commander-rust 1.1.2

A better way to develop CLI in Rust

other languages


why this ?

For a long time, developing cli in Rust is difficult. Since Rust is a static language, the compiler needs to know all the details at compile time. It conflicts with the dynamics of the CLI. The community offers a wide range of solutions. Yes, they're excellent, but they're not very simple.

Inspired by commander.js &, the crate was born.


If you want to use this crate, please guarantee that you have follow rules below:

  • using Rust 2018 (full proc macro support is required, including [proc_macro] & [proc_macro_attribute])
  • using cargo (cargo will produce some environment variable according to Cargo.toml, we need that)
  • be familiar with Rust (because it's developed for Rust )

As a reference, my versions are:

  • cargo: cargo 1.35.0-nightly (95b45eca1 2019-03-06)
  • rustc: rustc 1.35.0-nightly (e68bf8ae1 2019-03-11)
  • Linux kernal: 4.15.0-47-generic
  • Ubuntu: 16.04


install commander-rust

Two ways supported: from Github or The difference between them is that Github is latest but unstable and is stable but might not be latest.

install from Github
git = ""
branch = "master"

install from

commander_rust = "^1.0.0" # or other version you want to install

using it

We offer a simple but complete example, you can learn all through it. Yes, That's all. Very easy!

// this is required! Beacuse we used `run!()`, it's a proc_macro

// Only five items you will use!
use commander_rust::{ Cli, command, option, entry, run };

fn _rmdir(dir: String, other_dirs: Option<Vec<String>>, cli: Cli) {
    if cli.get_or("recursive", false) {
        let quite: bool = cli.get("quite").into();
        if quite {
            // silently delete all files
            // just like `rm -rf /`
        } else {
            // tell the world I'm going to delete the files
    } else {
        // drink a cup of coffee, relax.

// what's option? what's command? 
// See `commander.js` and document of `commander-rust` for more!
// Note, types of parameters are not fixed, any type implemented `From<Raw>` is valid!
// So you can even use `rmdir(dir: i32, other_dirs: Vec<i32>, cli: Cli)` here.
// And `Cli` is not required! So you can miss it.
// See document of `commander-rust` for more details.
#[option(-s, --format <format>, "format output")]
#[option(-r, --recursive, "recursively")]
#[command(rmdir <dir> [otherDirs...], "remove files and directories")]
fn rmdir(dir: String, other_dirs: Option<Vec<String>>, cli: Cli) {
    // You might be confused, 
    // Why call a function instead of doing everything here? Isn't that superfluous ?
    // This is a bug of compiler. 
    // If you do everything here, the compiler can't give good advice When your code goes wrong.
    // You can have a try, using `let three = 1 + "2"` replace code below. See compiler's error message.
    // See more details: ``
     _rmdir(dir, other_dirs, cli);

// options here are public, options above `#[command]` are private
#[option(-q, --quite <quite_or_not>, "dont display anything")]
fn main() {
     // Run it now!!!!!
     let app = run!();
     println!("app is {:#?}", app);

try it

try to input [pkg-name] --help.

version & description & cli-name?

version, description, cli-name of application are from Cargo.toml.

For instance:

# part of Cargo.toml
name = "example-test"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "Using for test"

full example

I offered a full example, it's hash. It's using for generating MD5 of files or strings. See ./examples/for more details.


I developed homepage for it. See ./homepage for more details. It's developed bashed on React. I like it.


There are several rules you should follow.

  1. All #[options] should defined above #[command] and #[entry]
  2. DO NOT define options duplicate!!! As a concession, You can define the same option on different command and entry.
  3. Private options are visible to specific sub-commands. Public options are visible to all sub-commands.
  4. At least one sub-command!


The crate is developed using Ubuntu 16.04, we can't assume that all platforms will work well. If you find that it can't work well in other platforms, please tell me.


Any useful contribute are welcome. You can send pull request to me.


GPL-3.0. Because open source is future.