coitrees 0.2.0

A very fast data structure for overlap queries on sets of intervals.

COITrees: Cache Oblivious Interval Trees

COITrees implements a data structure for very fast overlap queries of a static set of integer intervals, with genomic intervals in mind.

Borrowing from cgranges, this data structure stores intervals in contiguous memory, but improves query performance by storing the nodes in in-order van Emde Boas layout layout. Computing the layout requires to some extra time and memory, but improves average cache locality for queries of the tree. In the interval set is relatively large, and a sufficiently large number of queries are performed, it tends to out-perform other data structures.

It does this by storing the tree in in-order van Emde Boas layout. That adds some overhead in computing the layout and storing child pointers, but makes searching through large trees significantly faster. Additionally, overhead is reduced by storing small bottom subtrees in sorted order and searching through them linearly.

The SortedQuerent type implements a alternative query strategy that keeps track of the results of the previous query. When a query overlaps the previous one, the results from that previous query can be reused to dramatically accelerate the current one. (In the benchmarks, this is the --sorted option.)

Trying Out

This is primary a library for use in other programs, but for benchmarking purposes it includes a program for intersecting BED files.

To try out, just clone this repo and run:

cargo run --release --example bed-intersect -- test1.bed test2.bed > intersections.bed


A is 2,755,864 intervals from Ensembl's human genome annotations, B is 62,159,484 intervals from some RNA-Seq alignments, and B' is the first 2 million lines of B.

Intervals in sorted order

A vs B B vs A A vs A B' vs B'
coitrees (--sorted) 12.3s 10.4s 1.1s 1.0s
coitrees 22.6s 9.2s 1.5s 16.3s
cgranges (bedcov-cr -c) 65.0s 11.8s 3.8s 30.3s
AIList 25.0s 15.0s 1.9s 30.1s
CITree 35.0s 26.2s 2.7s 83.4s
NCList 41.8s 29.2s 3.5s 56.2s
AITree 53.2s 44.6s 3.9s 180.4s
bedtools coverage -counts -sorted 868.3s 371.9s 315.9s 4865.8s
bedtools coverage -counts 977.0s 626.2s 329.4s 4690.8s

With coverage

A vs B B vs A A vs A B' vs B'
coitrees 28.4s 10.3s 1.9s 26.3s
cgranges 69.2s 14.1s 4.0s 54.0s
CITree 43.9s 46.7s 3.7s 272.8s

Intervals in randomized order

A vs B B vs A A vs A B' vs B'
coitrees 49.5s 15.5s 3.7s 23.8s
cgranges (bedcov-cr -c) 102.0s 19.8s 6.2s 36.7s
AIList 60.0s 31.3s 4.4s 32.6s
CITree 76.3s 35.0s 5.3s 80.3s
NCList 75.2s 40.8s 6.0s 62.6s
AITree 332.8s 253.2s 23.0s 1463.4s
bedtools coverage -counts 2040.1s 1721.7s 379.9s 11098.0s

With coverage

A vs B B vs A A vs A B' vs B'
coitrees 62.4s 17.1s 4.4s 34.0s
cgranges 109.1s 22.4s 6.6s 62.8s
CITree 92.6s 56.5s 6.6s 280.0s


These benchmarks are somewhat realistic in that they use real data, but are not entirely apples-to-apples because they all involve parsing and writing BED files. Most of the programs (including the one implemented in coitrees) have incomplete BED parsers, and some use other shortcuts like assuming a fixed set of chromosomes with specific naming schemes.

bedtools carries the disadvatage of being an actually useful tool, rather than implemented entirely for winning benchmark games. It seems clear it could be a lot faster, but there no doubt some cost that can be chalked up to featurfulness, completeness, and saftey.

If you have a BED intersection program you suspect may be faster (or just interesting), please let me know and I'll try to benchmark it.