complate 0.10.1

Standardizing messages the right way.
use crate::args::{Backend, ShellTrust};
use crate::config::{Config, Content, Option, OptionValue, Template, VariableDefinition};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::result::Result;

#[cfg(feature = "backend+cli")]
mod cli;
#[cfg(feature = "backend+ui")]
mod ui;

pub async fn render(
    args: &crate::args::RenderArguments,
    template: &str,
    values: &BTreeMap<String, String>,
) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    fn recursive_add(
        namespace: &mut std::collections::VecDeque<String>,
        parent: &mut serde_json::Value,
        value: &str,
    ) {
        let current_namespace = namespace.pop_front().unwrap();
        match namespace.len() {
            0 => {
            _ => {
                let p = parent
                recursive_add(namespace, p, value);

    let mut values_json = serde_json::Value::Object(serde_json::Map::new());
    for val in values {
        let namespaces_vec: Vec<String> = val.0.split('.').map(|s| s.to_string()).collect();
        let mut namespaces = std::collections::VecDeque::from(namespaces_vec);
        recursive_add(&mut namespaces, &mut values_json, val.1);

    let mut hb = handlebars::Handlebars::new();
    if args.strict {
    let rendered_template = hb.render_template(template, &values_json).unwrap();

pub async fn select_template<'a>(
    config: &'a Config,
    backend: &Backend,
    shell_trust: &ShellTrust,
) -> Result<&'a Template, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let templates = config.templates.keys().cloned().collect::<Vec<String>>();
    let mut template_map = BTreeMap::new();
    for t in templates {
            Option {
                display: t.to_owned(),
                value: OptionValue::Static(t.to_owned()),

    let be = backend.to_input(shell_trust)?;
    let selection ="", &template_map).await?;

    match config.templates.get(&selection) {
        Some(x) => Ok(x),
        None => Err(Box::new(crate::error::Failed::default())),

pub async fn populate_variables(
    vars: &std::collections::BTreeMap<String, VariableDefinition>,
    value_overrides: &std::collections::HashMap<String, String>,
    shell_trust: &ShellTrust,
    backend: &Backend,
) -> Result<BTreeMap<String, String>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut values = BTreeMap::new();
    for var in vars {
        if let Some(v) = value_overrides.get(var.0) {
            values.insert(var.0.to_owned(), v.to_owned());
        } else {
            values.insert(var.0.to_owned(), var.1.execute(shell_trust, backend).await?);

pub async fn select_and_render(
    invoke_options: crate::args::RenderArguments,
) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let cfg: Config = serde_yaml::from_str(&invoke_options.configuration).unwrap();

    let template = match &invoke_options.template {
        Some(x) => cfg.templates.get(x).unwrap(),
        None => select_template(&cfg, &invoke_options.backend, &invoke_options.shell_trust).await?,
    let template_str = match &template.content {
        Content::Inline(x) => x.to_owned(),
        Content::File(x) => std::fs::read_to_string(x)?,
    let values = populate_variables(
    render(&invoke_options, &template_str, &values).await

pub trait Resolve {
    async fn execute(
        shell_trust: &ShellTrust,
        backend: &Backend,
    ) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;

pub trait UserInput: Send + Sync {
    async fn prompt(&self, text: &str) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
    async fn shell(
        command: &str,
        shell_trust: &ShellTrust,
    ) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
    async fn select(
        prompt: &str,
        options: &BTreeMap<String, Option>,
    ) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;
    async fn check(
        prompt: &str,
        separator: &str,
        options: &BTreeMap<String, Option>,
    ) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;

impl Backend {
    pub fn to_input<'a>(
        shell_trust: &'a ShellTrust,
    ) -> Result<Box<dyn UserInput + 'a>, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        Ok(match self {
            #[cfg(feature = "backend+cli")]
            Backend::CLI => Box::new(cli::CLIBackend::new(shell_trust)) as Box<dyn UserInput>,
            #[cfg(feature = "backend+ui")]
            Backend::UI => Box::new(ui::UIBackend::new(shell_trust)) as Box<dyn UserInput>,

impl Resolve for VariableDefinition {
    async fn execute(
        shell_trust: &ShellTrust,
        backend: &Backend,
    ) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
        let backend_impl = backend.to_input(shell_trust)?;

        match self {
            VariableDefinition::Static(v) => Ok(v.to_owned()),
            VariableDefinition::Prompt(v) => backend_impl.prompt(v).await,
            VariableDefinition::Shell(cmd) =>, shell_trust).await,
            VariableDefinition::Select { text, options } => {
      , options).await
            VariableDefinition::Check {
            } => backend_impl.check(text, separator, options).await,

async fn shell(
    command: &str,
    shell_trust: &ShellTrust,
    backend: &Backend,
) -> Result<String, Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    match shell_trust {
        ShellTrust::None => return Err(Box::new(crate::error::NoShellTrust::default())),
        ShellTrust::Prompt => {
            let be = backend.to_input(shell_trust)?;
            let mut yesno = BTreeMap::new();
                Option {
                    display: "yes".to_owned(),
                    value: OptionValue::Static("yes".to_owned()),
                Option {
                    display: "no".to_owned(),
                    value: OptionValue::Static("no".to_owned()),

            let sel =!("You are about to run a shell command. The command is:\n{}\nDo you confirm the execution?", command), &yesno).await;
            if sel.unwrap_or_default() == "yes" {
            } else {
                return Err(Box::new(crate::error::UserAbort::default()));
        ShellTrust::Ultimate => {}

    let output = std::process::Command::new("sh")
    if output.status.code().unwrap() != 0 {
        return Err(Box::new(crate::error::Failed::default()));