colo 0.3.1

CLI tool to show and convert colors between various color spaces
colo-0.3.1 is not a library.


Command-line tool for displaying colors, written in Rust


The changelog can be found here.

Note that colo is very young and evolving rapidly. There will likely be big changes in the next releases.


How to use colo is explained on the website.

Here is the list of supported color spaces.


How to install colo is explained on the releases page.

Build from source

If you want to build colo from source, make sure you have the Rust toolchain (including Cargo) installed. Then clone this repository and run

cargo install --path .

Or, if you don't want to clone the repository, you can run

cargo install --git

This builds the code from the main branch. You can specify a different branch with --branch or a tag with --tag.

Code of Conduct

Since this program is written in Rust, the Rust code of conduct applies. Please be friendly and treat everyone with respect.


I appreciate your help! The easiest way to help is to file bug reports or suggest new features in the issue tracker.

If you want to create a pull request, make sure the following requirements are met:

  • The code is documented
  • If you add a dependency that includes unsafe code, please explain why it is required
  • Please try to keep compile times small, if feasible

Also, to pass continuous integration, the code must

  • be properly formatted with cargo fmt
  • pass cargo clippy
  • compile on the latest stable Rust version
  • all tests must succeed

You can also look in the issue tracker for issues with the label help wanted.

To contribute to the website, send a PR to the gh-pages branch.

That's it! If you have any questions, feel free to create an issue.