compiler_builtins 0.1.94

Compiler intrinsics used by the Rust compiler. Also available for other targets if necessary!
name = "intrinsics"
required-features = ["compiler-builtins"]
optional = true
version = "1.0"
optional = true
package = "rustc-std-workspace-core"
version = "1.0.0"


c = ["cc"]
compiler-builtins = []
default = ["compiler-builtins"]
mangled-names = []
mem = []
no-asm = []
public-test-deps = []
rustc-dep-of-std = ["compiler-builtins", "core"]
weak-intrinsics = []

test = false

authors = ["Jorge Aparicio <>"]
description = "Compiler intrinsics used by the Rust compiler. Also available for other targets\nif necessary!\n"
documentation = ""
homepage = ""
include = ["/Cargo.toml", "/", "/src/*", "/examples/*", "/LICENSE.txt", "/", "/compiler-rt/*", "/libm/src/math/*"]
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"
links = "compiler-rt"
name = "compiler_builtins"
readme = ""
repository = ""
version = "0.1.94"
panic = "abort"

panic = "abort"