coinaddress 1.1.0

Library for validating the base58 hash checksums, including specifically the bitcoin and litecoin addresses. failed to build coinaddress-1.1.0
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Visit the last successful build: coinaddress-1.1.3


Master: Master Build Status

Rust library for bitcoin / litecoin / generic base58 addresses checksum validation. The actual check is validating the trailing checksum against the pubkey hash. All addresses using the bitcoin format can be verified.

To validate bitcoin/litecoin address, check that:

validate_btc_address("1theaddress") == Ok(0)  // (or 5, or 111 for testnet)
validate_ltc_address("Ltheaddress") == Ok(48)

Any other address may be checked using:

validate_base58_hash("...") == Ok(...)

The value returned in Ok(...) is the address version/type.

To use the package add it to cargo dependencies:

coinaddress = "1.*"