collision 0.10.1

A collision extension to cgmath
// Copyright 2013-2014 The CGMath Developers. For a full listing of the authors,
// refer to the Cargo.toml file at the top-level directory of this distribution.
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//! Axis-aligned bounding boxes
//! An AABB is a geometric object which encompasses a set of points and is not
//! rotated. It is either a rectangle or a rectangular prism (depending on the
//! dimension) where the slope of every line is either 0 or undefined. These
//! are useful for very cheap collision detection.

use std::fmt;

use cgmath::{EuclideanSpace, Point2, Point3};
use cgmath::{VectorSpace, Array, Vector2, Vector3};
use cgmath::{BaseNum, BaseFloat, ElementWise};

use {Ray2, Ray3, Plane};
use bound::{Bound, Relation};
use intersect::Intersect;

pub trait MinMax {
    fn min(a: Self, b: Self) -> Self;
    fn max(a: Self, b: Self) -> Self;

impl<S> MinMax for Point2<S>
    where S: BaseNum
    fn min(a: Point2<S>, b: Point2<S>) -> Point2<S> {
        Point2::new(a.x.partial_min(b.x), a.y.partial_min(b.y))

    fn max(a: Point2<S>, b: Point2<S>) -> Point2<S> {
        Point2::new(a.x.partial_max(b.x), a.y.partial_max(b.y))

impl<S> MinMax for Point3<S>
    where S: BaseNum
    fn min(a: Point3<S>, b: Point3<S>) -> Point3<S> {

    fn max(a: Point3<S>, b: Point3<S>) -> Point3<S> {

pub trait Aabb<S: BaseNum,
               V: VectorSpace<Scalar = S> + ElementWise + Array<Element = S>,
               P: EuclideanSpace<Scalar = S, Diff = V>>: Sized {
    /// Create a new AABB using two points as opposing corners.
    fn new(p1: P, p2: P) -> Self;

    /// Return a shared reference to the point nearest to (-inf, -inf).
    fn min(&self) -> P;

    /// Return a shared reference to the point nearest to (inf, inf).
    fn max(&self) -> P;

    /// Return the dimensions of this AABB.
    fn dim(&self) -> V {
        self.max() - self.min()

    /// Return the volume this AABB encloses.
    fn volume(&self) -> S {

    /// Return the center point of this AABB.
    fn center(&self) -> P {
        let two = S::one() + S::one();
        self.min() + self.dim() / two

    /// Tests whether a point is cointained in the box, inclusive for min corner
    /// and exclusive for the max corner.
    fn contains(&self, p: P) -> bool;

    /// Returns a new AABB that is grown to include the given point.
    fn grow(&self, p: P) -> Self
        where P: MinMax
        Aabb::new(MinMax::min(self.min(), p), MinMax::max(self.max(), p))

    /// Add a vector to every point in the AABB, returning a new AABB.
    fn add_v(&self, v: V) -> Self {
        Aabb::new(self.min() + v, self.max() + v)

    /// Multiply every point in the AABB by a scalar, returning a new AABB.
    fn mul_s(&self, s: S) -> Self {
        Aabb::new(self.min() * s, self.max() * s)

    /// Multiply every point in the AABB by a vector, returning a new AABB.
    fn mul_v(&self, v: V) -> Self {
        let min = P::from_vec(self.min().to_vec().mul_element_wise(v));
        let max = P::from_vec(self.max().to_vec().mul_element_wise(v));
        Aabb::new(min, max)

/// A two-dimensional AABB, aka a rectangle.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "eders", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Aabb2<S> {
    pub min: Point2<S>,
    pub max: Point2<S>,

impl<S: BaseNum> Aabb2<S> {
    /// Construct a new axis-aligned bounding box from two points.
    pub fn new(p1: Point2<S>, p2: Point2<S>) -> Aabb2<S> {
        Aabb2 {
            min: Point2::new(p1.x.partial_min(p2.x), p1.y.partial_min(p2.y)),
            max: Point2::new(p1.x.partial_max(p2.x), p1.y.partial_max(p2.y)),

    /// Compute corners.
    pub fn to_corners(&self) -> [Point2<S>; 4] {
         Point2::new(self.max.x, self.min.y),
         Point2::new(self.min.x, self.max.y),

impl<S: BaseNum> Aabb<S, Vector2<S>, Point2<S>> for Aabb2<S> {
    fn new(p1: Point2<S>, p2: Point2<S>) -> Aabb2<S> {
        Aabb2::new(p1, p2)

    fn min(&self) -> Point2<S> {

    fn max(&self) -> Point2<S> {

    fn contains(&self, p: Point2<S>) -> bool {
        let v_min = p - self.min();
        let v_max = self.max() - p;
        v_min.x >= S::zero() && v_min.y >= S::zero() && v_max.x > S::zero() && v_max.y > S::zero()

impl<S: BaseNum> fmt::Debug for Aabb2<S> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "[{:?} - {:?}]", self.min, self.max)

/// A three-dimensional AABB, aka a rectangular prism.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "eders", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Aabb3<S> {
    pub min: Point3<S>,
    pub max: Point3<S>,

impl<S: BaseNum> Aabb3<S> {
    /// Construct a new axis-aligned bounding box from two points.
    pub fn new(p1: Point3<S>, p2: Point3<S>) -> Aabb3<S> {
        Aabb3 {
            min: Point3::new(p1.x.partial_min(p2.x),
            max: Point3::new(p1.x.partial_max(p2.x),

    /// Compute corners.
    pub fn to_corners(&self) -> [Point3<S>; 8] {
         Point3::new(self.max.x, self.min.y, self.min.z),
         Point3::new(self.min.x, self.max.y, self.min.z),
         Point3::new(self.max.x, self.max.y, self.min.z),
         Point3::new(self.min.x, self.min.y, self.max.z),
         Point3::new(self.max.x, self.min.y, self.max.z),
         Point3::new(self.min.x, self.max.y, self.max.z),

impl<S: BaseNum> Aabb<S, Vector3<S>, Point3<S>> for Aabb3<S> {
    fn new(p1: Point3<S>, p2: Point3<S>) -> Aabb3<S> {
        Aabb3::new(p1, p2)

    fn min(&self) -> Point3<S> {

    fn max(&self) -> Point3<S> {

    fn contains(&self, p: Point3<S>) -> bool {
        let v_min = p - self.min();
        let v_max = self.max() - p;
        v_min.x >= S::zero() && v_min.y >= S::zero() && v_min.z >= S::zero() &&
        v_max.x > S::zero() && v_max.y > S::zero() && v_max.z > S::zero()

impl<S: BaseNum> fmt::Debug for Aabb3<S> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "[{:?} - {:?}]", self.min, self.max)

impl<S: BaseFloat> Intersect<Option<Point2<S>>> for (Ray2<S>, Aabb2<S>) {
    fn intersection(&self) -> Option<Point2<S>> {
        let (ref ray, ref aabb) = *self;

        let mut tmin = S::neg_infinity();
        let mut tmax = S::infinity();

        if ray.direction.x != S::zero() {
            let tx1 = (aabb.min.x - ray.origin.x) / ray.direction.x;
            let tx2 = (aabb.max.x - ray.origin.x) / ray.direction.x;
            tmin = tmin.max(tx1.min(tx2));
            tmax = tmax.min(tx1.max(tx2));

        if ray.direction.y != S::zero() {
            let ty1 = (aabb.min.y - ray.origin.y) / ray.direction.y;
            let ty2 = (aabb.max.y - ray.origin.y) / ray.direction.y;
            tmin = tmin.max(ty1.min(ty2));
            tmax = tmax.min(ty1.max(ty2));

        if tmin < S::zero() && tmax < S::zero() {
        } else if tmax >= tmin {
            if tmin >= S::zero() {
                Some(Point2::new(ray.origin.x + ray.direction.x * tmin,
                                 ray.origin.y + ray.direction.y * tmin))
            } else {
                Some(Point2::new(ray.origin.x + ray.direction.x * tmax,
                                 ray.origin.y + ray.direction.y * tmax))
        } else {

impl<S: BaseFloat> Intersect<Option<Point3<S>>> for (Ray3<S>, Aabb3<S>) {
    fn intersection(&self) -> Option<Point3<S>> {
        let (ref ray, ref aabb) = *self;

        let inv_dir = Vector3::new(S::one(), S::one(), S::one()).div_element_wise(ray.direction);

        let mut t1 = (aabb.min.x - ray.origin.x) * inv_dir.x;
        let mut t2 = (aabb.max.x - ray.origin.x) * inv_dir.x;

        let mut tmin = t1.min(t2);
        let mut tmax = t1.max(t2);

        for i in 1..3 {
            t1 = (aabb.min[i] - ray.origin[i]) * inv_dir[i];
            t2 = (aabb.max[i] - ray.origin[i]) * inv_dir[i];

            tmin = tmin.max(t1.min(t2));
            tmax = tmax.min(t1.max(t2));

        if tmin < S::zero() && tmax < S::zero() {
        } else if tmax >= tmin {
            if tmin >= S::zero() {
                Some(Point3::new(ray.origin.x + ray.direction.x * tmin,
                                 ray.origin.y + ray.direction.y * tmin,
                                 ray.origin.z + ray.direction.z * tmin))
            } else {
                Some(Point3::new(ray.origin.x + ray.direction.x * tmax,
                                 ray.origin.y + ray.direction.y * tmax,
                                 ray.origin.z + ray.direction.z * tmax))
        } else {

impl<S: BaseFloat + 'static> Bound<S> for Aabb3<S> {
    fn relate_plane(self, plane: Plane<S>) -> Relation {
        let corners = self.to_corners();
        let first = corners[0].relate_plane(plane);
        for p in corners[1..].iter() {
            if p.relate_plane(plane) != first {
                return Relation::Cross;