coinnect 0.5.9

A Rust library to connect to various crypto-currencies exchanges.
// This example shows how to implement a simple trading strategy.
// We are looking for the pair with the highest rise in price over the last 24 hours and we
// add a buy order to buy it.

// Please do NOT run this example with your real account unless you know what you're doing.

extern crate coinnect;

use std::path::PathBuf;

use coinnect::kraken::{KrakenApi, KrakenCreds};
use std::error::Error;

fn main() {
    // We create a KrakenApi by loading a json file containing API configuration
    // (see documentation for more info)
    let path = PathBuf::from("keys_real.json");
    let my_creds = KrakenCreds::new_from_file("account_kraken", path).unwrap();
    let mut my_api = KrakenApi::new(my_creds).unwrap();

    // First, get the list of all pair we can trade with EUR€ as quote
    // You could use a simple unwrap() or use match to recover from an error for example
    let pairs_request = match my_api.get_tradable_asset_pairs("", "") {
        Ok(pairs_request) => pairs_request,
        Err(err) => panic!("Error : {:?}, description : {}", err, err.description()),
    let list_all_pairs = pairs_request.get("result").unwrap().as_object().unwrap();

    let mut list_pairs_eur = Vec::new();

    for pair in list_all_pairs {
        // The map structure is explained in documentation
        let quote = pair.1
        if quote == "ZEUR" {
            let name = pair.0;

    println!("List {:?}", list_pairs_eur);

    // Now that we have the pairs, we choose the one with the highest price variation.
    // We query the ticker to get the opening and closing price over the last 24 hours for each
    // pairs in list_pairs_eur. KrakenApi has a blocking timer which prevents from ban if you
    // make rapid succession of requests (inside a for loop for example). Here, the ticker function
    // can take a list of pairs as parameter, so 1 request should suffice.

    // Convert Vec into comma separated values String
    let eur_pairs = format!("{:?}", list_pairs_eur);
    let eur_pairs = eur_pairs
        .replace("\"", "")
        .replace("[", "")
        .replace("]", "")
        .replace(" ", "");

    // Get ticker
    let ticker_request = my_api.get_ticker_information(&eur_pairs).unwrap();
    let list_ticker = ticker_request.get("result").unwrap().as_object().unwrap();

    let mut pair_to_buy = "";
    let mut pair_price_var = 0.0;
    let mut current_price = 0.0;

    for pair in list_ticker {
        let name = pair.0;

        // WARNING: Kraken uses quotes to encapsulate floating value
        let pair_info = pair.1.as_object().unwrap();
        let open_price = pair_info
        let close_price_array = pair_info.get("c").unwrap().as_array().unwrap();
        let close_price = close_price_array[0]

        let price_var = (close_price / open_price - 1.0) * 100.0;

        if price_var > pair_price_var {
            pair_price_var = price_var;
            pair_to_buy = name;
            current_price = close_price;

    println!("{} has the highest price variation ({:.2}%).",

    // Add a buy limit order for an amount of 100€ for a price of: current_price - 2%
    let buying_price = current_price - (current_price * 2.0 / 100.0);
    let volume = 100.0 / buying_price;

    // Specify optional parameters with an empty str ("")
    // See documentation for more informations
    let _ = my_api.add_standard_order(pair_to_buy, // name of the pair
                                      "buy", // type : buy/sell
                                      "limit", // order type : market/limit/...
                                      &buying_price.to_string(), // price 1
                                      "", // price 2
                                      &volume.to_string(), // volume
                                      "", // leverage
                                      "", // oflags (see doc)
                                      "", // starttm
                                      "", // expiretm
                                      "", // userref
                                      ""); // validate
    // In a real case example, you should check if any error occurs.