combo_vec 0.3.0

An array that can be resized at runtime but allocated stack space at compile time and doesn't move any data off the stack when it overflows


unsafe forbidden

"combo_vec" is a library for creating a "combo stack array-heap vector", or simply a resizable array.

Create a new ReArr with the rearr! macro.

This works by allocating an array of T on the stack, and then using a Vec on the heap for overflow.

The stack-allocated array is always used to store the first N elements, even when the array is resized.


A quick look at a basic example and some methods that are available:

use combo_vec::rearr;

let mut resizeable_vec = rearr![1, 2, 3];
// Allocate an extra element on the heap
// Truncate to only the first 2 elements
// Fill the last element on the stack, then allocate the next two items on the heap
resizeable_vec.extend([3, 4, 5]);

Allocating empty memory on the stack

You can allocate memory on the stack for later use without settings values to them!

No Copy or Default traits required.

use combo_vec::rearr;

// Easily allocate a new ReArr where 16 elements can be stored on the stack.
let default_f32_vec = rearr![f32];

// Allocate a new, empty ReArr with 17 elements abled to be stored on the stack.
let empty_f32_vec = rearr![f32; 17];

Allocating memory on the stack in const contexts

The main benefit of using the rearr! macro is that everything it does can be used in const contexts.

This allows you to allocate a ReArr at the start of your program in a Mutex or RwLock, and have minimal runtime overhead.

use combo_vec::{rearr, ReArr};

const SOME_ITEMS: ReArr<i8, 3> = rearr![1, 2, 3];
const MANY_ITEMS: ReArr<u16, 90> = rearr![5; 90];

// Infer the type and size of the ReArr
const NO_STACK_F32: ReArr<f32, 0> = rearr![];

// No const-initialization is needed to create a ReArr with allocated elements on the stack
use std::collections::HashMap;
const EMPTY_HASHMAP_ALLOC: ReArr<HashMap<&str, i32>, 3> = rearr![];

/// Create a global-state RwLock that can store a ReArr 
use std::sync::RwLock;
static PROGRAM_STATE: RwLock<ReArr<&str, 20>> = RwLock::new(rearr![]);