com-shim 0.3.6

Create safe Rusty shims for COM classes.

COM Shim

Easily write interfaces that can read from COM, without worrying about the underlying functionality (unless you want to!).


use com_shim::com_shim;

com_shim! {
    class GuiComponent {
        Text: String,

com_shim! {
    class GuiVComponent {
        fn SetFocus(),

com_shim! {
    class GuiTextField: GuiVComponent + GuiComponent {
        CaretPosition: i64,
        DisplayedText: String,
        mut Highlighted: bool,

        fn GetListProperty(String) -> GuiComponent,

fn main() {
    // The following call now would trigger a COM call:
    // let a: GuiTextField;
    // a.get_list_property("property");

You can also see it implemented in the sap-scripting package.