Crate coldsnap

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A library that uses the Amazon EBS direct APIs to work with snapshots.


Downloading a snapshot into a disk image:

use coldsnap::SnapshotDownloader;
use aws_sdk_ebs::Client as EbsClient;
use std::path::Path;

let client = EbsClient::new(&aws_config::from_env().region("us-west-2").load().await);
let downloader = SnapshotDownloader::new(client);
let path = Path::new("./disk.img");

downloader.download_to_file("snap-1234", &path, None)
    .expect("failed to download snapshot");

Uploading a disk image into a snapshot:

use coldsnap::SnapshotUploader;
use aws_sdk_ebs::Client as EbsClient;
use std::path::Path;

let client = EbsClient::new(&aws_config::from_env().region("us-west-2").load().await);
let uploader = SnapshotUploader::new(client);
let path = Path::new("./disk.img");

let snapshot_id = uploader.upload_from_file(&path, None, None, None)
        .expect("failed to upload snapshot");

Waiting for a snapshot to be completed:

use coldsnap::SnapshotWaiter;
use aws_sdk_ec2::Client as Ec2Client;

let client = Ec2Client::new(&aws_config::from_env().region("us-west-2").load().await);
let waiter = SnapshotWaiter::new(client);

        .expect("failed to wait for snapshot");
