cok 0.1.11

A simple to use, efficient, Command Line Argument Parser

A simple to use, efficient, Command Line Argument Parser Rust license


create cli.json

    "authors":["andrew <>","ryan <>"],
    "description":"Rust's package manager",
            "description":"Print version info and exit"
            "description":"Run without accessing the network"
            "description":"Compile the current package"
            "description":"Analyze the current package and report errors, but don't build object files"
            "description":"Remove the target directory"
            "description":"Create a new cargo package"
            "description":"Add dependencies to a manifest file"
cargo add cok

fn main() {
    use cok::cli::Cli;
    let json = include_str!("../cli.json");
    let args = Cli::new()

a simple cli

cargo 1.0.0
andrew <>,ryan <>
Rust's package manager

Usage: cargo [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

cargo   build, b        Compile the current package
cargo   check, c        Analyze the current package and report errors, but don't build object files
cargo   clean           Remove the target directory
cargo   new             Create a new cargo package
cargo   add             Add dependencies to a manifest file

cargo   build, b        Compile the current package
cargo   check, c        Analyze the current package and report errors, but don't build object files
cargo   clean           Remove the target directory
cargo   new             Create a new cargo package
cargo   add             Add dependencies to a manifest file
cargo   -h --help       Prints help information