Output = Self::Output;
    Self: Sized,
    F: FnMut(&Self::Item, &Self::Item) -> Ordering

Find the minimum value in the stream using the specified comparison function.

If several elements are equally minimum, the last element is returned. If the stream is empty, None is returned.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let a = [("a", 3), ("b", 7), ("c", 1), ("d", 1), ("e", 4)];
let min = stream::iter(&a).into_completion().min_by(|(_, x), (_, y)| x.cmp(y)).await;
assert_eq!(min, Some(&("c", 1)));

fn min_by_key<B, F>(self, f: F) -> MinByKey<Self, B, F>

Notable traits for MinByKey<S, B, F>

impl<S, B, F> Future for MinByKey<S, B, F> where
    S: CompletionStream + Stream<Item = <S as CompletionStream>::Item>,
    F: FnMut(&<S as CompletionStream>::Item) -> B,
    B: Ord
type Output = Self::Output;
    Self: Sized,
    B: Ord,
    F: FnMut(&Self::Item) -> B, 

Find the element that gives the minimum value from the specified function.

If several elements are equally minimum, the last element is returned. If the stream is empty, None is returned.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let a: &[i32] = &[-10, 9, 23, -2, 8, 2];
let min = stream::iter(a).into_completion().min_by_key(|x| x.abs()).await;
assert_eq!(min, Some(&-2));

fn copied<'a, T: Copy + 'a>(self) -> Copied<Self> where
    Self: CompletionStream<Item = &'a T> + Sized

Copy all of the elements in the stream.

This is useful when you have a stream over &T, but you need a stream over T.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let a = [1, 2, 3];
let v: Vec<i32> = stream::iter(&a).into_completion().copied().collect().await;
assert_eq!(v, [1, 2, 3]);

fn cloned<'a, T: Clone + 'a>(self) -> Cloned<Self> where
    Self: CompletionStream<Item = &'a T> + Sized

Clone all of the elements in the stream.

This is useful when you have a stream over &T, but you need a stream over T.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let a = ["1".to_owned(), "2".to_owned(), "3".to_owned()];
let v: Vec<String> = stream::iter(&a).into_completion().cloned().collect().await;
assert_eq!(v, ["1".to_owned(), "2".to_owned(), "3".to_owned()]);

fn cycle(self) -> Cycle<Self> where
    Self: Sized + Clone

Repeat the stream endlessly.

Instead of stopping at None, this stream will start again, from the beginning. The returned stream will only return None when the underlying stream is empty.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

let mut stream = stream::iter(0..3).into_completion().cycle();

assert_eq!(, Some(0));
assert_eq!(, Some(1));
assert_eq!(, Some(2));
assert_eq!(, Some(0));
assert_eq!(, Some(1));
assert_eq!(, Some(2));
assert_eq!(, Some(0));
// And so on...

fn boxed<'a>(self) -> BoxCompletionStream<'a, Self::Item> where
    Self: Sized + Send + 'a, 

This is supported on crate feature alloc only.

Box the stream, erasing its type.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

// These streams are different types, but boxing them makes them the same type.
let stream = if some_condition {
} else {
    stream::iter(vec![5, 3, 7, 8, 2]).into_completion().boxed()

fn boxed_local<'a>(self) -> LocalBoxCompletionStream<'a, Self::Item> where
    Self: Sized + 'a, 

This is supported on crate feature alloc only.

Box the stream locally, erasing its type.


use completion::{CompletionStreamExt, StreamExt};
use futures_lite::stream;

// These streams are different types, but boxing them makes them the same type.
let stream = if some_condition {
} else {
    stream::iter(vec![5, 3, 7, 8, 2]).into_completion().boxed_local()
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