complate 0.6.12

Standardizing messages the right way.
complate-0.6.12 is not a library.

complate pipeline

Introduction and use case

complate (a portmanteau of "commit" and "template") is a project that allows the user to generate strings in a guided way. The original use-case of this was the standardization of GIT commit messages.
Many projects and teams are standardizing their commit messages in a certain way. This is somewhat error prone and people just tend to mess things up. Spaces, spelling errors or linebreaks are common issues that lead to inconsistency. It can also have more effects than just consistency in the format. If you use github-tag-action by anothrnick in GitHub Workflows (like this project does), the commit message can have direct influence on your version number that is generated on build.

Installation via cargo

Find this project on Install or update (update needs the --force flag) the software by executing:

cargo install complate --force


The idea for the concrete use case of standardizing GIT commit messages is to have a configuration file inside the repository which is read by the program. You are then able to select a template that you would like to use for your message. The configuration file declares the template (in handlebars syntax) as well as variables and how to replace them.


In order to use complate, the recommended way is to place the program including the configuration files and templates into the repository itself. Consider the following structure:

Repository root
├── .git
├── .complate
│   ├── complate
│   ├── config.yml
│   └── templates
│       └── template-a.tpl
├── src
│   └── *
├── docs
    └── *
└── ...

This way, the complate program is redistributed via the GIT repository. If that's not what you want, simply keep the binary in your machine. As long as the configuration file version number fits your installed program major version you're good to go. Expecting the recommended folder structure, you should be able to simply run ./.complate/complate print | git commit -F - in order to create a new standardized commit.

General overview

The template itself can be declared as string inside the configuration file or as a reference to a file that contains the template. The template string can contain variables in handlebars syntax ( {{ variable}} ). All distinct variables must have a representation in the according section that then also defines on how to find the value for this variable.
Pro tip: Variables are prompted in alphabetical order. Prefix you variable with a, b, c and such to generate a custom order.

Technical documentation


All features that are marked as experimental are not considered a public API and therefore eplicitly not covered by the backwards-compatibility policy inside a major version (see semver v2). Use these features on your own risk!


Name Description Default
backend+cli The CLI backend which maps to the original dialoguer implementation. Yes
backend+ui The UI backend which maps to the new cursive/fui implementation. No


Either one of the backend+ flags (or both) MUST be enabled for complate to work (it won't compile otherwise).

Application level arguments

Name Short Long Description
Experimental -e --experimental Activates experimental features that are not stable yet. All features that are marked as experimental are ignored when keeping backwards compatibility inside one major version.


Command Description Status
help Prints the help to STDOUT. stable
init Initializes the default configuration in ./.complate/config.yml stable
print Prompts for the template, prompts for variable values and prints the data to STDOUT stable

print command flags

Name Short Long Description Remark Status
Config via file path -c --config The path to the configuration file that shall be used. This path can be relative or absolute. The default path is ./.complate/config.yml. Can not be used in conjunction with the pipe argument. stable
Shell trust --shell-trust Enables the shell value provider for replacing template placeholders. Due to the potential security risk with this option, it is disabled by default. Possible values for this option are none (default), prompt and ultimate stable
Backend -b --backend Defines the backend for the user interaction. CLI is stable. UI is experimental (feature = "backend+ui").

Configuration file

Please find an example for the configuration file here:

version: 0.6
            file: ./.complate/templates/template-a.tpl
            inline: |-
                {{ a.summary }} | {{ e.version }}
                Components: [{{ f.components }}]
                Author: {{ }} | {{ }}
                {{ d.git.staged.files }}
                prompt: "Enter the summary"
                shell: "git config | tr -d '\n'"
                shell: "whoami | tr -d '\n'"
                shell: "git diff --name-status --cached"
                    text: Select the version level that shall be incremented
                        - "#patch"
                        - "#minor"
                        - "#major"
                    text: Select the components that are affected
                        - security
                        - command::print
                        - backend+cli
                        - backend+ui
                        - misc

This project also uses complate. The templates that can be found in ./complate/config.yml.

Value providers

Type Description Fields
static Replaces the value by a static string. -
prompt Asks the user for input when executing the templating process. text: string
shell Invokes a certain shell command and renders STDOUT as replacing string into the variable. Due to the fact that this option can run arbitrary shell commands, it is disabled by default. Pass the --shell-trust flag to the CLI in order to activate this feature. -
select Gives the user the option to select one item from the provided array of items. text: string, options: []string
check Gives the user the option to select n items from the provided array of items. text: string, options: []string