Crate collectd_plugin

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Collectd is a ubiquitous system statistics collection daemon. collectd_plugin leverages Collectd’s ability to dynamically load plugins and creates an ergonomic, yet extremely low cost abstraction API to interface with Collectd.


  • No unnecessary allocations when submitting / receiving values, logging
  • Register multiple plugin instances
  • Automatic deserialization of plugin configs via Serde (can opt-out)
  • Deployment: compile against collectd version and scp to server
  • Referenced Rust libraries are statically linked
  • Help writing thread safe plugins thanks to the Rust compiler


Add to your Cargo.toml:

collectd-plugin = "0.15.0"

Rust 1.33 or later is needed to build.

Works with any collectd version 5.4+, but all users will need to specify the collectd api version they want to target via the COLLECTD_VERSION environment variable (or rely on $(collectd -h) or COLLECTD_PATH variable).

5.4[5.4, 5.5)
5.5[5.5, 5.7)


Below is a complete plugin that dummy reports load values to collectd, as it registers a READ hook. For an implementation that reimplements Collectd’s own load plugin, see plugins/load

use collectd_plugin::{
    ConfigItem, Plugin, PluginCapabilities, PluginManager, PluginRegistration, Value,
    ValueListBuilder, collectd_plugin
use std::error;

struct MyPlugin;

// A manager decides the name of the family of plugins and also registers one or more plugins based
// on collectd's configuration files
impl PluginManager for MyPlugin {
    // A plugin needs a unique name to be referenced by collectd
    fn name() -> &'static str {

    // Our plugin might have configuration section in collectd.conf, which will be passed here if
    // present. Our contrived plugin doesn't care about configuration so it returns only a single
    // plugin (itself).
    fn plugins(_config: Option<&[ConfigItem]>) -> Result<PluginRegistration, Box<error::Error>> {

impl Plugin for MyPlugin {
    // We define that our plugin will only be reporting / submitting values to writers
    fn capabilities(&self) -> PluginCapabilities {

    fn read_values(&self) -> Result<(), Box<error::Error>> {
        // Create a list of values to submit to collectd. We'll be sending in a vector representing the
        // "load" type. Short-term load is first (15.0) followed by mid-term and long-term. The number
        // of values that you submit at a time depends on types.db in collectd configurations
        let values = vec![Value::Gauge(15.0), Value::Gauge(10.0), Value::Gauge(12.0)];

        // Submit our values to collectd. A plugin can submit any number of times.
        ValueListBuilder::new(Self::name(), "load")


// We pass in our plugin manager type


  • Module used exclusively to setup the collectd_plugin! macro. No public functions from here should be used.


  • A simple wrapper around the collectd’s plugin_log, which in turn wraps vsnprintf.
  • Sets up all the ffi entry points that collectd expects when given a PluginManager.


  • Errors that occur when retrieving rates
  • CdTime allows for ergonomic interop between collectd’s cdtime_t and chrono’s Duration and DateTime. The single field represents epoch nanoseconds.
  • Bridges the gap between collectd and rust logging. Terminology and filters methods found here are from env_logger.
  • Parsed key, values, children objects from the Collectd config.
  • Bitflags of capabilities that a plugin advertises to collectd.
  • Bitflags of capabilities that a plugin manager advertises to collectd
  • Contains values and metadata that collectd has collected from plugins
  • Creates a value list to report values to collectd.
  • Name and value of a reported metric


  • Error that occurred while translating the collectd config to rust structures.
  • A parsed value from the Collectd config
  • The available levels that collectd exposes to log messages.
  • The value of a metadata entry associated with a ValueList. Metadata can be added using ValueListBuilder::metadata method.
  • How many instances of the plugin will be registered
  • Error that occurred while receiving values from collectd to write
  • Errors that occur when submitting values to collectd
  • The value that a plugin reports can be any one of the following types


  • An individual plugin that is capable of reporting values to collectd, receiving values from other plugins, or logging messages. A plugin must implement Sync + Send as collectd could be sending values to be written or logged concurrently. The Rust compiler will ensure that everything not thread safe is wrapped in a Mutex (or another compatible datastructure)
  • Defines the entry point for a collectd plugin. Based on collectd’s configuration, a PluginManager will register any number of plugins (or return an error)


  • Sends message and log level to collectd. This bypasses any configuration setup via CollectdLoggerBuilder, so collectd configuration soley determines if a level is logged and where it is delivered. Messages that are too long are truncated (1024 was the max length as of collectd-5.7).