color-backtrace 0.6.0

Colorful panic backtraces
//! Colorful and clean backtraces on panic.
//! This library aims to make panics a little less painful by nicely colorizing
//! them, skipping over frames of functions called after the panic was already
//! initiated and printing relevant source snippets. Frames of functions in your
//! application are colored in a different color (red) than those of
//! dependencies (green).
//! ### Screenshot
//! ![Screenshot](
//! ### Features
//! - Colorize backtraces to be easier on the eyes
//! - Show source snippets if source files are found on disk
//! - Print frames of application code vs dependencies in different color
//! - Hide all the frames after the panic was already initiated
//! - Hide language runtime initialization frames
//! ### Installing the panic handler
//! In your main function, just insert the following snippet. That's it!
//! ```rust
//! color_backtrace::install();
//! ```
//! If you want to customize some settings, you can instead do:
//! ```rust
//! use color_backtrace::{default_output_stream, BacktracePrinter};
//! BacktracePrinter::new().message("Custom message!").install(default_output_stream());
//! ```
//! ### Controlling verbosity
//! The default verbosity is configured via the `RUST_BACKTRACE` environment
//! variable. An unset `RUST_BACKTRACE` corresponds to
//! [minimal](Verbosity::Minimal), `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` to
//! [medium](Verbosity::Medium) and `RUST_BACKTRACE=full` to
//! [full](Verbosity::Full) verbosity levels.

use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, ErrorKind, IsTerminal as _};
use std::panic::PanicInfo;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use termcolor::{Ansi, Color, ColorChoice, ColorSpec, StandardStream, WriteColor};

// Re-export termcolor so users don't have to depend on it themselves.
pub use termcolor;

// ============================================================================================== //
// [Result / Error types]                                                                         //
// ============================================================================================== //

type IOResult<T = ()> = Result<T, std::io::Error>;

// ============================================================================================== //
// [Verbosity management]                                                                         //
// ============================================================================================== //

/// Defines how verbose the backtrace is supposed to be.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum Verbosity {
    /// Print a small message including the panic payload and the panic location.
    /// Everything in `Minimal` and additionally print a backtrace.
    /// Everything in `Medium` plus source snippets for all backtrace locations.

impl Verbosity {
    /// Get the verbosity level from `RUST_BACKTRACE` env variable.
    pub fn from_env() -> Self {

    /// Get the verbosity level from `RUST_LIB_BACKTRACE` env variable,
    /// falling back to the `RUST_BACKTRACE`.
    pub fn lib_from_env() -> Self {
                .or_else(|_| env::var("RUST_BACKTRACE"))

    fn convert_env(env: Option<String>) -> Self {
        match env {
            Some(ref x) if x == "full" => Verbosity::Full,
            Some(_) => Verbosity::Medium,
            None => Verbosity::Minimal,

// ============================================================================================== //
// [Panic handler and install logic]                                                              //
// ============================================================================================== //

/// Install a `BacktracePrinter` handler with `::default()` settings.
/// This currently is a convenience shortcut for writing
/// ```rust
/// use color_backtrace::{BacktracePrinter, default_output_stream};
/// BacktracePrinter::default().install(default_output_stream())
/// ```
pub fn install() {

/// Create the default output stream.
/// If stderr is attached to a tty, this is a colorized stderr, else it's
/// a plain (colorless) stderr.
pub fn default_output_stream() -> Box<StandardStream> {
    Box::new(StandardStream::stderr(if std::io::stderr().is_terminal() {
    } else {

    since = "0.4.0",
    note = "Use `BacktracePrinter::into_panic_handler()` instead."
pub fn create_panic_handler(
    printer: BacktracePrinter,
) -> Box<dyn Fn(&PanicInfo<'_>) + 'static + Sync + Send> {
    let out_stream_mutex = Mutex::new(default_output_stream());
    Box::new(move |pi| {
        let mut lock = out_stream_mutex.lock().unwrap();
        if let Err(e) = printer.print_panic_info(pi, &mut *lock) {
            // Panicking while handling a panic would send us into a deadlock,
            // so we just print the error to stderr instead.
            eprintln!("Error while printing panic: {:?}", e);

#[deprecated(since = "0.4.0", note = "Use `BacktracePrinter::install()` instead.")]
pub fn install_with_settings(printer: BacktracePrinter) {

// ============================================================================================== //
// [Backtrace frame]                                                                              //
// ============================================================================================== //

pub type FilterCallback = dyn Fn(&mut Vec<&Frame>) + Send + Sync + 'static;

pub struct Frame {
    pub n: usize,
    pub name: Option<String>,
    pub lineno: Option<u32>,
    pub filename: Option<PathBuf>,
    pub ip: usize,
    _private_ctor: (),

impl Frame {
    /// Heuristically determine whether the frame is likely to be part of a
    /// dependency.
    /// If it fails to detect some patterns in your code base, feel free to drop
    /// an issue / a pull request!
    fn is_dependency_code(&self) -> bool {
        const SYM_PREFIXES: &[&str] = &[

        // Inspect name.
        if let Some(ref name) = {
            if SYM_PREFIXES.iter().any(|x| name.starts_with(x)) {
                return true;

        const FILE_PREFIXES: &[&str] = &[

        // Inspect filename.
        if let Some(ref filename) = self.filename {
            let filename = filename.to_string_lossy();
            if FILE_PREFIXES.iter().any(|x| filename.starts_with(x))
                || filename.contains("/.cargo/registry/src/")
                return true;


    /// Heuristically determine whether a frame is likely to be a post panic
    /// frame.
    /// Post panic frames are frames of a functions called after the actual panic
    /// is already in progress and don't contain any useful information for a
    /// reader of the backtrace.
    fn is_post_panic_code(&self) -> bool {
        const SYM_PREFIXES: &[&str] = &[

        match {
            Some(name) => SYM_PREFIXES.iter().any(|x| name.starts_with(x)),
            None => false,

    /// Heuristically determine whether a frame is likely to be part of language
    /// runtime.
    fn is_runtime_init_code(&self) -> bool {
        const SYM_PREFIXES: &[&str] = &[

        let (name, file) = match (, self.filename.as_ref()) {
            (Some(name), Some(filename)) => (name, filename.to_string_lossy()),
            _ => return false,

        if SYM_PREFIXES.iter().any(|x| name.starts_with(x)) {
            return true;

        // For Linux, this is the best rule for skipping test init I found.
        if name == "{{closure}}" && file == "src/libtest/" {
            return true;


    fn print_source_if_avail(&self, mut out: impl WriteColor, s: &BacktracePrinter) -> IOResult {
        let (lineno, filename) = match (self.lineno, self.filename.as_ref()) {
            (Some(a), Some(b)) => (a, b),
            // Without a line number and file name, we can't sensibly proceed.
            _ => return Ok(()),

        let file = match File::open(filename) {
            Ok(file) => file,
            Err(ref e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => return Ok(()),
            e @ Err(_) => e?,

        // Extract relevant lines.
        let reader = BufReader::new(file);
        let start_line = lineno - 2.min(lineno - 1);
        let surrounding_src = reader.lines().skip(start_line as usize - 1).take(5);
        for (line, cur_line_no) in {
            if cur_line_no == lineno {
                // Print actual source line with brighter color.
                writeln!(out, "{:>8} > {}", cur_line_no, line?)?;
            } else {
                writeln!(out, "{:>8}{}", cur_line_no, line?)?;


    /// Get the module's name by walking /proc/self/maps
        feature = "resolve-modules",
        not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))
    fn module_info(&self) -> Option<(String, usize)> {
        use regex::Regex;
        use std::path::Path;
        let re = Regex::new(

        let mapsfile = File::open("/proc/self/maps").expect("Unable to open /proc/self/maps");

        for line in BufReader::new(mapsfile).lines() {
            let line = line.unwrap();
            if let Some(caps) = re.captures(&line) {
                let (start, end, path) = (
                    usize::from_str_radix("start").unwrap().as_str(), 16).unwrap(),
                    usize::from_str_radix("end").unwrap().as_str(), 16).unwrap(),
                if self.ip >= start && self.ip < end {
                    return if let Some(filename) = Path::new(&path).file_name() {
                        Some((filename.to_str().unwrap().to_string(), start))
                    } else {


        feature = "resolve-modules",
        not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))
    fn module_info(&self) -> Option<(String, usize)> {

    fn print(&self, i: usize, out: &mut impl WriteColor, s: &BacktracePrinter) -> IOResult {
        let is_dependency_code = self.is_dependency_code();

        // Print frame index.
        write!(out, "{:>2}: ", i)?;

        if s.should_print_addresses() {
            if let Some((module_name, module_base)) = self.module_info() {
                write!(out, "{}:0x{:08x} - ", module_name, self.ip - module_base)?;
            } else {
                write!(out, "0x{:016x} - ", self.ip)?;

        // Does the function have a hash suffix?
        // (dodging a dep on the regex crate here)
        let name = self
            .map(|s| s.as_str())
        let has_hash_suffix = name.len() > 19
            && &name[name.len() - - 16] == "::h"
            && name[name.len() - 16..].chars().all(|x| x.is_digit(16));

        // Print function name.
        out.set_color(if is_dependency_code {
        } else {

        if has_hash_suffix {
            write!(out, "{}", &name[ - 19])?;
            if s.strip_function_hash {
            } else {
                out.set_color(if is_dependency_code {
                } else {
                writeln!(out, "{}", &name[name.len() - 19..])?;
        } else {
            writeln!(out, "{}", name)?;


        // Print source location, if known.
        if let Some(ref file) = self.filename {
            let filestr = file.to_str().unwrap_or("<bad utf8>");
            let lineno = self
                .map_or("<unknown line>".to_owned(), |x| x.to_string());
            writeln!(out, "    at {}:{}", filestr, lineno)?;
        } else {
            writeln!(out, "    at <unknown source file>")?;

        // Maybe print source.
        if s.current_verbosity() >= Verbosity::Full {
            self.print_source_if_avail(out, s)?;


/// The default frame filter. Heuristically determines whether a frame is likely to be an
/// uninteresting frame. This filters out post panic frames and runtime init frames and dependency
/// code.
pub fn default_frame_filter(frames: &mut Vec<&Frame>) {
    let top_cutoff = frames
        .rposition(|x| x.is_post_panic_code())
        .map(|x| x + 2) // indices are 1 based

    let bottom_cutoff = frames
        .position(|x| x.is_runtime_init_code())
        .unwrap_or_else(|| frames.len());

    let rng = top_cutoff..=bottom_cutoff;
    frames.retain(|x| rng.contains(&x.n))

// ============================================================================================== //
// [BacktracePrinter]                                                                             //
// ============================================================================================== //

/// Color scheme definition.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ColorScheme {
    pub frames_omitted_msg: ColorSpec,
    pub header: ColorSpec,
    pub msg_loc_prefix: ColorSpec,
    pub src_loc: ColorSpec,
    pub src_loc_separator: ColorSpec,
    pub env_var: ColorSpec,
    pub dependency_code: ColorSpec,
    pub dependency_code_hash: ColorSpec,
    pub crate_code: ColorSpec,
    pub crate_code_hash: ColorSpec,
    pub selected_src_ln: ColorSpec,

impl ColorScheme {
    /// Helper to create a new `ColorSpec` & set a few properties in one wash.
    fn cs(fg: Option<Color>, intense: bool, bold: bool) -> ColorSpec {
        let mut cs = ColorSpec::new();

    /// The classic `color-backtrace` scheme, as shown in the screenshots.
    pub fn classic() -> Self {
        Self {
            frames_omitted_msg: Self::cs(Some(Color::Cyan), true, false),
            header: Self::cs(Some(Color::Red), false, false),
            msg_loc_prefix: Self::cs(Some(Color::Cyan), false, false),
            src_loc: Self::cs(Some(Color::Magenta), false, false),
            src_loc_separator: Self::cs(Some(Color::White), false, false),
            env_var: Self::cs(None, false, true),
            dependency_code: Self::cs(Some(Color::Green), false, false),
            dependency_code_hash: Self::cs(Some(Color::Black), true, false),
            crate_code: Self::cs(Some(Color::Red), true, false),
            crate_code_hash: Self::cs(Some(Color::Black), true, false),
            selected_src_ln: Self::cs(None, false, true),

impl Default for ColorScheme {
    fn default() -> Self {

#[deprecated(since = "0.4.0", note = "Use `BacktracePrinter` instead.")]
pub type Settings = BacktracePrinter;

/// Pretty-printer for backtraces and [`PanicInfo`](PanicInfo) structs.
pub struct BacktracePrinter {
    message: String,
    verbosity: Verbosity,
    lib_verbosity: Verbosity,
    strip_function_hash: bool,
    is_panic_handler: bool,
    colors: ColorScheme,
    filters: Vec<Arc<FilterCallback>>,
    should_print_addresses: bool,

impl Default for BacktracePrinter {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            verbosity: Verbosity::from_env(),
            lib_verbosity: Verbosity::lib_from_env(),
            message: "The application panicked (crashed).".to_owned(),
            strip_function_hash: false,
            colors: ColorScheme::classic(),
            is_panic_handler: false,
            filters: vec![Arc::new(default_frame_filter)],
            should_print_addresses: false,

impl std::fmt::Debug for BacktracePrinter {
    fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
            .field("message", &self.message)
            .field("verbosity", &self.verbosity)
            .field("lib_verbosity", &self.lib_verbosity)
            .field("strip_function_hash", &self.strip_function_hash)
            .field("is_panic_handler", &self.is_panic_handler)
            .field("print_addresses", &self.should_print_addresses)
            .field("colors", &self.colors)

/// Builder functions.
impl BacktracePrinter {
    /// Alias for `BacktracePrinter::default`.
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    /// Alter the color scheme.
    /// Defaults to `ColorScheme::classic()`.
    pub fn color_scheme(mut self, colors: ColorScheme) -> Self {
        self.colors = colors;

    /// Controls the "greeting" message of the panic.
    /// Defaults to `"The application panicked (crashed)"`.
    pub fn message(mut self, message: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
        self.message = message.into();

    /// Controls the verbosity level used when installed as panic handler.
    /// Defaults to `Verbosity::from_env()`.
    pub fn verbosity(mut self, v: Verbosity) -> Self {
        self.verbosity = v;

    /// Controls the lib verbosity level used when formatting user provided traces.
    /// Defaults to `Verbosity::lib_from_env()`.
    pub fn lib_verbosity(mut self, v: Verbosity) -> Self {
        self.lib_verbosity = v;

    /// Controls whether the hash part of functions is stripped.
    /// Defaults to `false`.
    pub fn strip_function_hash(mut self, strip: bool) -> Self {
        self.strip_function_hash = strip;

    /// Controls whether addresses (or module offsets if available) should be printed.
    /// Defaults to `false`.
    pub fn print_addresses(mut self, val: bool) -> Self {
        self.should_print_addresses = val;

    /// Add a custom filter to the set of frame filters
    /// Filters are run in the order they are added.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust
    /// use color_backtrace::{default_output_stream, BacktracePrinter};
    /// BacktracePrinter::new()
    ///     .add_frame_filter(Box::new(|frames| {
    ///         frames.retain(|x| matches!(&, Some(n) if !n.starts_with("blabla")))
    ///     }))
    ///     .install(default_output_stream());
    /// ```
    pub fn add_frame_filter(mut self, filter: Box<FilterCallback>) -> Self {

    /// Clears all filters associated with this printer, including the default filter
    pub fn clear_frame_filters(mut self) -> Self {

/// Routines for putting the panic printer to use.
impl BacktracePrinter {
    /// Install the `color_backtrace` handler with default settings.
    /// Output streams can be created via `default_output_stream()` or
    /// using any other stream that implements
    /// [`termcolor::WriteColor`](termcolor::WriteColor).
    pub fn install(self, out: impl WriteColor + Sync + Send + 'static) {

    /// Create a `color_backtrace` panic handler from this panic printer.
    /// This can be used if you want to combine the handler with other handlers.
    pub fn into_panic_handler(
        mut self,
        out: impl WriteColor + Sync + Send + 'static,
    ) -> Box<dyn Fn(&PanicInfo<'_>) + 'static + Sync + Send> {
        self.is_panic_handler = true;
        let out_stream_mutex = Mutex::new(out);
        Box::new(move |pi| {
            let mut lock = out_stream_mutex.lock().unwrap();
            if let Err(e) = self.print_panic_info(pi, &mut *lock) {
                // Panicking while handling a panic would send us into a deadlock,
                // so we just print the error to stderr instead.
                eprintln!("Error while printing panic: {:?}", e);

    /// Pretty-prints a [`backtrace::Backtrace`](backtrace::Backtrace) to an output stream.
    pub fn print_trace(&self, trace: &backtrace::Backtrace, out: &mut impl WriteColor) -> IOResult {
        writeln!(out, "{:━^80}", " BACKTRACE ")?;

        // Collect frame info.
        let frames: Vec<_> = trace
            .flat_map(|frame| frame.symbols().iter().map(move |sym| (frame.ip(), sym)))
            .map(|((ip, sym), n)| Frame {
                name:|x| x.to_string()),
                lineno: sym.lineno(),
                filename: sym.filename().map(|x| x.into()),
                ip: ip as usize,
                _private_ctor: (),

        let mut filtered_frames = frames.iter().collect();
        match env::var("COLORBT_SHOW_HIDDEN").ok().as_deref() {
            Some("1") | Some("on") | Some("y") => (),
            _ => {
                for filter in &self.filters {
                    filter(&mut filtered_frames);

        if filtered_frames.is_empty() {
            // TODO: Would probably look better centered.
            return writeln!(out, "<empty backtrace>");

        // Don't let filters mess with the order.
        filtered_frames.sort_by_key(|x| x.n);

        macro_rules! print_hidden {
            ($n:expr) => {
                let n = $n;
                let text = format!(
                    "{decorator} {n} frame{plural} hidden {decorator}",
                    n = n,
                    plural = if n == 1 { "" } else { "s" },
                    decorator = "",
                writeln!(out, "{:^80}", text)?;

        let mut last_n = 0;
        for frame in &filtered_frames {
            let frame_delta = frame.n - last_n - 1;
            if frame_delta != 0 {
            frame.print(frame.n, out, self)?;
            last_n = frame.n;

        let last_filtered_n = filtered_frames.last().unwrap().n;
        let last_unfiltered_n = frames.last().unwrap().n;
        if last_filtered_n < last_unfiltered_n {
            print_hidden!(last_unfiltered_n - last_filtered_n);


    /// Pretty-print a backtrace to a `String`, using VT100 color codes.
    pub fn format_trace_to_string(&self, trace: &backtrace::Backtrace) -> IOResult<String> {
        // TODO: should we implicitly enable VT100 support on Windows here?
        let mut ansi = Ansi::new(vec![]);
        self.print_trace(trace, &mut ansi)?;

    /// Pretty-prints a [`PanicInfo`](PanicInfo) struct to an output stream.
    pub fn print_panic_info(&self, pi: &PanicInfo, out: &mut impl WriteColor) -> IOResult {
        writeln!(out, "{}", self.message)?;

        // Print panic message.
        let payload = pi
            .or_else(|| pi.payload().downcast_ref::<&str>().cloned())
            .unwrap_or("<non string panic payload>");

        write!(out, "Message:  ")?;
        writeln!(out, "{}", payload)?;

        // If known, print panic location.
        write!(out, "Location: ")?;
        if let Some(loc) = pi.location() {
            write!(out, "{}", loc.file())?;
            write!(out, ":")?;
            writeln!(out, "{}", loc.line())?;
        } else {
            writeln!(out, "<unknown>")?;

        // Print some info on how to increase verbosity.
        if self.current_verbosity() == Verbosity::Minimal {
            write!(out, "\nBacktrace omitted.\n\nRun with ")?;
            write!(out, "RUST_BACKTRACE=1")?;
            writeln!(out, " environment variable to display it.")?;
        } else {
            // This text only makes sense if frames are displayed.
            write!(out, "\nRun with ")?;
            write!(out, "COLORBT_SHOW_HIDDEN=1")?;
            writeln!(out, " environment variable to disable frame filtering.")?;
        if self.current_verbosity() <= Verbosity::Medium {
            write!(out, "Run with ")?;
            write!(out, "RUST_BACKTRACE=full")?;
            writeln!(out, " to include source snippets.")?;

        if self.current_verbosity() >= Verbosity::Medium {
            self.print_trace(&backtrace::Backtrace::new(), out)?;


    fn current_verbosity(&self) -> Verbosity {
        if self.is_panic_handler {
        } else {

    fn should_print_addresses(&self) -> bool {

// ============================================================================================== //
// [Deprecated routines for backward compat]                                                      //
// ============================================================================================== //

#[deprecated(since = "0.4.0", note = "Use `BacktracePrinter::print_trace` instead`")]
pub fn print_backtrace(trace: &backtrace::Backtrace, s: &mut BacktracePrinter) -> IOResult {
    s.print_trace(trace, &mut default_output_stream())

    since = "0.4.0",
    note = "Use `BacktracePrinter::print_panic_info` instead`"
pub fn print_panic_info(pi: &PanicInfo, s: &mut BacktracePrinter) -> IOResult {
    s.print_panic_info(pi, &mut default_output_stream())

// ============================================================================================== //