cogo-redis 0.1.0

Rust Redis Client for cogo Coroutine

use super::{Command, CommandError};
use crate::codec_redis::{Request, Response};

/// SELECT redis command
/// Select the Redis logical database having the specified zero-based
/// numeric index.
/// ```rust
/// use ntex_redis::{cmd, RedisConnector};
/// #[ntex::main]
/// async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
///     let redis = RedisConnector::new("").connect().await?;
///     // select db for current connection
///     let success = redis.exec(cmd::Select(1)).await?;
///     assert!(success);
///     Ok(())
/// }
/// ```
pub fn Select(db: u32) -> SelectCommand {
        Request::BulkInteger(db as i64),

pub struct SelectCommand(Request);

impl Command for SelectCommand {
    type Output = bool;

    fn to_request(self) -> Request {

    fn to_output(val: Response) -> Result<Self::Output, CommandError> {
        match val {
            Response::String(val) => Ok(val == "OK"),
            _ => Ok(false),

/// PING redis command
/// This command is often used to test if a connection is still alive,
/// or to measure latency.
/// ```rust
/// use ntex_redis::{cmd, RedisConnector};
/// #[ntex::main]
/// async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
///     let redis = RedisConnector::new("").connect().await?;
///     // ping connection
///     let response = redis.exec(cmd::Ping()).await?;
///     assert_eq!(&response, "PONG");
///     Ok(())
/// }
/// ```
pub fn Ping() -> PingCommand {

pub struct PingCommand(Request);

impl Command for PingCommand {
    type Output = String;

    fn to_request(self) -> Request {

    fn to_output(val: Response) -> Result<Self::Output, CommandError> {
        match val {
            Response::String(val) => Ok(val.to_string()),
            Response::Error(val) => Err(CommandError::Error(val)),
            _ => Err(CommandError::Output("Unknown response", val)),