combine 3.0.0-alpha.1

Fast parser combinators on arbitrary streams with zero-copy support.
extern crate ascii;

use std::marker::PhantomData;

use self::ascii::AsciiChar;

use combinator::{satisfy, skip_many, token, tokens, Expected, Satisfy, SkipMany, Token, With};
use primitives::{ConsumedResult, Info, Parser, Stream, StreamError, Tracked};

/// Parses a byteacter and succeeds if the byteacter is equal to `c`.
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::byte::byte;
/// assert_eq!(byte(b'!').parse(&b"!"[..]), Ok((b'!', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(byte(b'A').parse(&b""[..]).is_err());
/// assert!(byte(b'A').parse(&b"!"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn byte<I>(c: u8) -> Token<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8>,

impl_token_parser! { Digit(), u8, Expected<Satisfy<I, fn (u8) -> bool>> }

macro_rules! byte_parser {
    ($name: ident, $ty : ident, $f : ident) => ({
        let f = static_fn!((c, u8) -> bool {
            AsciiChar::from(c).map(|c| c.$f()).unwrap_or(false)
        $ty(satisfy(f).expected(stringify!($name)), PhantomData)

/// Parses a base-10 digit (0–9).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::byte::digit;
/// assert_eq!(digit().parse(&b"9"[..]), Ok((b'9', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(digit().parse(&b"A"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn digit<I>() -> Digit<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8>,
    byte_parser!(digit, Digit, is_digit)

impl_token_parser! { Space(), u8, Expected<Satisfy<I, fn (u8) -> bool>> }

/// Parses a `b' '`, `b'\t'`, `b'\n'` or `'b\'r'`.
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::byte::space;
/// assert_eq!(space().parse(&b" "[..]), Ok((b' ', &b""[..])));
/// assert_eq!(space().parse(&b"  "[..]), Ok((b' ', &b" "[..])));
/// assert!(space().parse(&b"!"[..]).is_err());
/// assert!(space().parse(&b""[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn space<I>() -> Space<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8>,
    byte_parser!(space, Space, is_whitespace)

impl_token_parser! { Spaces(), u8, Expected<SkipMany<Space<I>>> }
/// Skips over [`space`] zero or more times
/// [`space`]:
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::byte::spaces;
/// assert_eq!(spaces().parse(&b""[..]), Ok(((), &b""[..])));
/// assert_eq!(spaces().parse(&b"   "[..]), Ok(((), &b""[..])));
/// ```
pub fn spaces<I>() -> Spaces<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8>,
    Spaces(skip_many(space()).expected("whitespaces"), PhantomData)

impl_token_parser! { Newline(), u8, Expected<Satisfy<I, fn (u8) -> bool>> }

/// Parses a newline byteacter (`b'\n'`).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::byte::newline;
/// assert_eq!(newline().parse(&b"\n"[..]), Ok((b'\n', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(newline().parse(&b"\r"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn newline<I>() -> Newline<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8>,
        satisfy(static_fn!((ch, u8) -> bool { ch == b'\n' })).expected("lf newline"),

impl_token_parser! { CrLf(), u8, Expected<With<Satisfy<I, fn (u8) -> bool>, Newline<I>>> }

/// Parses carriage return and newline (`&b"\r\n"`), returning the newline byteacter.
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::byte::crlf;
/// assert_eq!(crlf().parse(&b"\r\n"[..]), Ok((b'\n', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(crlf().parse(&b"\r"[..]).is_err());
/// assert!(crlf().parse(&b"\n"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn crlf<I>() -> CrLf<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8>,
        satisfy(static_fn!((ch, u8) -> bool { ch == b'\r' }))
            .expected("crlf newline"),

impl_token_parser! { Tab(), u8, Expected<Satisfy<I, fn (u8) -> bool>> }
/// Parses a tab byteacter (`b'\t'`).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::byte::tab;
/// assert_eq!(tab().parse(&b"\t"[..]), Ok((b'\t', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(tab().parse(&b" "[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn tab<I>() -> Tab<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8>,
        satisfy(static_fn!((ch, u8) -> bool { ch == b'\t' })).expected("tab"),

impl_token_parser! { Upper(), u8, Expected<Satisfy<I, fn (u8) -> bool>> }
/// Parses an uppercase ASCII letter (A–Z).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::byte::upper;
/// assert_eq!(upper().parse(&b"A"[..]), Ok((b'A', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(upper().parse(&b"a"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn upper<I>() -> Upper<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8>,
    byte_parser!(upper, Upper, is_uppercase)

impl_token_parser! { Lower(), u8, Expected<Satisfy<I, fn (u8) -> bool>> }
/// Parses an lowercase ASCII letter (a–z).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::byte::lower;
/// assert_eq!(lower().parse(&b"a"[..]), Ok((b'a', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(lower().parse(&b"A"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn lower<I>() -> Lower<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8>,
    byte_parser!(lower, Lower, is_lowercase)

impl_token_parser! { AlphaNum(), u8, Expected<Satisfy<I, fn (u8) -> bool>> }
/// Parses either an ASCII alphabet letter or digit (a–z, A–Z, 0–9).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::byte::alpha_num;
/// assert_eq!(alpha_num().parse(&b"A"[..]), Ok((b'A', &b""[..])));
/// assert_eq!(alpha_num().parse(&b"1"[..]), Ok((b'1', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(alpha_num().parse(&b"!"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn alpha_num<I>() -> AlphaNum<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8>,
    byte_parser!(alpha_num, AlphaNum, is_alphanumeric)

impl_token_parser! { Letter(), u8, Expected<Satisfy<I, fn (u8) -> bool>> }
/// Parses an ASCII alphabet letter (a–z, A–Z).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::byte::letter;
/// assert_eq!(letter().parse(&b"a"[..]), Ok((b'a', &b""[..])));
/// assert_eq!(letter().parse(&b"A"[..]), Ok((b'A', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(letter().parse(&b"9"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn letter<I>() -> Letter<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8>,
    byte_parser!(letter, Letter, is_alphabetic)

impl_token_parser! { OctDigit(), u8, Expected<Satisfy<I, fn (u8) -> bool>> }

/// Parses an octal digit.
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::byte::oct_digit;
/// assert_eq!(oct_digit().parse(&b"7"[..]), Ok((b'7', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(oct_digit().parse(&b"8"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn oct_digit<I>() -> OctDigit<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8>,
        satisfy(static_fn!((ch, u8) -> bool { ch >= b'0' && ch <= b'7' })).expected("octal digit"),

impl_token_parser! { HexDigit(), u8, Expected<Satisfy<I, fn (u8) -> bool>> }
/// Parses an ASCII hexdecimal digit (accepts both uppercase and lowercase).
/// ```
/// use combine::Parser;
/// use combine::byte::hex_digit;
/// assert_eq!(hex_digit().parse(&b"F"[..]), Ok((b'F', &b""[..])));
/// assert!(hex_digit().parse(&b"H"[..]).is_err());
/// ```
pub fn hex_digit<I>() -> HexDigit<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8>,
    byte_parser!(hex_digit, HexDigit, is_hex)

pub struct Bytes<I>(&'static [u8], PhantomData<I>)
    I: Stream<Item = u8>;

impl<'a, I> Parser for Bytes<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8, Range = &'a [u8]>,
    type Input = I;
    type Output = &'static [u8];
    fn parse_lazy(&mut self, input: Self::Input) -> ConsumedResult<Self::Output, Self::Input> {
        tokens(|&l, r| l == r, Info::Range(self.0), self.0.iter())
            .map(|bytes| bytes.as_slice())
    fn add_error(&mut self, errors: &mut Tracked<StreamError<Self::Input>>) {
        tokens::<_, _, I>(|&l, r| l == r, Info::Range(self.0), self.0.iter()).add_error(errors)

/// Parses the bytes `s`.
/// If you have a stream implementing [`RangeStream`] such as `&[u8]` you can also use the
/// [`range`] parser which may be more efficient.
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::*;
/// # use combine::byte::bytes;
/// # fn main() {
/// let result = bytes(&b"rust"[..])
///     .parse(&b"rust"[..])
///     .map(|x| x.0);
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(&b"rust"[..]));
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`RangeStream`]: ../primitives/trait.RangeStream.html
/// [`range`]: ../range/fn.range.html
pub fn bytes<'a, I>(s: &'static [u8]) -> Bytes<I>
    I: Stream<Item = u8, Range = &'a [u8]>,
    Bytes(s, PhantomData)

pub struct BytesCmp<C, I>(&'static [u8], C, PhantomData<I>)
    I: Stream<Item = u8>;

impl<'a, C, I> Parser for BytesCmp<C, I>
    C: FnMut(u8, u8) -> bool,
    I: Stream<Item = u8, Range = &'a [u8]>,
    type Input = I;
    type Output = &'static [u8];
    fn parse_lazy(&mut self, input: Self::Input) -> ConsumedResult<Self::Output, Self::Input> {
        let cmp = &mut self.1;
        tokens(|&l, r| cmp(l, r), Info::Range(self.0), self.0).parse_lazy(input)
    fn add_error(&mut self, errors: &mut Tracked<StreamError<Self::Input>>) {
        let cmp = &mut self.1;
        tokens::<_, _, I>(|&l, r| cmp(l, r), Info::Range(self.0), self.0.iter()).add_error(errors)

/// Parses the bytes `s` using `cmp` to compare each token.
/// If you have a stream implementing [`RangeStream`] such as `&[u8]` you can also use the
/// [`range`] parser which may be more efficient.
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::*;
/// # use combine::byte::bytes_cmp;
/// # use combine::primitives::Info;
/// # fn main() {
/// use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
/// let result = bytes_cmp(&b"abc"[..], |l, r| l.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&r))
///     .parse(&b"AbC"[..]);
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok((&b"abc"[..], &b""[..])));
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`RangeStream`]: ../primitives/trait.RangeStream.html
/// [`range`]: ../range/fn.range.html
pub fn bytes_cmp<'a, C, I>(s: &'static [u8], cmp: C) -> BytesCmp<C, I>
    C: FnMut(u8, u8) -> bool,
    I: Stream<Item = u8, Range = &'a [u8]>,
    BytesCmp(s, cmp, PhantomData)

/// Parsers for decoding numbers in big-endian or little-endian order.
pub mod num {
    use super::*;
    use primitives::RangeStream;
    use range::take;

    use byteorder::{ByteOrder, BE, LE};

    macro_rules! integer_parser {
            pub $type_name: ident,
            $func_name: ident, $be_name: ident, $le_name: ident, $read_name: ident
        ) => {
            pub struct $type_name<B, I>(PhantomData<(B, I)>);

            impl<'a, B, I> Parser for $type_name<B, I>
                I: RangeStream<Range = &'a [u8]>,
                B: ByteOrder,
                type Input = I;
                type Output = $func_name;

                fn parse_lazy(&mut self, input: Self::Input) -> ConsumedResult<Self::Output, Self::Input> {
                fn add_error(&mut self, errors: &mut Tracked<StreamError<Self::Input>>) {

            pub fn $func_name<'a, B, I>() -> $type_name<B, I>
                I: RangeStream<Range = &'a[u8]>,
                B: ByteOrder,

            pub fn $be_name<'a, I>() -> $type_name<BE, I>
                I: RangeStream<Range = &'a[u8]>,

            pub fn $le_name<'a, I>() -> $type_name<LE, I>
                I: RangeStream<Range = &'a[u8]>,

        /// Reads a u16 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
        /// ```
        /// use combine::byteorder::LE;
        /// use combine::Parser;
        /// use combine::byte::num::u16;
        /// assert_eq!(u16::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\x01\0"[..]), Ok((1, &b""[..])));
        /// assert!(u16::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\0"[..]).is_err());
        /// ```
        pub U16, u16, be_u16, le_u16, read_u16
        /// Reads a u32 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
        /// ```
        /// use combine::byteorder::LE;
        /// use combine::Parser;
        /// use combine::byte::num::u32;
        /// assert_eq!(u32::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0"[..]), Ok((1, &b""[..])));
        /// assert!(u32::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\x01\0\0"[..]).is_err());
        /// ```
        pub U32, u32, be_u32, le_u32, read_u32
        /// Reads a u64 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
        /// ```
        /// use combine::byteorder::LE;
        /// use combine::Parser;
        /// use combine::byte::num::u64;
        /// assert_eq!(u64::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"[..]), Ok((1, &b""[..])));
        /// assert!(u64::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0"[..]).is_err());
        /// ```
        pub U64, u64, be_u64, le_u64, read_u64

        /// Reads a i16 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
        /// ```
        /// use combine::byteorder::LE;
        /// use combine::Parser;
        /// use combine::byte::num::i16;
        /// assert_eq!(i16::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\x01\0"[..]), Ok((1, &b""[..])));
        /// assert!(i16::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\x01"[..]).is_err());
        /// ```
        pub I16, i16, be_i16, le_i16, read_i16

        /// Reads a i32 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
        /// ```
        /// use combine::byteorder::LE;
        /// use combine::Parser;
        /// use combine::byte::num::i32;
        /// assert_eq!(i32::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0"[..]), Ok((1, &b""[..])));
        /// assert!(i32::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\x01\0\0"[..]).is_err());
        /// ```
        pub I32, i32, be_i32, le_i32, read_i32
        /// Reads a i64 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
        /// ```
        /// use combine::byteorder::LE;
        /// use combine::Parser;
        /// use combine::byte::num::i64;
        /// assert_eq!(i64::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"[..]), Ok((1, &b""[..])));
        /// assert!(i64::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0"[..]).is_err());
        /// ```
        pub I64, i64, be_i64, le_i64, read_i64

        /// Reads a i32 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
        /// ```
        /// use combine::byteorder::{LE, ByteOrder};
        /// use combine::Parser;
        /// use combine::byte::num::f32;
        /// let mut buf = [0; 4];
        /// LE::write_f32(&mut buf, 123.45);
        /// assert_eq!(f32::<LE, _>().parse(&buf[..]), Ok((123.45, &b""[..])));
        /// assert!(f32::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\x01\0\0"[..]).is_err());
        /// ```
        pub F32, f32, be_f32, le_f32, read_f32
        /// Reads a i64 out of the byte stream with the specified endianess
        /// ```
        /// use combine::byteorder::{LE, ByteOrder};
        /// use combine::Parser;
        /// use combine::byte::num::f64;
        /// let mut buf = [0; 8];
        /// LE::write_f64(&mut buf, 123.45);
        /// assert_eq!(f64::<LE, _>().parse(&buf[..]), Ok((123.45, &b""[..])));
        /// assert!(f64::<LE, _>().parse(&b"\x01\0\0\0\0\0\0"[..]).is_err());
        /// ```
        pub F64, f64, be_f64, le_f64, read_f64