collectables 2.0.0

Collections for HashMapToSet and BTreeMapToSet as trait extensions. By
Documentation collections for b-trees and hashes

This crate provides two general-purpose collections helpers:

  • BTreeMapToSet<K, V> is based on BTreeMap<K, BTreeSet>

  • HashMapToSet<K, V> is based on HashMap<K, HashSet>

This crate provides two specific-purpose collections helpers:

  • BTreeMapOfFileLenToSetOfPathBuf is based on BTreeMap<u64, BTreeSet>

  • HashMapOfFileLenToSetOfPathBuf is based on HashMap<u64, HashSet>

The helpers are implemented as trait extensions i.e. the helpers add functions to existing Rust std::collections code.


Contact: Joel Parker Henderson

License: GPL-2.0 or Apache-2.0 or MIT