comfy-table 0.0.7

An easy to use library for building beautiful tables with automatic content wrapping
use crate::style::{CellAlignment, ColumnConstraint};

/// A representation of a table's column. Useful for styling and specifying constraints how big a column should be.
/// 1. Content padding for cells in this column
/// 2. Constraints on how wide this column shall be
/// 3. Default alignment for cells in this column
/// Columns are generated when adding rows or a header to a table.\
/// As a result columns can only be modified after the table is populated by some data.
/// ```
/// use comfy_table::{Table, ColumnConstraint, CellAlignment};
/// let mut table = Table::new();
/// table.set_header(&vec!["one", "two"]);
/// let mut column = table.get_column_mut(1).expect("This should be column two");
/// // Set the max width for all cells of this column to 20 characters.
/// column.set_constraint(ColumnConstraint::MaxWidth(20));
/// // Set the left padding to 5 spaces and the right padding to 1 space
/// column.set_padding((5, 1));
/// // Align content in all cells of this column to the center of the cell.
/// column.set_cell_alignment(CellAlignment::Center);
/// ```
pub struct Column {
    /// The index of the column
    pub index: usize,
    /// Left/right padding for each cell of this column in spaces
    pub(crate) padding: (u16, u16),
    /// Define the cell alligment for all cells of this column
    pub(crate) cell_alignment: Option<CellAlignment>,
    pub(crate) max_content_width: u16,
    pub(crate) constraint: Option<ColumnConstraint>,

impl Column {
    pub fn new(index: usize) -> Self {
        Column {
            index: index,
            padding: (1, 1),
            constraint: None,
            max_content_width: 0,
            cell_alignment: None,

    /// Set the padding for all cells of this column.\
    /// Padding is provided in the form of (left, right).\
    /// Default is `(1, 1)`.
    pub fn set_padding(&mut self, padding: (u16, u16)) -> &mut Self {
        self.padding = padding;


    /// Get the width in characters of the widest line in this column.
    pub fn get_max_content_width(&self) -> u16 {

    /// Set the constraint for this column. \
    /// Constraints allow to influence the auto-adjustment behavior of columns. \
    /// This can be useful to counter undesired auto-adjustment of content in tables.
    pub fn set_constraint(&mut self, constraint: ColumnConstraint) -> &mut Self {
        self.constraint = Some(constraint);


    /// Get the constraint that is used for this column.
    pub fn get_constraint(&self) -> Option<&ColumnConstraint> {

    /// Remove any constraint on this column
    pub fn remove_constraint(&mut self) -> &mut Self{
        self.constraint = None;


    /// Set the alignment for content inside of cells for this column. \
    /// **Note:** Alignment on a cell will always overwrite the column's setting.
    pub fn set_cell_alignment(&mut self, alignment: CellAlignment) {
        self.cell_alignment = Some(alignment);

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn test_column() {
        let mut column = Column::new(0);
        column.set_padding((0, 0));
        assert_eq!(column.get_max_content_width(), 0);

        assert_eq!(column.get_constraint(), Some(&ColumnConstraint::ContentWidth));

        assert_eq!(column.get_constraint(), None);