colourado 0.1.0

A small and minimalistic library to generate a random color palette


A small and minimalistic library to generate a random color palette.
The user-facing Color struct contains RGB colors ranging from 0 to 1.
All colors are of type f32 (no exceptions)


use colourado::{Color, ColorPalette};

let palette = ColorPalette::new(4);
let random_color = palette[0].red;
let color_array: [f32; 3] = palette[1].to_array();
let hue = 315.0;
let saturation = 0.5;
let value = 0.3;
let rgb_color: Color = Color::hsv_to_rgb(hue, saturation, value);


A color palette might look like this when rendered:

Example image

Test the color palettes for yourself by running
cargo run --example preview N
where N is the amount of colors to generate and display.