colourizer 0.1.4

Easily colourize command output
# Colourizer

Easily colourize command output

## Usage

Colourizer can either display text directly or get output from previous commands as a standalone program, or be used as a library for other crates.

## Standalone

### Direct

colourizer -b this will be bold!
colourizer -c red this will be red
colourizer --rgb "0;200;255" this will be bright blue

### Previous

echo this will be bold | colourizer -b
echo this will be red | cowsay | colourizer -c red
ping | colourizer --rgb "0;200;255"


## Library

### Example usage

println!("{}", "this will be red and bold!".fgred().bold());
println!("{}", "this will be a bright blue".rgb("0;200;255"));