combine 2.5.0

Fast parser combinators on arbitrary streams with zero-copy support.
<a name="v2.5.0"></a>
## v2.5.0 (2017-08-07)

#### Features

*   Rename captures to captures_many and add a captures parser ([9d301e42]
*   Add regex parsers (match_, find_many) ([5ac12b98]
*   Add a macro to parse values directly into structs ([1656a620]
*   add count_min_max and skip_count_min_max ([8f3413a7]
*   Add the skip_count parser ([15171d10]
*   Add the recognize parser ([61c9b269]
*   Add a macro for declaring parsers ([7fe1d9f7], closes [#70]
*   Provide parsers for decoding big-endian and little-endian numbers ([05ec0bc8]

#### Bug Fixes

*   Report and_then errors as if at the start of the parse ([b71a78f1]
*   Return EmptyErr when the any parser fails ([93208e9c], closes [#99]
* **doc:**  regex find consumes input until the end of the first match ([d1bbf1d4]

<a name="v2.3.0"></a>
## v2.3.0 (2017-02-22)

#### Performance

*   Don't call parse_stream in optional ([a4bf28d2]a4bf28d2)

#### Features

*   Add the choice! macro ([6f2cec69]6f2cec69)
*   Add map functions for Error<> and Info<> ranges. (#86) 
*   Add Parser::boxed ([3af9c9b3]3af9c9b3)

<a name="2.1.0"></a>
##  2.1.0 (2016-10-30)

#### Features

*   Add a read adapter for the stream trait ([a2a9f214]a2a9f214)

<a name="2.0.0"></a>
## 2.0.0 (2016-10-19)

#### Features

*   Version 2.0.0 ([80b24186]
*   Add the count parser ([a7949f3a]
*   Add the Parser::by_ref method ([15554d0c]
*   Add the one_of and none_of parsers ([941b277c]
*   Add the position parser ([d6c65f6d]
*   Add bytes_cmp and string_cmp ([ee6b430d]
*   Add the `tokens` parser ([886c4523]
*   Version 2.0.0-beta3 ([55c59322]
*   Break out the error formatting into a separate function ([b6ccb0c1]
*   Rename parse_state to parse_stream ([b375df48]
*   Simplify the flat_map parser ([08a91ce2]
*   Merge the ParserExt trait into Parser ([26a84154]
*   Add the bytes parser ([9c73c053]
*   Add parsers specialized on byte streams ([01ba3759]
*   Make ctry usable outside the crate ([f45740dd]
*   Add versions of parse_* which return an unpacked version of ParseResult ([2bbd14ab]
*   Add the satisy_map parser ([4d97d296]
*   Replace the And parser with the pair parser ([b1f56113]
*   Remove reexport of the char module from the root module ([e39dacb5]
*   Version 2.0.0-beta ([5bdbf584]
*   Remove the buffered_stream feature ([3fdbf217]
*   Version 1.3.0 ([acea26cd]
*   Add the eof parser ([6a89cbf2]
*   Stabilize RangeStream and all functions using it ([d932375d]
*   Reexport Stream and StreamOnce from the crate root ([2c2b3f5c]
*   Merge the HasPosition trait into StreamOnce ([3bda4a16]
*   Add the StreamOnce trait ([9ea0ed5d], breaks [#]
*   Make Stream::uncons take &mut self ([4ddc4257]
*   Separate the Position type and position method from Stream ([9cfb9a89]
*   Version 1.2.1 ([f737af27]
*   Move the position handling inside the Stream trait ([f41f65e9]
* **range_stream:**  Implement RangeStream on State ([f5679dc9]

#### Performance

*   Specialize and_then, then and flat_map ([9dc7dc6b]
*   Specialize the tuple parser to avoid unnecessary branches ([2b294f80]
*   Add inline annotations and more forwarding parse functions ([0e5ee38e]
*   Avoid indirection in Skip and With ([52d335ca]
*   Optimize Iter by simplifying the state machine ([9631700a]
*   Speedup tuple parsers by simplifying the expanded code ([5d86dcf2]
*   Avoid creating an error when take_while1 parses no input ([9bad15c0]
*   Possibly improve performance of the RangeStream impl for &str ([abb1de7f]

#### Bug Fixes

*   Rename the String parser to Str ([d846bf0e]
*   Use five copies in the large http test anyway to match nom_benchmarks ([eb089f5b]
*   Avoid storing the position in primitives::uncons_while ([9912507a]
*   Calling uncons_range with the same size as is remaining should succeed ([cce6214e]
*   Add Sync to to the Error::Other variant ([22add3ec]
*   Fix positions of BufferedStream being for the next token ([66eab92a]
*   Fix the position handling of BufferedStream ([f21148b3]
*   Remove the Positioner bound from Stream::Item an Stream::Range ([fba3f1e7]
* **buffered_stream:**  BufferedStream no longer emits the last token after EOF ([6532884c]
* **travis:**
  *  Dont pass the test feature to travis ([382a608d]
  *  Add travis_wait so travis does not time out the beta builds ([a3f0792a]

#### Breaking Changes

*   Add the StreamOnce trait ([9ea0ed5d], breaks [#]